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Results 17251-17300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
I have read over and over again your letter of the 13th. I regret extreamly another blunder, of...
I return you all the papers inclosed in yours of the 13th, & I pray you to acquaint Ebenezer...
I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your letters, bearing date the 23d. and 30th. of...
Last night I received the inclosed from Mr. Will. Moubray, resigning the office of collector of...
I recd last night your favour of the 18th. Judge Cushing called here yesterday in his Way to...
I return you Mr. Murrays letters of May 28. June 13 & 22d, July 13 & 15 & the parts of newspapers...
I do myself the honor to enclose a Letter to Mr. JTK Cox, covering his Commission as a Lieutenant...
As the distance from Lebanon (where I now live) to Quincy, Has prevented me from well waiting on...
The subject of the proposed mission to France is so important, that whether it proceed or be...
On information that a military Hospital was to be established at Newport I have represented to...
I have recd your favour of this morning; and in Answer inform you that I have not recd an Answer...
I return you Mr. Reads letter & the note inclosed in your favor of the 19th From a long intimacy...
I return signed the commission to be filled with the name of Robert Pringle as recommended by you...
I am this moment honored with your letter of the 22d.—and must apologize for my mistake...
If an answer to the letter, which Your Excellency proposed to write to Mr Pickering on my...
With a sense the most respectful, I presume to intrude the documents enclosed on the President’s...
Monies recd. by the President of the U. S. from Benjn. Lincoln Collector at Boston. 1799 April...
Since you passed on, I have concluded to meet Governor Davie at Trenton, which he probably will...
Hoping it will not be deemed improper in me to give my opinion before it is asked relative to the...
I humbley Beg Leave to Leay Before your Excellence my faithfull Services in the Brittish...
As the Enclosed Pamphlet was Written Chiefly with a Design to be lodged in the Hands of the...
I request you to order fair copies of the instructions, as corrected last evening, to be prepared...
I request you to transmit immediate orders to Captain Barry to receive on board his frigate and...
As a few Weeks only intervene between Us and the Meeting of Congress I request the favour of you...
As the Session of Congress draws nigh, I pray you to favour me with your sentiments concerning...
I beg the favor of your ideas of the information and recommendations necessary or proper to be...
I beg leave to solicit your Sentiments on the Communication of Information or Recommendations...
My Brother Robert Smith has requested me to mention him as desirous of filling the Post made...
By a letter received from The Secretary of War to me dated the 14 Instt. he observes that “The...
I beg pardon for postponeing to this time an answer to your favor of the 30th. Sept. I have run...
I have frequently warned Americans against reposing any confidence in the friendship of any...
I have the honor to enclose the Proceedings of two General Courts Martial, in the case of Robert...
The Secretary of State presents to the President the inclosed letters received last evening from...
I do myself the honor to enclose my Ideas on a few of the points proper to be noticed in the...
I have received your favor of the 15th with the agreeable present of your “occasional reflections...
As Secretary of the Department of War, a great constituent branch of the Government of the United...
Mr John Lasher, the Surveyor of this District, has intimated an intention to resign that Office...
I request the favor of your sentiments, concerning the communications, which ought to be made to...
This certifies that Ebenezer Coddington Thayer of Braintree sustains an unblemished reputation....
In compliance with the requisition of the President of the United States, of the 18th of October...
At a treaty held at Fort Stanwix, in the month of November 1768, the Six Nations pretending to...
I have the honor to enclose you my sentiments upon two of the topicks mentioned in your letter of...
I have the honor to enclose the Proceedings of two General Courts Martial, one held at Detroit,...
On the mission to France – To be independent of all nations and at peace with all has been the...
Mr. Armstrong wishes to insinuate to the President of the United States his wish to know whether...
I have the Honour to enclose a Letter from Mr. Harper recommending Mr. Cook to be the District...
I am this moment favored with yours of this date, & thank you for the information it contains. It...
I hope your Excellency will excuse the liberty I take in mentioning to you Mr. Charles...
By the inclosed letter of July 30 from Mr. King, it seems that the King of Denmark intends to...
I received your letter of last evening; & have written to Mr. King on the subject of a Danish...