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Results 17251-17300 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your favor of the 9th inst. has been duly received. The Fleet mentioned in mine of the 6th...
Your favour of the 12th Ulto came safe to hand a few days ago; by it I gladly learnt that your...
I am to thank you for your Favour of the 4th Instt inclosing the Advices from England of 26th...
17254General Orders, 14 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
The General has seen, and approves the sentence, of the General Court Martial, held upon Lieut....
Camp on Prospect Hill 14 October 1775 . Requests discharge of Capt. William Cooke, “His Bodily...
I wrote You in July, a little before my being ordered to the Convention, congratulating You upon...
As I cannot let My Dear General remain one Moment in Anxiety I acknowledge his Letter of the 6th...
I have Reviewed the Palefaced Corps in my Brigade & find The Persons named in the Inclosed List...
Prospect Hill , 14 October 1775 . Requests GW to accept Capt. Michael Doudel’s enclosed...
17260General Orders, 15 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
One Sub., one serjt and twenty-five Rank & File from each of the four Brigades in the Lines, and...
This will aquaint you, the two Vsells that the Captains Broughton, & Selmon, are to Command, are...
I was yesterday favoured with yours of the 11th Instt wherein the Necessities of the Town of...
Letter not found: to Lund Washington, 15 Oct. 1775. On 5 Nov. Lund Washington wrote to GW : “I...
This Letter I expect will be diliver’d you by Mr Harrison who thankfully accepted your Invitation...
Presuming the nature and importance of the Subject will apologize for this Interruption. I make...
According to the Instructions recieved at Head Quarters, I went to Watertown, to Colo. Warren,...
To Cleaning a pistol 0: 2: 0 To one side pin 0: 0: 9 To two small screws to the Lock 0: 1: 0 To a...
The Committee appointed to enquire, what Powder has been Sent to the Army in the Northern...
I have been here, almost ever since I had the Pleasure of seeing you at Fairfield, and have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here last Night with two other Delegates of the...
17271General Orders, 16 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The Hon. Cont. Congress having received Intelligence that two North Country Brigantines of no...
Letter not found: from William Ramsay, 16 Oct. 1775. Between 10 and 16 Nov. GW wrote to Ramsay :...
Camp before Boston, 16 October 1775 . Recommends discharge of Nathan Howard, who “has been for a...
17275General Orders, 17 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Quarter Master General will deliver to the Major of each Brigade, or his Order, Twenty great...
According to your Excellencys Verbal orders by Collo. Bennedeck Arnold I supplyd him with A Plan...
I am much obliged to you for your friendly Letter by M r Fine—his Business will soon be...
Connecticut is bounded Westward 1. by the N. W. line of Virginia. 2. by the Proviso in the...
ADS : Library of Congress; three ADS , one incomplete: National Archives; incomplete DS :...
Minutes of a Conference of the Delegates of the Honorable Continental Congress, the Deputy...
The Letter of Dr—— is the oddest Thing imaginable. There are so many Lies in it, calculated to...
Since I closed my last, of this Morning, I have been inform’d of a most curious Motion that was...
17283General Orders, 18 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
The General Court Martial ordered to sit this day, at Roxbury, is postponed until Friday morning...
17284Council of War, 18 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
At a Council of War held at Head Quarters October 18th 1775. Present His Excelly General...
Several Clerks, and Issuing Commissaries, are necessarily Imployed undr the Commissary Genl—for...
We have the Honr to acknowledge the Receipt of Yrs of the 15th Inst. & are deeply Sensible of...
ALS : Bristol, R.I., Historical Society We hear you have had an Alarm at Philada. I hope no ill...
I thank my Friends for their kind remembrance of me last week, the Letter enclosed was dated one...
It is some Time since I wrote you, and I have nothing, now, to write but Repetitions of Respect...
The continental congress having been pleased to appoint us a committe for collecting an account...
It was the latter End of August that I left you. All September has run away, and 19 days in...
What Think you of an American Fleet? I dont mean 100 ships of the Line, by a Fleet, but I Suppose...
I want to be with you, Tete a Tete, to canvass, and discuss the complicated subject of Trade. I...
17294General Orders, 19 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
Your Letter of the Inst. was duly received. Doctr Franklin the Chairman of the Committee of...
We beg leave to acquaint you that an Express is just arrived here from Falmouth Casco bay...
Deane. Their Plunder only afforded one Meal of fresh meat for the privates. All the rest was...
I condole with you, most sincerely, for the loss of your most worthy grandmamma. I know you must...
I have suffered a great deal of Anxiety on your Account, having heard of your severe sickness....
Can The Inhabitants of North America live without foreign Trade? There is Beef and Pork, and...