Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on Personal Finance, [4 February-15 March 1805]

Notes on Personal Finance

[4 Feb.-15 Mch. 1805]

Feb. 4. in bank—1.19
Salary for Nov. 2083 .33
5. Note to be discounted (2000) 1979 .
balance ante 4062 .33
1 .19  
Note to be taken up   1500 . 1501 .19
2561 .14
paimts. Lemaire 600 .
Daugherty 207 .28
J. Barnes. [ ] + 150
Pairo 24
Dufief 36 .50
Brown & co. 416 .
Perry 200 .
Short 500 .
Jefferson 150 .
Jones & Howell 249 .33
Fernandes 152 .25
Yznardi 194 .85
Mar. 15. Jones & Howell 144 .47

Actual statement.
Feb. 5. in bank 2561.14
8. Lemaire 600
Daugherty 200
Short 500
9. Ducombe 36 .50
10. Tucker 600 .
11. Pairo 24 .
Lilly 200 .
12. Jones & Howell 249 .33
20. Smith 50.
23. cash 30 .
2489 .83
2561 .14
balance in bank 71 .31
Mar. 4. Salary for Feb. 2083 .33
note to be discd. (2000) 1979 .
4133 .64
note of Jan. to take up 1500 .
balance in bank 2633 .64
5. J. Barnes 380
7. Lemaire 600
Is. Coles. salary 150
 cash  100 250
cash. Fernandes Cary, Byrne, Reibelt  321 .615
8. cash 50 .
9. Short 500
11. cash 530 2631 .615

MS (CSmH); entirely in TJ’s hand, including bracketed blank.

Note to be discounted: TJ took loans of $2,000 at the Bank of the United States on 6 Feb. and 5 Mch. The Note to be taken up may have been one of $1,500 at the same bank on 5 Dec. 1804. TJ took another $1,500 loan at the bank on 8 Jan. (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1141, 1144-5, 1147).

Payments on 8 Feb. to Étienne Lemaire and Joseph Dougherty (Daugherty) were applied toward Lemaire’s President’s House accounts from 6 Jan. to 2 Feb. and Dougherty’s accounts for forage, smithing, and contingencies. The 7 Mch. payment to Lemaire was applied toward his President’s House accounts from 3 Feb. to 2 Mch. (same, 1145-6).

TJ received $150 from John Barnes on 25 Jan., another $30 on 6 Feb., and $200 on 2 Mch. He paid Barnes $380 for the total on 5 Mch. (same, 1144-7).

Thomas W. Pairo was a Washington dry goods merchant with a store in the Seven Buildings. TJ paid him $24 for wine on 11 Feb. (same, 1146; National Intelligencer, 9 Nov. 1804).

Brown & co.: for the complicated arrangements regarding TJ’s payment of $416 to William Brown & Co., which eventually involved a $600 draft by Treasurer of the United States Thomas Tudor Tucker on the collector at Richmond, see TJ to George Jefferson, 19 Dec. 1804, 4 Jan., 10 Feb., and 11 Feb. 1805.

TJ paid Jones & Howell $144.47 on 4 May (TJ to Jones & Howell, 4 May; MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1152).

On 20 Feb., TJ gave $50 to Alexander Smith as a donation toward erecting a Baptist church in Alexandria (same, 1146).

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