Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James Monroe, [4 September 1809]

To James Monroe

[4 Sept. 1809]

Dear Sir

Had I known before that the visit you mention was desired, I would have made it. it cannot now be done, as he sat out on his journey this morning. some opportunities of friendly attention had before occurred, during his illness, and I availed myself of them; & learning last night that ripe figs would be acceptable to him, & that he was to set out on his journey this morning, I sent a servant with a basket of figs this morning. they were putting the horses to the carriage for his journey when the servant came away. I will give you explanations on this subject too long for an extempore letter, when we meet again.

Affectionately Yours

Th: Jefferson

RC (ViU: TJP); undated; addressed: “Colo Monroe”; endorsed by Monroe: “Mr Jefferson respecting Mr Walker.” Not recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • figs; TJ sends to J. Walker search
  • food; figs search
  • Monroe, James; letters to search
  • Walker, John (1744–1809); illness of search
  • Walker, John (1744–1809); relations with TJ search