168371[Diary entry: 18 November 1771] (Washington Papers)
18. Clear and pleasant but a little Cooler.
168372[Diary entry: 24 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
24. Finishd going over my Corn in the Neck with the Hoes as also with the Plows the second time. Worked over all the Swamps (North of the Meadow) at Doeg Run with the Hoes. Jonathan Palmer who came to the House that was provided for him last Night began Working with my People this day. On this day GW debited Jonathan Palmer, his newly hired master carpenter, “2 Barrels of Herrings delivered...
168373[Fryday May 3. 1776.] (Adams Papers)
Fryday May 3. 1776. A Petition from Peter Simon was presented to Congress and read. Ordered that it be referred to a Committee of three. The Members chosen Mr. McKean, Mr. Wythe and Mr. J. Adams. The Committee to whom the Report on General Washingtons Letter of the 24. of March last was recommitted, brought in their report which was read. Ordered to lie on the Table. This committee reported on...
168374[Diary entry: 30 August 1795] (Washington Papers)
30. Fresh So. Westerly wind—warm & clear.
168375[Diary entry: 20 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
20. Smoky, and more or less Cloudy with but little Wind and pleast.
168376Sunday 28th. (Adams Papers)
6 o clock. Calm and cloudy. 9 o clock. It begins to freshen. 6 o clock P.M. A very fresh breeze. I beleive that we shall have no other sail but our fore sail sot set to night.
168377Orderly Book, 16 October 1758 (Washington Papers)
Camp at Stony Creek Octr 16. 1758 Monday G. O. Parole Winchester The Artillery is to March to Morrow under the Escort of Colo. Washingtons Detachmt & w[ha]t Remains of the 1st B. Pensilvanians, these Troops as well as the road Cutters are to take provis. for the 20th Inclusive they are to draw bread the Meat as Soon as the Bullocks arrive, the light Horse & the Detachmt that Came from Loyal...
168378[Diary entry: 3 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. Rain, with the Wind at So. West. Gd. still hard froze, except the Top of it.
168379Conversation with George Hammond, [15–28 December 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
Since this conversation with Mr. Jefferson I have had one with Mr. Hamilton upon the same subject, to whom I expressed similar sentiments, and from whom I have received a letter, of which I have the honor of inclosing a copy, as being explanatory of the actual views of this Government upon this particular point, as far as they can now be defined. Transcript, MS Division, New York Public...
168380[Diary entry: 28 January 1760] (Washington Papers)
Monday Jany. 28th. The River close again & the ground very Knobby & hard. The wind got So. about and blew fresh which allmost cleard the River of Ice. Visited my Plantation. Severely reprimanded young Stephens for his Indolence, & his father for suffering of it. Found the new Negroe Cupid ill of a pleurisy at Dogue Run Quarter & had him brot. home in a Cart for better care of him. In 1760...