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Results 168371-168380 of 184,431 sorted by author
168371[Diary entry: 6 May 1790] (Washington Papers)
Thursday 6th. Exercised on horseback in the forenoon. The following, out of several others who were invited, but prevented by sickness, dined here—viz.—Mr. Wingate, Mr. Maclay, Mr. Walker (of the Senate) and Messrs. Gilman, Aimes, Genl. Muhlenburg, Wynkoop, Page and Lady, Smith So. Carolina & Lady, and Mr. White & his Lady of the House of Representatives. William Maclay noted in his diary that...
168372[Diary entry: 14 January 1775] (Washington Papers)
14. A little smoky & hazy. Wind fresh from the So. Wt. all day. Warm.
168373General Orders, 29 May 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Dayton B.Q.M. Jersey Brigade The 1st Massa. regt gives the Guards & the Hampshire regt the fatigues tomorrow. The Commander in Chief accepts the following Report of a Court of inquiry appointed in the Genl orders of the 3d of April last, and directs it to be made public to the Army. The Court beg leave to report that from a comparative view of the Defence of...
The business of your meeting, this morning, is to take into consideration and report your opinion, concerning Lt. Col: Du Plessis’ claim of rank and service , in the corps of Artillery, to which he was annexed by an order of Congress. Colonel Du Plessis will produce to the Board the papers on which his pretensions are founded. There are herewith my answer to a memorial, from the officers of...
168375[Diary entry: 21 November 1799] (Washington Papers)
21. Morning perfectly clear & calm. A remarkably white hoar frost and Mer. at 30—but little wind all day. Mer. 41 at Night. Mrs. Stuart and the two eldest Miss Stuarts came here to dinner.
168376[Diary entry: 11 May 1775] (Washington Papers)
11. Dined at Young Doctr. Shippens—spent the Eveng. at my Lodgings. In Congress the credentials of the delegates were read and the decision was again made to keep the proceedings secret. A letter was read from colonial agents in London reporting the rejection of the colonists’ petition to the king, the failure of the earl of Chatham’s plan for reconciliation, and the embarkation of more...
I recd yours of yesterday last Evening. It was intirely owing to the idleness of the Express that the letter informing you of the intended reconnoitering party did not reach you in time. I send you by the Dragoon the Theodolite taken at Stoney point. There is no Chain belonging to it. You must supply that deficiency with a Rope. Paramus was not in my opinion the proper position for the whole...
Letter not found: to Brig. Gen. William Maxwell, 27 Jan. 1777. Maxwell wrote to GW on 9 Feb. to “explain some querys I find in Your Excellency’s Letter of the 27th Jany.”
Genl Washington’s Compliments to Mr Sacket—and begs he will accept his thanks for the Cheese which he was kind eno ugh to send him. NNebgGW .
By the new Appointment and Regulations, you stand as eldest Captain in the Virginia Regiment; which I hope will be agreeable: I have therefore sent you your Commission, and orders to Relieve Captain Lewis; which I expect will be immediately complied with, his presence at Fredericksburgh being much wanted. As these kind of Orders will admit of no Delay; I must again repeat, that I expect your...