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Results 168361-168410 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Memoirs respecting the person and doctrine of J.C. compiled from S.S. Outlines Part. i...
Your Letter of Oct. 14 has greatly obliged me. Tracy s A a n alysis, I have read once; and wish...
When your letter of the 27 t of Aug t arrived, I was confined to my bed by a bilious fever. After...
Having suspended the publication of the “Virginia Argus” it becomes necessary for me, to call...
My last letter was of the 9 th Sep r 15. A State of war, for about twenty five years, appears to...
  Nov. 8.     °  ′  ″ Nov. 9.     °  ′  ″ Nov. 12.     °  ′  ″ Nov. 13.     °  ′  ″ Nov. 15.    
We were a good deal disappointed at not recieving letters from some of the family in the large...
We are all well here, my dear Martha , and thinking of our return home which will be about the 30...
I recieve here (where I pass a good deal of my time) your favor of Oct. 22. covering a Prospectus...
I recieve here, where I pass much of my time, your favor of Oct. 28. and thank you for it’s...
I recieve here your favor of Oct. 26. the half volume of the Repository is probably recieved at...
I recieve here your favor of Oct. 12. written from the Natural bridge , and am not at all...
I recieved at this place (100. miles S.W. from Monticello ) your favor of Oct. 26. informing of...
I recieved your favor of Oct. 16. at this place, where I pass much of my time, very distant from...
Your’s of Oct. 23. was recieved here on the 31 st with the last sheets of your work. they found...
Upwards of a week ago your R N o of the Repository was sent by the Mail. I shall be glad to hear,...
I wrote to the Secretary of State on the subject of mr Arm i stead , and have recieved his...
AT a Special Meeting of “ The Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture ,” held October...
I have to offer many apologies for detaining so long the letters you were kind enough to put into...
I have lately returned to Boston , where I had the pleasure of finding the note of October the...
Your kind letter of Octob: 14. was recieved here the 19 th the very day you fixed as that of your...
A few days ago I forwarded to you a second letter from my Son , and now have the pleasure to...
Memoir. On a new invention for fertilizing the various products of the soil. Inscribed to the...
I have this moment had the honour of receiving your obliging favour of the 11 instant dated at...
We recieved your letters last night only, and the necessary preparations for the boy’s Journey...
Your favor of Oct. 19. is just now recieved, and at this place. I have always had a standing...
I received last night only, and at this place, where I have been a month, your favor of Oct. 27....
I have been here about a month and shall now within a day or two set out on my return to...
I received yesterday, and at this place, a letter from mr Edwin Starke of Norfolk of Oct. 30....
I have already had the honour of answering Your obliging favour dated at Poplar Forrest Forest ....
I have the pleasure of presenting You with a Copy of my new map and Description of the United...
After a long delay, occasioned by adverse events, I Send thee, by this day’s mail , another No....
Your favor of Oct. 10. travelled to Monticello , thence to Richmond , thence to Lynchburg , and...
I thank you for the copy of your discourse which you have been so kind as to send me, and have...
I recieve your favor of Nov. 1. here, as I am about setting out on my return to Monticello for...
I recieve your favor of Nov. 1. at this place at which I make occasionally a temporary residence;...
I have always conceived it my duty when in the legislature , to give You all the information I...
I recieve here, dear Sir, your favor of the 4 th just as I am preparing my return to Monticello...
While in Washington you received excellent cider from virginia —from Whom—or, from what part of...
Monday 24 25 Nov. 1816 Took a parting glass of Toddy with my travelling companions and rode to...
Permit me to congratulate you on the success of the Republicans in this State in the choice of...
An antient colleague and fellow student of mine has, in sending me as an authors gift several...
I owe many apologies both to you and to Mr Dupont for having delayed until now the translation of...
The bearer of this mr George Flower is an English gentleman farmer, on a tour thro’ the US. to...
The bearer mr George Flower is an English gentleman farmer, on a tour of the US. to look for a...
The bearer mr George Flower is an English gentleman, a farmer, looking out for a position in the...
I have been informed that the State of Virginia is about to improove the facility of intercourse...
Although I have not the honour of being personally acquainted with you, I have taken the liberty...
M r Geo Ensor An old friend fellow student and Colleague of mine, whom I formerly knew for a...
Yours of the 22 nd inst. I received only three days ago—Being abscent in the country with my...