Thomas Jefferson Papers

Joseph Delaplaine to Thomas Jefferson, 28 October 1816

From Joseph Delaplaine

Octobr 28h 1816.

Dr sir,

I have already written to you by this mail, & at the same time sent you a pamphlet. I now send your no of the Repository.—

I hope it will be convenient & agreeable to you to give me, if it is only a dozen lines, your opinion of the paper, typography, engravings & plan & importance of the Repository.—I have already mentioned that your opinion with that of Mr Madison & others, are to appear with the second half volume which is now preparing for the press & which will contain with others your life & portrait.—

I am Your obed. & very huml st

Joseph Delaplaine.

I refer you to my letter of this mail for several particulars.

RC (DLC); written on a small scrap; dateline at foot of text; postscript adjacent to signature and dateline; at head of text: “Thos Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as received 11 (reworked from 12) Dec. 1816 and so recorded in SJL, which mistakenly describes it as a letter of 2 Oct. Enclosure: Delaplaine’s Repository description begins Joseph Delaplaine, Delaplaine’s Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans, Philadelphia, 1816–18, 2 vols.; Poor, Jefferson’s Library, 4 (no. 139) description ends , vol. 1, pt. 1.

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  • books; biographical search
  • books; biographical on TJ search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; Delaplaine’s Repository search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; letters from search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; The Author Turned Critic; or The Reviewer Reviewed search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
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  • Madison, James (1751–1836); and J. Delaplaine’sRepository search
  • Neagle, James; engraver search
  • Neagle, John; engraver search
  • Repository of the Lives and Portraits of Distinguished Americans (J. Delaplaine) search
  • The Author Turned Critic; or The Reviewer Reviewed (J. Delaplaine) search