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Results 168351-168400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 28 th . reached me last fryday; & from the date of that & y r . former letter I find that both were written at the same times, perhaps the same ins ts . that mine to you were wrote, & I enjoy’d the idea that we had been mutually employed in marking our attention to each other at ^ the ^ same ins t . of time. how happy for us my Love that Space seperates not the minds as well...
Yours with the plan for the attack upon Bergen is this moment come to hand. I see many difficulties to prevent the matters being carried effectually into execution. The first and principal one is, the known disaffection of the Country, which is such, that the instant such a Body as one thousand Men began to assemble, the Enemy would have notice of it, and the consequence would be, that were...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 15, 1777. Exhorts Sullivan not to imagine slights. Discusses separate commands. States that the only separate command is that of the Northern Department. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
I yesterday received your letter of the 8th. Mine to you of the 11th will accompany this to which I refer you. No opportunity having offered, it has been delayed. I have directed General Knox to send you a reinforcement of Artillery men. One company he informs me is all that the general exigencies of the service will permit him to spare. By the establishment of the ordnance department, when...
The various and important business which required my particular attention in the beginning of the present session of Congress will, I presume, sufficiently apologize to your Excellency for this late acknowledgment of your letter of November last. I have attentively considered the request which your Excellency has made, by desire of the Legislature, that I would again open the business of...
Permit me to add, to the general acclamation with which you must be surrounded and filled, an individual gratulation on the great, the auspicious event, which covers with honor and safety our beloved country, at the same time that it raises & fixes on those who have guided & directed the storm which is past, a glorious an imperishable renown. With the highest respect and with a heart elated...
168357[Diary entry: 18 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Rid to my Mill and to the Ditchers in the Fore and Afternoon. GW today completed a land transaction with Valinda Wade, paying her £175 for her share of the Wade family property on Dogue Run, which she and her two sisters, Sarah and Eleanor, had inherited. During the past few years Sarah had died unmarried, and Eleanor, who had married John Barry of Fairfax County, had recently died also,...
I acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 31st July ult: and am happy to congratulate you on the Success of General Stark near Benington and Colo. Gansevoort at Fort Stanwix—Events which demand our highest Gratitude to the Supream Director for his mercifull Appearance for us at that critical Juncture—This ought not to lessen our Desires that a thorough and impartial Enquiry be made into...
Your letter of the 21st Instt came to hand by the last Post; and, as usual, gave us pleasure to hear that you enjoyed good health; were progressing well in your Studies; and that you were in the Road to promotion. Senior class having left, or being on the point of leaving College—some of them with great eclat—ought to prove a strong stimulus to those who remain to acquire equal reputation...
10 May 1804, Gibraltar. No. 149. “Without the honor of any of your favours since my last No. 148 [24 Apr. 1804] I have only time to forward you Via Cadiz the annexd Copy of a Letter just received from our Comercial Agent Stepn: Cathalan Junr: Esqr. at Marseilles with the Disagreeable News of Tunis having declared Warr against the U. S. “None of our State Vessels in this Neighbourhood.” Adds in...
The substance of the inclosed letter, so far as is necessary for the satisfaction of our fellow citizens, should be communicated to them. but the letter itself should not be published, nor be permitted to be copied, because the source from which it comes will occasion every word of it to be weighed by your neighbors on the opposite shore, and every inference to be drawn of which it is...
The papers enclosed in Your letter under the 20 th as also the Bond , have been delivred at the office of the United States Bank , The members of the Board of Directors are fully satisfied of the ample security offerd, and of the promptness with which the call has been met The Counsel for that Institution has pointed out some desirable alterations, which however appear to be matter of Form,...
LS : Library of Congress; copy: South Carolina Historical Society I have but this moment 1 o Clock PM been honored with your Letter of the 6th. Instant, it has been long in its Passage, I must endeavour to make more Expedition in complying with your wish to return as soon as possible to Paris. I had flattered myself with hopes of being free. As tis possible nay probable that I shall be with...
[ Paris, 11 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Eppes. Patsy at Panthemont. Inclose her letter. My health good till lately. Rem[embrance?] to Mrs. S[kipwith]. Invoice of things for children.” Letter and enclosure not found.]
You remember that among the lands I held here was an entry of 99. a s purchased by mr Wayles of Richard Stith adjoining to a tract on Ivy creek called Tullos’s . the old drunkard Scott , claiming Stith’s entry under a junior entry & patent, was removed by a jury, & has now brought suit against me for the land. altho’ his claim is perfectly idle, he will put me to a great deal of trouble in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg pardon for troubling your Excy. with the inclos’d but the loss of my valud friend the Revd. Mr Sowden of this place has obligd me for this time at least to take this liberty which is the only & the best apology I can make for it, to convince you that no disagreable correspondence subsists between Mr Gordon & myself. I send the Lr. unseald for your...
I have been informed that a number of very respectable Gentlemen are desirous of having the Honourable Richard Cutts Esqr of Biddeford in this State appointed to an Office under the Government of the United States, and wish to recommend him accordingly: but are very apprehensive that your delicacy, and nice sense of honour, or regard to your reputation will be an insuperable Obstacle to their...
By your Letter I was glad to find it was only the agitation occasioned by extraordinary, & unexpected events which prevented your usual kindness of writing, & not your own; or family’s Sickness—We were brought almost to the depths of dispair respecting Peace, & the sudden assurance of it, was like the blaze of meridian day, without the twilight— My fears now are that, like Jeshuran we shall...
On Monday Evening another Conference was held with the Tripolitan Ambassador, attended with his Interpreter Benamor who is a decent Man, and very ready in the English as well as Arabick and Italian. The Foreign Ministers here say it is the Custom of all the Ambassadors from Barbary to be much connected with Jews to whom they are commonly recommended. It may be supposed the Jews have interested...
ALS (letterbook draft) and extract: Library of Congress By a Line of the 4th. past, I acknowledged the Receipt of your Favour of March 18. and sent you with it two Pamphlets. I now add another, a spirited Address to the Bishops who opposed the Dissenter’s Petition. It is written by a Dissenting Minister at York. There is preserv’d at the End of it a little fugitive Piece of mine, written on...
1683711778. April 7. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Travelled from Les Ormes, the splendid Seat of the Marquis D’Argenson, to Mer. We went through Tours, and Amboise, and several other smaller Villages. Tours is the most elegant Place We have yet seen. It stands upon the River Loire, which empties itself at Nantes. We rode upon a Causey, made in the River Loire, for a great Number of Miles. The Meadows and River Banks were extremely beautifull.
Had I known before that the visit you mention was desired, I would have made it. it cannot now be done, as he sat out on his journey this morning. some opportunities of friendly attention had before occurred, during his illness, and I availed myself of them; & learning last night that ripe figs would be acceptable to him, & that he was to set out on his journey this morning, I sent a servant...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to return to the President the letter of mister Rumaine praying to be relieved from duties on the wrecks of fortune with which he escaped from St Domingo. Th: J. has put the letter of the same person to himself, with those of mister Genet into the hands of mister Murray, to make them the foundation of a bill of relief. AL , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters; LB ,...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery I have been from Philadelphia about 3 Weeks on a Journey hither upon the Business of the Post Office, but am now returning home, where I hope to find some Letters from you, as I hear that two Pacquets are arrived at New York since I came out. I have answer’d the Letters receiv’d from you by my Son, and have little to add. I congratulate you...
Letter not found: to Samuel Huntington, 28 Dec. 1789. In a letter to GW of 2 Jan. 1790 , Huntington referred to “your letter of the 28th Ulto.” It is possible that Huntington misread the date of GW’s letter to him of 23 Dec. 1789 as 28 December.
10 September 1804, New York. “Mr. Ebenezer Stevens of this City has applied to me as the Attorney of the District to defend a suit brought against him by Daniel Cotton for a breach of the charter-party of the Ship Ann Maria chartered by Mr. Stevens as the Agent of the United States for a voyage to Tunis. It is stated by Mr. Stevens that this is an amicable suit instituted by your direction or...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire Ses complimens à Monsieur franklyn, et de lui envoier un projet de lettre à M. le Garde des sceaux; il ne l’a pas terminée parce qu’il ignore le protocole des fins de lettre pour les Ministres Etrangers avec ce Ministre qui en a un particulier avec les Nationaux; il aura l’honneur d’aller chercher Monsieur...
The only and lively zeal which has animated me for these 8 years past for the welfare and prosperity of America has induced me to attempt a kind of agriculture hitherto unknown here. The encouragement which the President of the United States and some among you, Gentlemen, have been pleased to give me has undoubtedly contributed not a little to augment this zeal, and turn my labours into...
The subscribers, merchants, traders, and others, of the City of New Orleans, respectfully represent, That the United States, having lately by the death of Hore Browse Trist Esquire, late collector of this district, lost an active, upright, and capable officer, they beg leave to recommend William Brown as his successor in the said office. Mr. Brown having since the establishment of a Custom...
168380[Diary entry: 21 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Breakfasted at King Wm. Ct. House & dind & lodgd at Eltham. GW today spent 3s. at Ruffin’s ferry and somewhere on his route bought a pair of shoes costing 6s. for the mulatto manservant, Billy, who accompanied him ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. , folio 314).
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous remércie bien mon bon papa de l’intérést que vous prenés a ma santé, elle est moins mauvaise mais mon áme est bien malade; c’est cétte áme honneste et trop sensible qui me mine et me tuë: il m’est absolument nécéssaire d’avoir avéc vous une convérsation longue et détaillés; je veux que vous connoissiés a fond mon coeur et ceux qui l’ont bléssé d’une...
L : University of Pennsylvania Library I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of the honour of your Esteemed favour from the 26 Int. Covering your remittance of £1900.—.— on Denis Rougemont from the 8th. August at 2/m date. The value of which shall be received by me & for which produce Your particular account shall be Credited agreable to your desire of the abovesaid sum.— With great regard I have...
13 March 1812. Transmits a letter from the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Great Britain to the secretary of state. RC and enclosure, two copies ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 12A-D1; and DNA : RG 46, Legislative Proceedings, 12A-E3). Each RC 1 p.; in the hand of Edward Coles, signed by JM. For enclosure (printed in ASP American State Papers: Documents, Legislative...
Letter not found. 13 February 1803. Acknowledged in Wagner’s 9 Mar. 1803 letter to Vail (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14). Refers to a circular sent to him concerning the printing of the laws and asks to be continued as a printer. Wagner instructed Vail to forward the original circular with his account, adding that as JM had “formed the present arrangement upon a consultation of the members from...
As the measures which were adopted at the last meeting of our visitors were of a very leading character I have thought it proper to inform our absent colleagues of them; and have delayed the communication only until I could add what has been done under the resolutions of the board. As this latter information has not been received by you, I inclose you my letter to General Taylor for perusal...
Florence, 5 July 1785 . Fabbroni was no less pleased than surprised by the receipt of TJ’s most courteous letter from Paris [of 23 May] . “You are, then, in Europe, O Sir, and, in the midst of the weighty duties of your splendid office, you deign still to remember me. I am infinitely flattered by this circumstance. … Your new Republic could not have found a better person than you to handle its...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With a trüe satisfaction I have seen that the Royal influence in the irish parliament, fell very short of Ministerial expectations, and that some patriots Begin to speack a Bold language, and mention the Blessed words of independency and the Rights of Mankind— In the eyes of people that would be strangers to parliamentary Barking, such Speeches would be...
Memms of an agreement between Tho s Jefferson & Tho s J. Randolph for the lease of the Tufton & Lego plantations of the sd Th: Jefferson with all the negroes, stock and utensils upon them. The lease is to continue five years. the negroes are to be maintained, clothed and their taxes and levies paid by the lessee,
I return the British correspondence with Gelston. I forgot the other day to ask of the Gentlemen an answer to Christie’s enquiries as to the conduct of his revenue cutter. but will take their opinions separately as I may see them. Larkin Smith (formerly Speaker of the H. of R. of Virginia) accepts as Collector of Norfolk. a very honest man, & of high republican standing, & will make an...
The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was referred the Petition of Joseph Packwood by an Order of the House of Representatives, of the 21st. of June 1790, thereupon respectfully makes the following Report— It appears from the Statement of the petitioner that he shipped certain Goods at the Island of Hispaniola, on his own Account, destined for New London, in the Schooner John and Joseph; that...
As the armoury at the foundery will probably be built on a different plan, from what was originally intended, when I contracted with Colo. Richd James, and, as he wishes to be clear of that contract, I have this day agreed with him that it shall be void. Colo. James is willing still to work for the public, and will furnish plank and scantling deliverable at the fork or the foundery as may be...
The John Adams is Not Yet Returned from England — it is probable m r pinkney waïts for Some Conclusion or Answer to Be Communicated by Her— I wish it May be the Case with G al Armstrong provided He Has Good News to Send—a Communication Had Been Announced to Him by M r de Champagny Which Has Not Yet taken place—
I have this morning recd yours without a date. If the embarkation mentioned by you is intended for Hallifax and Cape Breton, I cannot conceive why it should partly consist of Horse, which will be in a manner useless at either of those places. I would therefore wish your emissary to make as minute enquiry as possible into their real destination—desire him also in every communication which he...
J’ai recu la lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le 13 de ce mois en m’envoyant la resolution du Congrès en reponse aux representations que j’ai eu l’honneur de lui faire en date du 5. et du 10. Je vous prie de recevoir et de faire agréer au Congrès toute la Sensibilité avec la quelle j’ai vu la maniere franche noble et cathegorique avec la quelle il a detruit des insinuations fausses et...
Your favor of the 8th inst. affords me peculiar satisfaction by informing me that your wound begins to wear a favorable aspect, & that you are recovered from the disorder in your stomach—The left wing of the army is advanced four miles from this place, & 19 miles from Kings ferry—the other two divisions are moving on after it with proper intervals—the enemy since quitting the Jerseys have...
19 January 1776. Resolution requesting accounts from towns of powder, lead, and flints supplied to the Continental Army. M-Ar :207, p. 426. printed : Force, Archives [Peter Force, ed.,] American Archives: Consisting of a Collection of Authentick Records, State Papers, Debates, and Letters and Other Notices of Publick Affairs , Washington, 1837–1853; 9 vols. , 4th ser., 4:1267. ( M-Ar :207, p....
j’ai l’honneur de vous adresser, Ci-incluses, deux lettres, l’une de mr. de la fayette, l’autre de mr. de liancourt; j’avais une grande ambition de vous les remettre moimême.—nommé par le premier Consul sous-commissaire des rélations Commerciales de france à Newport, mon projet était de vous aller offrir mon hommage et solliciter moimême Votre agrément. Vos vertus personnelles, Monsieur le...
The humble Petition of Robert Rankin Humbly Sheweth That Your unfortunate Petitioner has been Confined in the Gaol of Alexandria Since the 20th day of March 1804 on a fine, which he is unable to pay, and has no hopes of Relief from his present Confinement, but from the Clemencey of Your Excellencey, Your Petitioner is far advanced in Years, having Served in the Revolutionary War during the...
Inclosed is a Renewing note for the Bank, which I presume will arrive in time. I thank you for your suggestions as to my Tobacco. The Frost did not visit us till we had removed the outstanding from the field. But some of the latest cutting, was a little touched on the Scaffold. What are we to consider as the effect of the British duty of 3d. a pound on Stemmed Tobo. in the Richd. market for...
Major General Schuyler has requested that two Hundred Seamen may be raised in this state to man the Vessells on the Lake. as most of our Seamen are marched with the Militia to join your Army, I have to ask the favour of you to permit Capt. David Hawly, and Capt. Frederick Chappel to inlist such Number of Seamen out of our Militia as may be necessary for that Service. I am sir with great...