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Results 168351-168400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your letter of the 28 th . reached me last fryday; & from the date of that & y r . former letter...
Yours with the plan for the attack upon Bergen is this moment come to hand. I see many...
Morristown [ New Jersey ] March 15, 1777. Exhorts Sullivan not to imagine slights. Discusses...
I yesterday received your letter of the 8th. Mine to you of the 11th will accompany this to which...
The various and important business which required my particular attention in the beginning of the...
Permit me to add, to the general acclamation with which you must be surrounded and filled, an...
168357[Diary entry: 18 December 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Rid to my Mill and to the Ditchers in the Fore and Afternoon. GW today completed a land...
I acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 31st July ult: and am happy to congratulate you...
Your letter of the 21st Instt came to hand by the last Post; and, as usual, gave us pleasure to...
10 May 1804, Gibraltar. No. 149. “Without the honor of any of your favours since my last No. 148...
The substance of the inclosed letter, so far as is necessary for the satisfaction of our fellow...
The papers enclosed in Your letter under the 20 th as also the Bond , have been delivred at the...
LS : Library of Congress; copy: South Carolina Historical Society I have but this moment 1 o...
[ Paris, 11 Nov. 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Eppes. Patsy at Panthemont. Inclose her letter....
You remember that among the lands I held here was an entry of 99. a s purchased by mr Wayles of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I beg pardon for troubling your Excy. with the inclos’d but...
I have been informed that a number of very respectable Gentlemen are desirous of having the...
By your Letter I was glad to find it was only the agitation occasioned by extraordinary, &...
On Monday Evening another Conference was held with the Tripolitan Ambassador, attended with his...
ALS (letterbook draft) and extract: Library of Congress By a Line of the 4th. past, I...
1683711778. April 7. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Travelled from Les Ormes, the splendid Seat of the Marquis D’Argenson, to Mer. We went through...
Had I known before that the visit you mention was desired, I would have made it. it cannot now be...
Th: Jefferson has the honor to return to the President the letter of mister Rumaine praying to be...
ALS : Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery I have been from Philadelphia about 3 Weeks on...
Letter not found: to Samuel Huntington, 28 Dec. 1789. In a letter to GW of 2 Jan. 1790 ,...
10 September 1804, New York. “Mr. Ebenezer Stevens of this City has applied to me as the Attorney...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire Ses...
The only and lively zeal which has animated me for these 8 years past for the welfare and...
The subscribers, merchants, traders, and others, of the City of New Orleans, respectfully...
168380[Diary entry: 21 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
21. Breakfasted at King Wm. Ct. House & dind & lodgd at Eltham. GW today spent 3s. at Ruffin’s...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous remércie bien mon bon papa de l’intérést que vous...
L : University of Pennsylvania Library I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of the honour of your...
13 March 1812. Transmits a letter from the envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of...
Letter not found. 13 February 1803. Acknowledged in Wagner’s 9 Mar. 1803 letter to Vail (DNA: RG...
As the measures which were adopted at the last meeting of our visitors were of a very leading...
Florence, 5 July 1785 . Fabbroni was no less pleased than surprised by the receipt of TJ’s most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With a trüe satisfaction I have seen that the Royal...
Memms of an agreement between Tho s Jefferson & Tho s J. Randolph for the lease of the Tufton &...
I return the British correspondence with Gelston. I forgot the other day to ask of the Gentlemen...
The Secretary of the Treasury to whom was referred the Petition of Joseph Packwood by an Order of...
As the armoury at the foundery will probably be built on a different plan, from what was...
The John Adams is Not Yet Returned from England — it is probable m r pinkney waïts for Some...
I have this morning recd yours without a date. If the embarkation mentioned by you is intended...
J’ai recu la lettre dont vous m’avez honoré le 13 de ce mois en m’envoyant la resolution du...
Your favor of the 8th inst. affords me peculiar satisfaction by informing me that your wound...
19 January 1776. Resolution requesting accounts from towns of powder, lead, and flints supplied...
j’ai l’honneur de vous adresser, Ci-incluses, deux lettres, l’une de mr. de la fayette, l’autre...
The humble Petition of Robert Rankin Humbly Sheweth That Your unfortunate Petitioner has been...
Inclosed is a Renewing note for the Bank, which I presume will arrive in time. I thank you for...
Major General Schuyler has requested that two Hundred Seamen may be raised in this state to man...