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Results 168351-168380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
168351[Diary entry: 22 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
22. Flying Clouds, & Wind fresh from the Northwest but not very cold.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Just rec’d yours of August 18 wonder to see you...
168353[Diary entry: 21 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
21st. Attended at Wests Ordy. with Mr. James Mercer & sold all the Bull run Lands. Returnd to...
168354[Diary entry: 21 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Snowing and raining all day and the greatest part of the Night. Wind at No. Et. & fresh.
168355[Diary entry: 20 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Set out for Wests Ordinary in order to attend Colo. Mercers Sale of the Bull run Land. Dined...
168356[Diary entry: 20 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
20. Not so cold as the two preceeding days wind not being so fresh—but in the same place.
Reprinted from Verner W. Crane, Benjamin Franklin’s Letters to the Press, 1758–1775 (Chapel Hill,...
168358[Diary entry: 19 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. At home all day.
168359[Diary entry: 19 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
19. Clear and Cold. Wind hard at No. West all day.
As it is necessary that the Free holders of this County should be convened, in order to make...
168361[Diary entry: 18 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Captn. Dalton dined here and went away afterwards.
168362[Diary entry: 18 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
18. Hard Wind all day from the No. West and very cold. Weather clear.
The polite and respectful terms in which you are pleased to communicate your approbation of our...
Enquire who is the Author? Whether a Sandemanian, a Quaker, or an high Churchman? The Character...
168365[Diary entry: 17 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. At home. Mr. Francis Willis Junr. dined here, & went to B[elvoir].
168366[Diary entry: 17 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
17. Clear with not much Wind & that Southerly.
Letter not found: to William Milnor, 17 Nov. 1774. On 29 Nov. Milnor wrote to GW : “Your favour...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania His Lordship has only heard 2 Exceptions this Evening...
168369[Diary entry: 16 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Ditto. Ditto.
168370[Diary entry: 16 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
16. Rain in the Night & this Morning. Clear afterwards & windy from the No. West. Cold.
Letter not found: from John Tayloe, 16 Nov. 1774. In a letter of 30 Nov. to Tayloe , GW refers to...
168372[Diary entry: 15 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
15. At home all day alone.
168373[Diary entry: 15 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
15. A little Rain in the Night & lowering in the forenoon. Clear afterwards.
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 15 Nov. 1774. On 2 Mar. 1775 Fairfax wrote GW that...
168375[Diary entry: 14 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
14. At home all day. Those Gentn. Went away after Dinnr.
168376[Diary entry: 14 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
14. Warm and pleasant with but little Wind. Lowering in the Evening.
I yesterday returd from our Late Expedition against the Shawnees, and I think we may with...
We have now to acknowledge receipt of thy ⟨esteemed⟩ favors of 3⟨0⟩ Decr 30 Apr. 1 June & 4 Augst...
168379[Diary entry: 13 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
13. Went up to Alexandria Church. In the Evening Colo. Blackburn Mr. Lee, & Mr. Richd. Graham...
168380[Diary entry: 13 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
13. Clear and pleasant being quite warm.