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Results 168341-168350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
168341Monday [16th.] (Adams Papers)
Dined at Mr. Hartleys.
This forenoon Mr. Rimbert came to see us. Dined at his house. After dinner went with Mr. D. Mr. Gonset and Mr. Artaud, to Krasna-Kabak to see the hawking: but we arriv’d too late. Drank tea at Krasna-Kabak, and then return’d home.
168343[Diary entry: 28 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
28. Clear and Cold. Wind Northwardly.
168344[April 1773] (Adams Papers)
At Charlestown. What shall I write?—say?—do? Sterility, Vacuity, Barrenness of Thought, and Reflection. What News shall we hear? I have communicated to Mr. Norton Quincy, and to Mr. Wibird the important Secret. They are as much affected, by it, as any others. Bone of our Bone, born and educated among us! Mr. Hancock is deeply affected, is determined in Conjunction with Majr. Hawley to watch...
168345General Orders, 29 March 1776 (Washington Papers)
Varnum’s, Hitchcock’s, Little’s, Read’s, and Bailey’s Regiments, to march on Monday Morning at Sun-rise: Brigadier Genl Green, will take the Command of this brigade—Deputy Qr Mr General Parke, will provide the necessary Teams, and the Commissary General, will deliver the Provisions for the march: The Adjutant General will give the marching Orders to the Colonels commanding the divisions. The...
168346Observations [February 1768] (Washington Papers)
Feby. 1st. Carpenters all (except Will) Went to Sawing Pailing for a Goose yard. 13. Finishd the Goose Pen at Home. Also finishd clearing the Point of Woods between where Carney & Rollins & Crump livd in the Neck abt. 30 Acres. Richard Rollins and William Crump apparently moved out of Clifton’s Neck soon after GW purchased it in April 1760 ( General Ledger A General Ledger A, 1750–1772....
Mr. Kimball keeps the accounts of the Department; and, when not so engaged, does such other current business as is assigned to him. Mr. Thom fills up patents for Virginia Military lands and for useful discoveries and inventions, and does such other copying and recording as is assigned to him. Mr. Miller records the foreign and domestic letters written by the Secretary of State, and does such...
168348[Diary entry: 18 July 1770] (Washington Papers)
18. Hot and Sultry with but little [wind] and that Southwardly.
168349[Diary entry: 26 March 1772] (Washington Papers)
26. Clear and Cool Wind Northerly.
168350[Diary entry: 13 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
13. Left this place early in the Morning and arrivd at Captn. Crawfords (known by the name of Stewarts crossing) abt. ½ after four Oclock. Stewart’s Crossing was on the Youghiogheny River below present-day Connellsville, Pa. The site was named for William Stewart, who settled there in 1753 ( cook Roy Bird Cook. Washington’s Western Lands . Strasburg, Va., 1930. , 15). Braddock’s army had...