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Results 168341-168350 of 184,431 sorted by author
Three days ago I received your obliging favor of the 14th and was sorry to find you had been so much indisposed. Before this I hope you have perfectly recovered. Your early attention & that of the Assembly to my requisitions, have my warmest thanks—and the more so, from the situation in which they found you. I could wish however—that the three months service of the Militia had been made to...
168342General Orders, 4 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorw Brigadier General Huntington Colonel Sheppard Lieutenant Colonel Sproat Brigade Major Converse At a general courtmartial held at Westpoint whereof Colonel Micheal Jackson is president the following prisoners were tried. Dennis Clemeshaw a soldier charged with Desertion from the regiment late Colonel Lee’s, also Job Ripley of the 3d Massachusetts regiment, Jason Makepeace of...
168343[Diary entry: 25 July 1788] (Washington Papers)
Friday 25th. Thermometer at 72 in the Morng.—84 at Noon and 80 at Night. Fore part of the day clear—with a very warm sun—the remaining heavy and frequent showers—Wind at S.W. Rid to all the Plantatns. Found the ground too wet either to plow among Corn, or set it up—It having been beat flat to the ground and a great deal of it broke short of. At the Ferry—one cradler was cutting the thin wheat...
168344[Diary entry: 7 December 1799] (Washington Papers)
7. Rainy morning, with the Wind at No. Et. & Mer. at 37. Afternoon clear & pleasant wind westerly. Mer. 41 at Night. Dined at Lord Fairfax’s.
I have the honor to introduce to your Excellency’s acqe the Count de Charlus Son to the Marqs de Castres present Minister of the Marine of France—This Gentleman’s rank & amiable qualities are alone sufficient to entitle him to every mark of Respect but when it is known that his zeal to promote the Cause of American freedom induced him to resign a Colonelship of Horse in France to serve as...
(Duplicate) (Private) My dear Sir, Mount Vernon 25th June 1794 The sole object of the enclosed letter, was to evince to you, that notwithstanding your recall, you held the same place in my estimation that you did before it happened. I expected to have got the letter into Colo. Monroes hands before the Vessel in which he was, had left Potapsco River; but a fresh & fair wind coming up, prevented...
168347[Diary entry: 24 November 1769] (Washington Papers)
24. J. P. Custis and I dined with others at the Govrs. I spent the Evening at Hayes. GW and Thomas Nelson, Jr., of York County were today ordered by the burgesses to prepare “a Bill for laying a Tax upon Dogs.” Nelson presented the bill to the house 1 Dec., but it was defeated ( JHB H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia . 13 vols....
168348General Orders, 27 April 1779 (Washington Papers)
A General Court-Martial of the line to sit tomorrow morning 10 ôclock at the usual place to try all such persons as shall come before them—Colonel Gunby to preside. The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to pass the following resolution—In Congress February 18th 1779. Plan for the department of Inspector General. Resolved, That there be an Inspector General to the Armies of the United...
168349[The Weather] March [1767] (Washington Papers)
1st. Soft mild, still, & pleasant. Somewhat cloudy. 2. (No frost) Cloudy till abt. 11 Oclock then Rain & almost all Night very hard Wind at No. Et. 3. Fine clear Morning & Warm Wind southwardly. Cloudy abt. 1 Oclock & at 3 began to Rain hard & constant. 4. Soft morning. Clear day, & very high wind from No. West but not cold. 5. Clear, warm & pleast. forenoon. Wind southwardly. Afterwards hazy...
168350General Orders, 10 June 1782 (Washington Papers)
The General was as well satisfied with the appearance and Manoeuvring of the 2d Brigade of Massachusetts as he was Two days before at the review of the first Brigade—He does not think he ever saw men in any service make a more respectable and soldier-like figure than the Light Company of the eighth Regiment did under Arms. At a General Court Martial held at Carlisle the 16th of May...