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Results 168341-168350 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
With very peculiar sensibility I avail myself of this last opportunity, to return you, my humble & sincere acknowledgments for the honor you have Conferred on me by your selection in the Mission to South America. Born in this land of Freedom, nurtured in the pure theories of Algernon Sidney & Confirmed in the practical School of your illustrious predecessor, yourself & the great Cotemporaneous...
M r Derby a well known gentleman of Boston , has told me how he desired to pay a visit to Virginia , and to have the honor of being presented to you. Though his known caracter be a competent passport every where, still he is persuaded that decency requires that he be presented by some one of your acquaintances, and wishes me to perform this function. I am very glad to have this occasion of...
The interest you have taken in the manufactures of our Country, has induced me to offer for your examination the scraps of cloth herewith enclosed; they are from peices spun & wove in my own family, and dressed in this neighbourhood by a native born American. Either of the peices would afford a profit at $3 dolls a yard, single width. Let the enemies of American manufactures say what they...
Some time ago you Said you had Some idea of painting your house again, we have now on hand the best English white Lead and Spanish brown ground in oil in quarter kegs, the price will be $4 ½ ⅌ keg for the former and $3 ⅌ keg for the latter, should you want any you can write me, our markets are Steady Flour $14 and dull Tob o from $7. to 12 in demand. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 6 5...
The enclos’d letters were given me by my friends knowing that it was my intention (before M rs Derby s and my departure for Europe ) to visit you at your seat in Virginia . but circumstances preventing I take the liberty to enclose them to you at the same o time observing that M rs Derby and myself should feel doubly delighted should you feel be inclind to forward us Letters to Boston
Our Society will be highly gratified if you will permit us to insert your name amongst the Members who are desirous of promoting the objects we have in view— RC ( DLC: TJ Papers , 209:37298); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 23 Feb. Recorded in SJL as received 23 Feb. 1817. With this letter Law may have enclosed two works related to the Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and...
Your favor of the 17 th came to hand yesterday. I had, two days before, addressed a letter , on the subject of these packages of wine to mr Starke of your office, with whom I had had occasion to exchange a letter in Oct. on another article. I learn from yours now before me , that you had been so kind as to anticipate my request to him, and to forward the cases to mess rs Gibson & Jefferson...
I had the pleasure to receive the letter which you forwarded to me through Col: Trumbull , & to apply it, with the best effect, to the purpose for which it was intended. Congress passed a law, under which a contract has been concluded with him, for the painting of four pieces; the declaration of Independance; the surrender of Burgoyne , that of Cornwallis ; & the resignation of Gen l...
What a gratification again have you bestowed upon me in your Letter of Febr. 7th. not never to mention ing the cadeau of which I disposed directly with the next mail, as you intended—and which Shall I doubt not, be highly acceptable to Monticello’s Philosopher. It Seems—I see you in all your grandeur in your Superb castle—and yet the most admirable part was its owner—I Should Saÿ so, as once...
Unexpectedly I found myself once mor honoured with a few lines and well in a Season—in which the Severity of the weather might prevent any other—besides your Ladyship to bestow Similar favours: It cheered indeed my nearly benumbed Spirits; but—what enhanced the value of this gratification—was your courtesy in permitting me the perusal of a gift—intended by the Embassador for his favoured...