George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Sarah Cary Fairfax, 13 February 1758

To Sarah Cary Fairfax

M:V: Feby 13th 1758

Dear Madam

The Inclosd came to my hands this moment—Colo. Carlyle desird after I had perusd the Papers, that I woud send them to you—but as he did at the same time inform me that his Letter coverd one from Colo. Fairfax (on whose safe arrival we offer our Congratulations) I have not delayd a moment in forwarding them1—When you are at leizure to favour us with a visit we shall endeavour to partake as much as possible of the Joy you receive on this Occasion.

My Brother & Sister join me in their Compliments to you and the Young Ladies. I am Yr most Obedt & Obligd Hble Servt

Go: Washington

P.S. When you have read the Papers we shoud be glad of the oppertunity of Perusing them.


1This may be the letter from George William Fairfax in London of 12 Dec. 1757 quoted in part in George William Fairfax to GW, 6 Dec. 1757, n.3. To cheer his wife, Fairfax wrote: “I have often wished for your company to enjoy the amusements of this Metropolis, for I can with truth say, they are not much so to me in my present situation and that I now and then go to a play only to kill time”; to inspirit her, he wrote: “Permit me Sally to advise a steady and constant application to those things directed for your welfare, which may afford me the greatest satisfaction upon my arrival” (Neill, The Fairfaxes of England and America description begins Edward D. Neill. The Fairfaxes of England and America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Including Letters from and to Hon. William Fairfax, President of Council of Virginia, and His Sons Col. George William Fairfax and Rev. Bryan, Eighth Lord Fairfax, the Neighbors and Friends of George Washington. Albany, 1868. description ends , 95–97). John Carlyle, a merchant in Alexandria, was married to George William Fairfax’s sister Sarah.

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