Thomas Jefferson Papers

James H. McCulloch to Thomas Jefferson, 25 September 1816

From James H. McCulloch

Custom House Baltimo Collts Off’ Sept 25 1816


I yesterday received a bill of lading of two cases Tuscan wine for your order, in a letter from Mr Thomas Appleton of Leghorn. The vessel has just entered that bears the consignment & it may be some days before they are landed. It will enable me to forward them to you in the most convenient manner, if you can give me some directions as to the route in which they will be least exposed by a land carriage. It is presumable this will be by shipment to Richmond: but it is desireable to wait your direction.

Agreeably to the wish made known heretofore at this office, a statement is given of the duty & charges below, by estimation: If left to ourselves it would be esteemed something like a duty to transmit them as free as your letters. It must only be added further, that as long as the present Collector is in a situation to render any services, he hopes that the pleasure will be afforded him by your making that use of him which your occasions may require.

I am Sir with sincere respect Your obt servt

Jas H McCulloch

Tuscan wine in bottles 114 bottles Galls 22 @ 70 Cts  Ds 15.40
¾ gro’ @ 144 Cts 1.10
Mr C F Kalkman owner of the vessel charges no freight

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 7 Oct. 1816 and so recorded in SJL, which has the additional notation: “Tuscn 114. bot.”; note by TJ beneath endorsement: “2. cases Tuscan wine 16.50.” RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Gouverneur Morris, 20 Oct. 1816, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello near Milton Albemarle County Virginia”; franked; postmarked Baltimore, 28 Sept.

James Hugh McCulloch (1756–1836), merchant and public official, graduated from the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University) in 1773 and apparently then joined his father in a mercantile firm in his native Philadelphia. He relocated to Maryland by 1782 and settled permanently in Baltimore the following year. A friend and political ally of Samuel Smith (of Maryland) and an “undeviating Republican,” McCulloch served in the Maryland House of Delegates in 1800 and in the state senate, 1801–05. With Smith’s backing, in 1808 he secured an appointment from TJ as collector of the port of Baltimore, a highly lucrative post that he retained until his death. During the War of 1812, McCulloch was wounded and captured during service as a volunteer at the September 1814 Battle of North Point. Having invested in privateers during this conflict with Great Britain, in the decade that followed he helped to frustrate federal efforts to end similar but illegal activities against Spanish ships by Baltimore vessels claiming to promote South American independence. McCulloch died at his home near Baltimore (Princetonians description begins James McLachlan and others, eds., Princetonians: A Biographical Dictionary, 1976–90, 5 vols. description ends , 1769–75, pp. 320–4; Trustees’ Minutes, College of New Jersey, 29 Sept. 1773 [NjP: Princeton University Archives]; Papenfuse, Maryland Public Officials description begins Edward C. Papenfuse and others, eds., An Historical List of Public Officials of Maryland, 1990– , 1 vol. description ends , 1:42, 143; McCulloch to TJ, 14 Oct. 1806 [MHi]; Smith to TJ, 29 Dec. 1806, 4 Apr. 1808 [DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1801–09]; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends , 2:79, 4:375, 392 [6, 7 Apr. 1808, 22 Mar., 24 Apr. 1834]; Baltimore Niles’ Weekly Register, 12 Nov. 1836).

The vessel carrying the consignment of wine was the Von (Van) Hollen. gro’: “gross.”

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; and wine for TJ search
  • Italy; wine from search
  • Kalkman, Charles F.; owner ofVon (Van)Hollen search
  • McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); and wine for TJ search
  • McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); identified search
  • McCulloch, James Hugh (father of James H. McCulloh); letters from search
  • taxes; on wine search
  • Tuscany, Italy; wine from search
  • Von (Van)Hollen (ship) search
  • wine; Italian search
  • wine; of Tuscany search
  • wine; sent to TJ search