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Results 168251-168300 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
In order to know whether the floating Bridges that we have so often heard of, are really meant to...
Jeffn.—As to papers he sent me— Price is to give him directions as to Durret &c— Anthony —If he...
Permit me with very great diffidence to appeal to your Excellency upon the Subject of the Naval...
I have received a letter from Capt. George Hite of Jefferson County Virginia, stating his...
I have directed the DQM General to furnish the troops with transportation to places from which...
168256[Thursday. November 23. 1775.] (Adams Papers)
Thursday. November 23. 1775. The Committee for fitting out armed Vessells laid before Congress, a...
Letter not found. 24 January 1789. Listed in the Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 694 (1892).
168258[Diary entry: 4 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
4. Dined at the Barbicue with a great deal of other Company and stayd there till Sunset.
I am heartily concerned, that the officers have such real cause to complain of the Committee’s...
I recieve on behalf of the US. of America your Majesty’s formal notification that you have taken...
I have rec’d per the Ship Stephania Cap t Macy from Havre, a small box of seeds to your address....
[ Philadelphia, May 21, 1794. Letter not found. ] “List of Letters from General Hamilton to...
16826310 August., 10 August 1776 (Adams Papers)
10 August. The congress resolved that the officers recommended by the Board be issued...
Thursdays Post brought me your friendly favor of April 30th. The Subject had been hinted to me...
The inclosed letter, I sent at its date from Wyoming by a private hand, in a packet addressed to...
I presume to Address your Excellency, & request the favor of your Attention to John A. Hazard,...
I Embrace this opportunity to Inform you of our Situation, the Inhabitants are daily bringing in...
The utmost apology is due for my presuming to venture upon a repetition of taking the liberty to...
1682698th. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Took a walk this morning with Mr. Artaud in to the Country, and Stay’d there all day. We returned...
Les deux lettres dont Vous m’avez honoré, Monsieur, en date du 16 & 24 Juillet, m’ont été...
A few miles west of this village I met the Express, who delivered me Your Excellency’s letter of...
The mournful event of mr. Barlows, death, has placed in my hands, the affairs of the Legation. In...
I am instructed by Mr Lasteyrie to transmit to you a Copy of His work on the culture of Cotton....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous avez eu sansdoutte la complaisance de lire le...
I am very much obliged, Sir, by your kind Letter of the 30th of Septr, and for the important...
John Churchmans best respects attend the Secretary of State, in company with a Variation Chart...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. A Lee presents his Compliments to Dr Franklin, & has...
I have received your letter of the eighteenth of December, and approve the suggestions which it...
Since my last to you, I have received your several letters of the 25th. 26th. and 29th. of last...
I wrote you by the packet which sailed from hence in Feb. and then acknoleged the receipt of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am Hartly glad to hear your so well. I have sent all...
New York, January 24, 1791 “In consequence of yours of the 20th. Ulto. I did on the first of this...
M r Perry has this moment arrived—he Says, he did not leave Charlottsville till Wednessday—& then...
May it pleas your Honour, I have received a letter by Mail a few days ago in which I receive the...
Copy of my letter to our friend “According to your wishes, sir, I will give you an account of...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am to acknowledge the receipt of your...
I have just received an express from Charles City Court-house who proves my mistake last night of...
The bearer hereof, Thomas Mann Randolph is authorized by me to make sale of any portion of my...
I shall remove this afternoon to Fredericksburg to which place be pleased to address any future...
I enclose you a resolve of the Senate of the United States of the 31. Ultimo, and request you...
I had the honor to write to you under date of the second of November, at which time the congress...
Whereas John Campbell stands charged with dangerous Designs and treasonable Conspiracies against...
21 December 1776 . Gives a detailed account of his service since 12 June 1776 as a deputy...
The President wishes to get from Ireland about 30 lb. or 40 lb. of the seed of the French Furze,...
I think it is dean Swift who says that a present should consist of something of little value, &...
In 1834 JM recalled the “Crisis” in government during the Adams administration and the part he...
Your favr. of Apl. 12 came duly to hand, with the little pamphlets accompanying it: for which I...
Letter not found: to Jean Le Mayeur, 28 Mar. 1786. On 10 April Le Mayeur wrote GW of having “the...
16829920th. (Adams Papers)
We tried my horse this morning in Mr. Chaumont Chaise, but could not make him go at all: so we...
168300[Diary entry: 23 January 1786] (Washington Papers)
Monday 23d. Thermometer at 38 in the Morning—46 at Noon and 40 at Night. Clear all day with the...