From George Washington to John Craig, 29 March 1785
To John Craig
Mt Vernon 29th March 1785.
If I could give you any useful information on the subject of your letter to me, I would do it with pleasure; but, altho’ I have a good general knowledge of the Western Country, I am very little acquainted with local situations—& less with those on the Susquehanna than any other.1 Monongahela, of which Cheat river is a branch, is gentle in its current—easy of navigation—& besides, is supposed, either by the Cheat, or the Yohioganey (which is another branch of it) to approach nearest to, & to afford the best communication or portage with the Atlantic waters of any in all that extensive territory: consequently seats thereon, from this circumstance alone, must be valuable; but the quality of the Land is inferior to none, until you penetrate much further to the Westward, or much lower down the Ohio; and is besides much better settled than any part of the Country beyond the Alleghaney Mountains. Upon what terms you could buy (to rent I presume you are not inclined, or the difficulty might be less) a Seat having such conveniencies as you want, I am unable to inform you. The prices of Land there are rising every day, & if the plan which is now in contemplation for extending the navigation of Potomac & opening roads of communication short & easy, between it and the waters above mentioned, should be effected, of which I have no doubt—the price will encrease much faster. My complimts & best wishes to Mrs Craig 2—I am Sir &c.
G: Washington
1. See Craig to GW, 22 Mar. 1785.
2. Mrs. Craig was born Margaret Craig in Tobago. She spoke French and Italian and the Craig house at 181–83 Chestnut Street was a favorite of the European officers during the Revolution. The marriage of the Craig daughter to Nicholas Biddle was performed at Andalusia.