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Results 16651-16700 of 184,431 sorted by author
I lately received your Letter of the 18 th: of October.— The Sentiment, and observations...
I have already written to you this Day by the Marquis de Lafayatte. This passes thro the Hands of...
Mr. Samuel Adams sends his affectionate Regards to Mrs. Adams (in which his own Mrs. Adams...
I cannot omit the Opportunity of writing by Monsr de le Etombe who is going to France & will take...
It was not till the Begining of this Month that I had the Honor of receiving your Favor of the...
I have very lately written to you recommending a Young Gentleman by the name of Winthrop. I pray...
Or may it plese your Excellency, I imbrace this oppertunety to address your Excellency: it is...
Although we are exceedingly pressd with publick Business at this Juncture, I cannot omit the...
As Surgeons of the continental Hospital we take the Freedom to address you upon an Occasion which...
I sit down to write in great Haste as the post is just going. I reached P. Ferry on tuesday Six...
I have the Honor to transmit to your Excellency the inclosd Address of the General Assembly of...
I had the Honor of receiving your Letter of the 29th of March directed to the Speaker of the...
I am loth to trespass one moment upon your time, which at present must be very precious.—But I am...
The Lieut. Governour presents his respects to the Vice President of the United States, and...
I do not know why it is thus—but I am dissatisfied with myself untill I acknowledge your tender...
Yours of the 10 th Instant was presented this morning— I am happy you again experience the...
I have received your letter favour of the 20th Instant enclosing Mr Clarks letter and your...
You will receive this by Thomas Read Esqr who was Captain of the Frigate Washington but is now...
This will be accompanied with a Contract entered into between John Baptist Lazarus Theveneau De...
I received your favour of the 17th August and thank you for your prompt compliance with my wishes...
Two of your Letters, viz No 24. Dup: & 25. Origl came to hand on the 16th: inst: These are the...
A long interval has gone by since the date of my last to you, but I have received nothing from...
Thomas Adams, brother of John Quincy Adams, was one of the Circuit Judges of Masstts Court very...
My time has been so occupied between going to Boston to get my dinner and coming back to Quincy...
I received, at Norristown, while attending a County Court, your favor of the 25 th: ult: with an...
I have for some time past had it in contemplation to take my pen & devote its impressions to your...
Your kind Letter by my Brother was delivered a few days since; as the proposal it contains is of...
I have just now received your favor of the 28 th: ult. with the enclosures; Dennie stepp’d in a...
Your favor of the 6 th: curr t. is at hand. It is true, that I mistook the statement in your...
I address you again after a short interval from the date of my last, having little more to say...
I hasten within two hours after the receipt of your Letter, which came to my hands while at my...
By request of My Father I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the...
I have your favor of the 15 th: inst t: and am pleased to find in it an interpretation of the 6...
I have received from Messrs: Curtis & Adams to whom I sold your Wood near the Mill pond, the...
There is in Boston, a Lemmon-tree of a peculiar kind, called the Sweet Lemmon, Sent to your...
It is thought adviseable to defer ‘till after Your next Saturday visit, any steps in the business...
My last Letter to you was of such a nature, that I can easily persuade myself no matter arose out...
That I have hitherto given you no account of my voyage since my arrival, is imputable to the...
The Death of our mutual friend Dennie, was announced to me a few days ago, by W. S. Shaw Esqr,...
I received in course your favor of the 4 th: inst t: a pretty assiduous attendance at Court,...
When Sunday comes I usually enquire whether I have any arrearges to make up with my...
I have just received, on my return from Boston, this Evening, your favour of the 10th: instant,...
May I ask the favour of you to forward the enclosed letter? The United States Bank will probably...
Supposing that you will be at Washington long enough to receive a letter from this place before...
Your favors of the 7 th: & 31 st: of March & 3 d: of April, are yet unacknowledged, though they...
Your favor of the 10 th: curr t: has just come to hand, and as I find a vacant moment, it cannot...
I have neglected writing to you longer than usual, that I might have it in my power to give you...
I intended to have written to you when at your own house or Office in Boston, but was prevented...
In one of your last letters to my brother you ask for my dispositions of a certain box addressed...
Since I invited you to a correspondence, and you have not declined it, I should think repentance...