Adams Papers

[Monday July 22. 1776.]
[from the Diary of John Adams]

[Monday July 22. 1776.]

Monday July 22. 1776.

The Congress resolved itself into a Committee of the whole, to take into consideration the Articles of confederation, and after some time the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Harrison reported, that the Committee have made some progress in the matter to them referred, but not having come to a conclusion, desire leave to sit again.

Resolved that this Congress will tomorrow again resolve itself into a Committee of the whole to take into their further Consideration, the Articles of Confederation.1

1See JA’s Diary entry for 25 July 1776 (Notes of Debates) and the editorial notes there. Several entries that follow in the Diary continue JA’s minutes of debates in committee of the whole on the Articles of Confederation; but it is obvious here, as everywhere else in this section of the Autobiography, that JA did not look back at his private and very illuminating records of what went on in Congress.

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