Thomas Jefferson Papers

Recipe for Mahogany Varnish, [June 1805?]

Recipe for Mahogany Varnish

[June 1805?]

A Varnish for mahogany furniture. from Gilbert Stuart

boiled linseed oil } in equal parts
spirits of turpentine
add ⅙ part of wax.

warm the whole in a gentle heat, to about the consistence of butter in hot weather.

rub it on the furniture with a woollen cloth.

it cannot be sat in the same day.

requires renewing, perhaps once a quarter.

MS (DLC); undated; entirely in TJ’s hand, including endorsement: “Recipe. Varnish for furniture.”

In 1803, Gilbert Stuart set up a portrait studio in Washington. TJ invited the artist to dinner on a few occasions and sat for Stuart in 1805. The artist moved his studio to Boston in July 1805 (Carrie Rebora Barratt and Ellen G. Miles, Gilbert Stuart [New Haven, 2004], 239, 242, 285; Vol. 45:714, 720; Appendix II).

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