George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Parke Custis, 30 August 1770

From John Parke Custis

August 30th 1770

My dear Sir

I have sent you, according to your directions patterns of all Mr Stewarts Beaver-coating with the lowest ready money prices fixd to each of them, which I have directed the Boy to leave with Mr Ramsay;1 When I cross’d the River (the day I set off) I saw Mr Mason, who told me that Mr Chritian had been to his House, & told him, that he was to teach four Days at our House the next time; therefore I should be glad, if convenient to know before the Time whether I must come over,2 &c. likewise whether I shall have the lace taken of my green Coat, I think it had better be turnd3 by which means it will serve me very well this winter. I have nothing knew to tell you off. Mr Boucher has sent your letter by Captain Gorge Buchanan. Please to give my love to Mamma & Sister, & my compliments to all who enquire after me. I am with the greatest respect your most obedient Son

John Parke Custis

ALS, PHi: Gratz Collection; Sprague transcript, DLC:GW.

1For Anthony Stewart’s beaver coating, see Jonathan Boucher to GW, 18 Aug. 1770. Mr. Ramsay is the merchant and GW’s friend William Ramsay of Alexandria.

2Custis left on 25 July after a visit of five days at Mount Vernon to return to Annapolis for his schooling under Boucher. One purpose of his visit was to attend Francis Christian’s dancing lessons.

3This word can also be read as “hemd.”

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