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Results 1621-1650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
You will receive with this letter a pamphlet entitled "the American System" of which I am the...
I have recd. under your cover, the newspaper containing the explanatory remarks on the two...
I long ago felt the desire to submit to your examination, some of my essays on american political...
J. M. returns his thanks to Mr. Sessford for the copy of his Statistical view of the City of...
J. Madison acknowledges with many thanks the rect. of the Copy with which he has been favord by...
I have recd. your very kind letter of the 12th. The commendations you bestow on those relating to...
I have recd. with yours of the 12th. the 1st. vol: of Lyman’s Diplomacy. The mail charged with...
I return herewith the Second Statement by the Council of the London University. If the...
Understanding that you take an interest in the growth of this City, I have taken the liberty of...
Your letters on the Constitutionality of a protecting duty on imports is received here pity they...
Thompson received four copies of Lyman’s work, on Saturday. Two were immediately taken—the one by...
Your favor of the 31st. Ult. was duly recd. You have not mistaken my idea of the Constl. power of...
I cannot longer abstain from expressing the deep interest with which I read your two letters on...
Annexed I send for your approval, my check on the P. & Directors of the Literary Fund, for Five...
Will Mr. R. oblige J.M. by turning to the correspondence of Mr. Jefferson with Mr. Pendleton &...
I have recd. yours of Decr. 28 in which you wish me to say something on the agitated subject of...
I recd. some days ago yours of Decr. 22. Altho’ I calculated on being left entirely to my own...
Your letter, my dear Richard, gave me much pleasure, as it shews that you love your studies,...
Thos. S. Grimke requests Mr Madison’s acceptance of the within Resolutions, in testimony of...
As candor in Religion , is now vanished from the face of the earth: and hypocrisy under the mask...
Gulian C. Verplanck presents his respects to Mr Madison and, with his best wishes for many happy...
9th Decr. Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr. & Mrs Adams for thursday next...
(Those who deny that the power of Congs to regulate foreign commerce includes a protective power,...
List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington...
Major Hamilton arrived here yesterday, & I had the pleasure, to-day, of placing in his hands the...
This statement shews that the loan of 60000 with 3 years of the pub: any. wd. compleat ye....
The Answer of James Madison of Orange County Virginia, to the Bill of Complaint of Charles...
Resolved that the Rector be authorized to appoint to the Chair of Antient Languages, for the term...
On the rect. of your last letter I directed my overseer to communicate with the Miller on the...
To the effect of <the> changes intellectual, moral and social, the institutions laws of the...