James Madison Papers

Daniel Raymond to James Madison, 26 January 1829

Baltimore Jan. 26. 1829

Dear Sir,

You will receive with this letter a pamphlet entitled "the American System" of which I am the Author. I have lately read with great pleasure your letters on the Constitutional power of Congress to protect American manufactures. I think those letters are calculated to do much good in the present excited state of public opinion on that subject in parts of our Country. I have taken the liberty, perhaps rashly of treating of the same subject. Although I cannot hope to suggest to you any new ideas respecting the constitution of the U. States, yet it may perhaps amuse you for half an hour, to see what views, some, who were in their cradles when that instrument was made, have formed of that great work, in which you had a principal hand. With great veneration & respect Your ob. Svt.

D Raymond.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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