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Thank you for your favour of the 12th. The Anecdote mentioned in my Letter of the 4th of September is of no Consequence to the Public, though, it may interest the private Feelings of your Family and mine. Mr Stodert was my Auther. After all possibility of thinking Seriously on the Subject was passed, Mr Stodert informed me of the Letter from Mrs Madison to Mr Steel mentioned in mine to you of...
Your favour with five four Dollars, I have duly Rec d . I enclose 25 cents. By a letter of yours to Charles Thompson , Esq r I find you have been collating the Morality of the New Testament. Do you intend it for publication? If so, w d you be willing to let me have the MS. & on what terms? RC ( MHi
J’ai bien des remerciemens à vous faire pour la bonté que vous avez eu de parcourir le manuscrit que je vous adressai envoyai le mois passé. Je m’empresse, maintenant, de vous adresser le Prospectus de l’ouvrage. La méthode, comme vous y verrez, est applicable à l’enseignement même d’un seul individu; Sans cela, elle eût été défectueuse, et ne pouvait convenir comme vous l’avez, Justement,...
It would give me real pleasure to be useful to m r arm i stead , for the reasons which you have stated, if I had the power, but there is no vacancy in the dep t of State , and so closely beset are all the dep ts , by applicants for clerkships, that opportunities rarely occur of introducing into either, any person whom we wish, however deserving of it. I have spoken to the President in m r arm
Your favour of the 15 th August last reach’d Boston , in my absence, on a long journey in the country. I returned two days ago and found your letter , which informs me, that my son is “about sending me out Books” and at the same time will forward “a parcel” to me to be forwarded to you. These Books have not yet arrived, and since he has resolved to continue another year in Göttingen I have...
I have lately seen some books in this place which are for sale low & which might be desireable to you to possess—They belong to the Estate of Benj n Davies Davis , an old friend, whom you may remember as among the first members of the Philosophical society —I will add a description of a few of those most curious or rare—Should you think well to enquire further respecting them, I will fulfil...
Understanding that Mr. Robert Trimble , of Bourbon county, in this State, is desirous of obtaining the office, filled by the late Judge Innis, it is with sincere pleasure I afford my evidence in favour of his application. Mr. Trimble is at the very head of the bar in this State, and his character, in every respect, stands as fair as that of any gentleman in this Commonwealth. Having practiced...
Whereas sentence of death was passed by the Circuit Court of the United States lately held for the County of Washington in the District of Columbia, upon a certain George Adams and Randall Tarrier, who was duly convicted of High Way Robery, which sentence was to have been executed upon them the said George Adams and Randall Tarrier, on the 22d day of August last; and whereas the President of...
Your much Esteemed fav r so Anxiously expected together with the inclosiers—Viz the good Gen ls Letter dated Soleure   April last, as well his Original and general power of Attorney to you, with substitution &c—all of which shall be duly Attended to.—and no doubt with me—can be Obtruded—or raised—against their being Admitted to be of suff: Validity, for me to rec e ive —thro you—the present...
in answer to your Note I enclose you a page of the book which I engaged to print for M r Jefferson I would have answered his Letter but having failed in beginning to print the book I would not write until I Could Send him an evidence that I had begun: The enclosed is a page was set up to determine the size; next week I will send him a proof of the first Eight pages RC ( DLC ); addressed: “...
I inclose you your account Current up to the 1 st Sept r balanced by $878.91 in my favor which I trust you will find Correct—    Flour 8½ & 8¾$—    respectfully Patrick Gibson p Ja s Ligon your favor of the 16 th is just rec d the dfts & remittance you direct shall be attended to. RC ( ViU: TJP-ER
Some years ago a Pipe of my Port Wine strayed up to Alexandria instead of being landed at Norfolk. As it was troublesome to get it round, and I knew it to be superiour to any that could be imported in the ordinary way, I offered it to General Washington and Mr. Fitzhugh at prime Cost, charges &c. The latter took it and divided it. It proved to be as I expected, & they wished for more. A...
I feel very sensibly the honor which you do me in offering me the charge of the War-department & am still more flattered by the expressions of personal regard contained in your letter. A preference however for the situation which I now fill (among other reasons because it allows me to apply a portion of the year to the care of my private affairs) will make me decline that which you have...
I have shipp’d on board the Brig Saucy-Jack , Capt: Humphrys for charleston. S. Carolina —two Cases containing together 87. bottles of Ama wine, which I hope you will find greatly to your Satisfaction.— By the brig Othello Capt: Gladding , & who Sail’d 10 days Since, I wrote you very fully on various Subjects; and especially Relating to the Statue, whic h I am directed to have sculptur’d, for...
On the establishment of the offices of Assessor & Collector of the land tax, the first being all-important to us, I recommended , on a consultation with others a mr Peter Minor for it: but the office of Collector being given to an inhabitant of this county the principle of geographical distribution prevailed for the other in favor of a mr Armistead . the present Collector
on On the eve of departure to a possession 90. miles Southwestwardly from hence, where my affairs will keep me until the end of the next month, I learn from a letter of mrs Morris ’s that we may expect the pleasure of a visit from her and yourself in this quarter. I shall be really mortified if I lose my share in it by absence. but an inference from the letter that your departure from New York...
The account rendered to-day is perfectly satisfactory, as the not having known of the 9. barrels of family flour subsequent to the last account , had alone excited doubt and a wish for you to examine it. I inclose you a statement as I suppose the account now to stand PoC ( MHi ); on verso of reused address cover of John Adams to TJ, 30 Sept. 1816 ; at foot of text: “M r T. E. Randolph ”;...
Capt. Morris with the Frigate Congress to proceed without delay to the Gulf of Mexico, where he will of course take the naval command on the N. O. Station. He is 1. To protect our commerce in the Gulf of Mexico agst the violence & depredations of pirates, not confounding however with pirates, armed vessels under whatever flag, committing hostilities agst. a particular nation or nations only....
Entries taken from Day Book kept by J Kuhn 1816 April 4 Tho s Jefferson To 4   barrels of Flour, sent to the Mountain by Isaac 12 th  ditto
Shadwell Mill 19 th Sept r 1816 —We agree to deliver to the order of Tho s Jefferson Esq r Six hundred bushels of Shipstuff at eighteen-pence ⅌er bushel to be deducted from the first quarters Rent—and to be deliver’d viz t 200 bushels in the second week of October next,—200—on the 1 st Nov
I have just received your favor of the 15t. instant, and, conforming to it, I shall cease to act in the Treasury, after the dispatch of tomorrow’s mail. The kind expressions of your letter, make a deep and lasting impression. I shall resort to the testimonials of your approbation and confidence, for consolation, whenever the past reminds me of any sacrafice to be lamented; or the future shall...
I have the honor to inform you that you are appointed one, of the Visitors of the Central College in Albemarle, and to forward you the enclosed Commission. It is hoped that it will not be inconvenient for you to undertake the Execution of this office. I am, Sir, With great respect, Your Humble Servant RC and enclosure ( DLC ). RC and enclosure in a clerk’s hand, signed by Nicholas. Cover...
Your favor of the 11 th came to hand last night. supposing that mr Gibson will have sent on the former sum of 89.11 as mentioned in my letter of the 16 th before I could advise him to enlarge it, I have thought it best to inclose to you directly the additional sum of 6.60 D in Richmond bank notes which we understand to be at par in N. York , or if not exactly so the fractional cents on the...
I have the honor to inform you that you are appointed one of the Visitors of the Central College in Albemarle , and to forward you the enclosed commission . It is hoped that it will not be inconvenient for you to undertake the execution of this office. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Nicholas ; at foot of text: “ Thomas Jefferson , Esq.”; endorsed by TJ as received 31 Oct. 1816 and so...
Virginia , to wit:— Whereas, by an Act of the General Assembly , Passed the 14 h day of February 1816, intitled, “An act for establishing a College in the County of Albemarle ,” it is made the duty of the Governor for the time being, as Patron of the said College , to appoint Visitors thereof—Therefore, I, Wilson C. Nicholas , Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia , do, in pursuance of the...
I have a Son Doc Samuel Merry that hath been in A loe state of health for some time past, And he wishes to spend this winter in some of the Mediterranean islands for his health. And he wishes to get the appointment of Surgon or Surgons mate in Our fleet whis is stationed in that quarter. I can only informe you that the Doc. hath had for several years (before his ilness) an extencive practice...
I was much gratified to hear by our relation Lieut Joseph Taylor of the health of yourself and family, mine at present enjoys that blessing. I addressed a letter to you not long since, on the subject of the appointment of a district Judge for Kentucky. I should not now again mention it, was it not for the circumstance of a report that has got into circulation which may reach you, that Mr....
§ Samuel Harrison Smith to Alexander J. Dallas. 17 October 1816, Treasury Department, Revenue Office. “A keeper being requisite for a new Light House erected on Race Point, the name of Joshua Dyer, with the accompanying recommendations, are respectfully submitted for the consideration of the President. It is also requisite that the salary of the keeper be fixed, which, it is proposed, shall be...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments and his thanks to m r Dearborne for the copy he has been so kind as to send him of his translation of De Lasteyrie ’s learned & valuable work on the Pastel or Woad. he hopes the translation will encorage and promote the culture of that useful plant in the US. a long absence from home must apologise for this late acknolegement of the receipt of the work....
Understanding by your grandson M r Randolph , that you have declined to take the property claimed by the legatees of Bennett Henderson Dec d , as it was valued to you, by Martin Dawson , I am desirous of knowing explicitly, whether or not, you will give up the property so claimed by them, and pay the rents due thereon, peaceably, and without my having recourse to law to obtain the same: but I...
Your favor of the 10 th is recieved and communicated to the family, and we all join in thankfulness for the kind offers of service. these we shall accept with frankness if occasion occurs, because we are assured of the good will with which they are offered, and we shall never be happier than when we can be useful to you. we are in the hope that your business will permit you occasionally to...
If it should not be convenient to you to meet me at the Mill tomorrow at 10 O’Clock, I will do myself the pleasure to call on you about 11 O’Clock—in the mean time I will examine the Mill books and see what offal is due to the customers—and if it is possible to furnish you with the quantity you want I will inform you—I am sorry there should have been any misunderstanding on the subject of...
It is most painful to me to be always addressing on a distressing subject one whom I so highly esteem, and who merits so much to be spared every possible pain. but your request, my promise, and the happiness of us all require it. mr Bankhead stood his ground firmly until Monday last (the 8 th ) our district court day, when he went to Charlottesville , and all his resolution gave way. when the...
The resignation of the Treasury, by Mr. Dallas, drawing after it a vacancy in the War Department, now to be filled, I am desirous of availing our Country of your talents & services in the latter. With a hope of obtaining your assent, I addressed a letter to you, which, from the course of your journey can not have reached you; and as soon as I ascertained that you had arrived in Washington, I...
I was very unlucky indeed in being in time for so small a portion only of the books I had wished of D r Priestly ’s library. there was one in particular ( Benson ’s Saxon Vocabulary) I would rather have given double price for than have missed. the amount of the 3. vols on their way to me being 3.75 D I inclose you 4.D. in Virginia bank notes, which I understand pass with you. the difference of...
Your favor of Sep. 26. was recieved a few days ago, and I have this day written to my correspondents in Richmond , mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to desire them to remit you the amount of the account you inclosed me , to wit 89.11 D which I trust they will do without delay. I am very thankful to you for your kind offices on this & similar occasions which I could with much difficulty arrange...
Johnson ’s boat, and one of mr Eston Randolph ’s went off yesterday afternoon with between 90 & 100 barrels of flour for me & would haul their boats round Magruder ’s locks, which by unloading & reloading, they say, is practicable. Johnson on his return will take off another load for me. in Bedford as we are 11. miles from the Lynchburg mills, and our horses all engage g
I contemplate with great satisfaction the publication of your system of ethicks extracted from the holy scriptures, as tending to support the correct maxim—that religion should influence the political as well as the moral conduct of man, strictly complying with the sacrid injunction , of doing unto others whatever we desire others to do unto us. However sincerely attached a christian statesman...
If it be proposed to place an inscription on the Capitol , the lapidary style requires that essential facts only should be stated, and these with a brevity admitting no superfluous word. the essential facts in the two inscriptions proposed are these the reasons for this brevity are that the letters must be of extraordinary magnitude to be read from below; that little space is allowed them,...
I learn that you have recieved D r Byrd ’s journal on the survey of our Southern boundary , from mr Harrison of Barclay . it is a work I have wished to see, and if you think yourself at liberty, when done with it, to trust it in my hands for perusal only, it shall be promptly and safely returned by mail. if you do not feel entirely free to do this, I will write to request it of mr Harrison . I...
Your favor of the 4 th is recieved & also the 4. vols of Edinburgh review, and I now inclose you a Virginia bank note of 10.D. with the assurance of my respects PoC ( DLC ); on verso of a reused address cover from Thomas Appleton to TJ; at foot of text: “M r John F. Watson ”; endorsed by TJ.
Your Letter my dear mrs Smith of Sepbr 23d I received while Caroline de Wint & her Babe were with me. It gave us both great pleasure to learn that you were well. mr & mrs de wint & miss Catharine Smaltys left us on the 12th for N York yesterday I received a few lines from Caroline Saying they reachd Providence the day they left us, & intended taking the packet the next day—I wish to hear of...
The quiet Season has at length arrived. For the last six weeks I have had no occasion to go into London, except upon business, and there is some relaxation of that—Almost all the Cabinet Ministers are absent upon excursions; and Lord Castlereagh is gone to Ireland to see his father . The Morning Chronicle gives a shrewd hint, that it is the sign that Parliament will be dissolved, and that his...
It being finally arranged that Mr. Crawford will enter the Treasury Department on Monday next, I lose no time in apprizing you of the day, on which the requisition on your kind and protracted attention to its duties, will be at an end. The letter offering the War Department to Mr. Lowndes, having been sent to N. York missed of him altogether; and it unluckily happened, that he set out, after...
I had the honor of addressing a letter about ten days since to the Secretary of State, withdrawing my name from the list of those recommended for the appointment of District Judge in place of the late Judge Innes. I presume that letter has been laid before you. In it I have explicitedly & Candidly Stated the reasons for my withdrawing my name. Since I wrote that letter I have understood that...
By letters recently received from My friend Colo. Johnson I find that much solicitude exists in Kentuckey, & particularly among his friends that Johnson & Co. the present contractors for supplying rations to our military force in the South West should be continued in that engagement, as they apprehend a competition from a person recently become their enemy, who will delight to gratify his...
I have the honor to report, that during your absence, the Public Buildings in this City have advanced with as much rapidity, as perhaps under all circumstances, we ought to expect. The walls of the Presidents house are carried up nearly to the parapet, notwithstanding they were to take down much lower than had been apprehended. Great efforts are making to cover in that building this season,...
Your letter; dear Sir, of May 6. had already well explained the Uses of grief, that of Sep. 3. with equal truth adduces instances of it’s abuse; and when we put into the same scale these abuses, with the afflictions of soul which even the Uses of grief cost us, we may consider it’s value in the economy of the human being, as equivocal at least. those afflictions cloud too great a portion of...
The death of Judge Innes, has devolved on you the duty of appointing a Judge of the District court of the U. S. for the Kentucky District. Robert Trimble Esqr. is selected by the voice of his countrymen as the Successor of Judge Innes. Mr. Trimble is of long standing at the bar; he ranks with the foremost in his profession. For talents he is surpassed by no lawyer in the state; for integrity...
The undersigned members of the Bar in the county of Harrison & State of Kentucky being informed that a vacancy is occasioned in this district of the Court of the United States by the death of the late Honble Harry Innis beg leave to recommend as a person suitable to supply said Vacancy Robert Trimble Esq of Paris late one of the Judges of the court of appeals for the State of Kentucky. In...