James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Joseph Delaplaine, [ante–22 October 1816]

From Joseph Delaplaine

Philada [ante–22] October 1816.

Dr. sir,

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the sketch of your life. I feel obliged by your kind attention to me. Justice shall be done to it.

I hope, dear sir, you have received, before this, the first half volume of the Repository. If it will not be inconvenient, I should feel proud to receive from you two single lines of your approbation of the work. Something like approving of the plan, style of execution &c &c. I shall receive a line or two from Mr. Jefferson on the same subject & shall give these with the next half volume which I am now preparing for the press, & which, among others, will contain the life & portrait of Mr. Jefferson. Yours will appear in the third or fourth half volume. I remain with the highest respect & esteem, your obedt. & most humle. st.

Joseph Delaplaine.

P.S. Be pleased to show this letter to your very excellent lady. I take the liberty of sending to you herewith, a pamphlet, & one, & a letter, for Mr. Todd, which I beg you to have the goodness to present to him.

I have the honour also, to send a small interesting volume to Mrs. Madison.1

RC (DLC). Dated October 1816 and so docketed by JM. Day not indicated; conjectural day assigned based on the assumption that JM received this letter after his return to Washington on 9 Oct. and before he wrote to Delaplaine on 22 Oct. 1816.

1The enclosed items and letter have not been identified.

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