George Washington Papers

From George Washington to John Dickinson, 13 April 1775

To John Dickinson

Mount Vernon April 13th 1775.

Dear Sir,

Mr Lloyd did me the honour to call at this place with your favour of the 4th Instt.1 If the Letters I have given him to the Governor, and others, will, in the smallest degree contribute to his success, I shall think myself happy; but I dispair of it at this time, as his Lordship is, I know, under a prohibition, by a late Instruction, to grant no more Lands to the Westward of us (but on certain Conditions) till his Majestys further pleasure be made known—this has put a stop to the Issuing of Patents from the Secretary’s Office for Lands which have been Surveyed by the Govrs express Warrants; and leaves the Proprietors of them in a state of uncertainty after being run to the expence of a Survey, & other Costs so strange, & inconsistent is the policy of the times.2 I am with the sincerest regard, & greatest respect. Dr Sir Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt

Go: Washington

ALS, owned (1979) by Dr. W. S. Gibbs, Sunbury, Pennsylvania. The letter is addressed to “John Dickinson Esquire at Fairhill Pensylvania” and is “Favour’d by Mr Lloyd.”

John Dickinson (1732–1808), author of the influential Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies was a representative from Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress. He lived at Fair Hill, north of Philadelphia on the Germantown Road.

1Letter not found.

2Mr. Lloyd may be Thomas Lloyd, formerly the lieutenant colonel in the 2d Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment during the Forbes campaign in 1757–58, or possibly his heir or representative. Lloyd would have been eligible for 5,000 acres of bounty land under the Proclamation of 1763.

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