George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Thomas Newton, Jr., 12 April 1775

From Thomas Newton, Jr.

Norfolk 12 April 1775


I Received your favor of 3d instant,1 I also have received the herrings 60 Bars. of which I have sold at 15/ & am in hopes of getting clear of the remainder at the same price payable next October. the ship stuff is still on hand tho. I hope to get ten shillings for it soon.2 I will endeavor to get a vessell to bring up the sand tho. I am afraid I shall not procure it to be done under 5d. or 6d. the bushell. superfine flour I think will answer here that is it now sells for 2d. & freight, shou’d you incline to send any please to let it be soon. I am Yr Hble Servt

Thomas Newton Jr

Mr Balfour died on saturday last sunddenly.3


1Letter not found.

2For Newton’s earlier difficulties in disposing of GW’s lower-grade flour, see GW to Newton, 27 Jan. 1773, n.2.

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