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Results 16111-16120 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have just received your Letter by the Dragoon —as your Corps is out of supporting Distance I would have you confine yourself to observing the motions of the Enemy—unless an opportunity offers of intercepting some small Parties—and by no means to come to an Engagement with your whole Body unless you are tempted by some very evident advantage—Genl Greenes Aide de Camp has already written you...
The Director of the Mint, being informed by the public News Papers, that a Bill has been brought into Congress for abolishing of the Mint, cannot, consistent with his duty, omit, respectfully to represent the Case of some of the Officers, Clerks and Workmen of the Mint, to the President. The Salaries and Wages allowed in the Mint have not been increased since the first establishment of the...
At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College April 1, 1783. Voted, that the Diploma for a Doctorate of Laws, conferred on his Excellency John Adams Esq r , some time since, be immediately engrossed, and the Seal enclosed in a Silver Box. Copy/Attest: RC ( Adams Papers ). For the history of JA ’s honorary doctorate, which had been voted in July 1781 and announced on 19 Dec. 1781,...
Since I last had the honor of writing to you, I have had several interviews with Mr Gough, who seems of opinion that Mr Rawlins charge of £160 for finishing your Room is full as reasonable if not more so than what he charged him for Work of the same kind —Upon this I have come to the following heads of agreement with him, which will be committed to firm after I have heard from you. The Work to...
In Consequence of your Excellency’s Requisition of the 15th of September, the Executive of this State contracted for a Quantity of Entrenching Tools, and Yesterday sent, under the Care of Captain Stephens of the Artillery, 107 Shovels. 40 Spades. 54 Pick Axes, with a Parcel of Augers and other Tools; and there is a good Prospect of forwarding, in a very little Time, a much larger Number, with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we arrived safe here after a quick passage, but not Time enough I fear to undo what had been done wrong in consequence of premature advice, however still much depends upon future contingent Events, if the final arrangement takes place, all may yet be well, shou’d it happen otherwise, without previous information the...
16117[January 1762] (Washington Papers)
Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed them alive, after they had fasted abt. 36 hours. They turned out 2147  When killed nett Wt. was 1774  Haslletts
I had by Yesterdays Post, the Pleasure of your Letter of the 12. instant. The Account you give me of the Books you have read and Studied is very agreable to me. Let me request you, to pursue my Lord Coke. The first Institute You Say you have diligently Studied. Let me Advise you to study the second, third and fourth Institutes with equal Diligence. My Lord Coke is justly Styled the oracle of...
In the interval that has elapsed since the death of my late father in law Genl. John Smith decd., during the whole of which I have been absent from this City, my friends have proposed me as a Candidate for the office of Marshal of this District, vacated by his decease. In doing so, they appear to have contented themselves with simply mentioning my name to the Secretary of State, without...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Quoique je n’aÿe pas L’honneur de vous étre Connû, je me flatte néantmoins que vous ne désaperouverés pas celui que j’ai de vous ecrire, c’est Monsieur, de L’objet des fers de mes forges de Dilling citués prés de Cette Ville, que des amis me Conseillent de vous entretenir en ce quil pouroit vous Interresser. J’en fait fabriquer de tous Calibres en sortes...