Results 16111-16120 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
16111[Diary entry: 4 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
4. Misting, & Raining more or less all day with but little Wind and that Southerly.
Letter not found: from John Dickinson, 4 April 1775. On 13 April GW wrote Dickinson that he had...
Though the business that at present surrounds me on every side, makes writing inconvenient, yet I...
MS : Library of Congress During his homeward voyage Franklin took time off from writing his...
16115[Diary entry: 5 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
5. At home all day with the above Gentleman.
16116[Diary entry: 5 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day.
The writing of this Letter, has been delayed longer than I expected, for the following...
My Letter of the 4th of December to Colo. Mercer (dispatched by the first opportunity that...
I have the honor of your favor of the 2nd of Aprill; in answer to which, it is the desire of our...
I do not know that the terms on which the crown engaged to grant the lands in Virginia are...