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Results 16101-16110 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I find there will go some matters from this country, which will make my attendance at the Assembly necessary; this I cannot possibly do and go over the Mountains this Spring. I have therefore determined, much against my Inclination & Interest, to postpone my Trip to the Ohio till after Harvest (as I cannot well be absent from home at that Season.) As March therefore (at least the first of it)...
Your favour of the 5th came to my hands in course of Post, last Thursday, and fill’d us with no small concern at the Indisposition of yourself and Family —equally concernd am I to hear of the unhappy state of our Paper Currency, and that the Interposition of the Assembly is thought necessary—should this measure be resolvd on, be so good as to advise Me, whether it be intended that the Country...
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, 26 Dec. 1775. On 27 Jan. 1776 Bassett wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 26 of Decr is just come to hand.”
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, 15 Dec. 1771. On 21 Dec. Bassett wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 15 Inst. I receive in Wmsburg yesterday.”
So good an oppertunity as Turner Crump on a visit to his Father (affords) I coud not omit of asking how you do; for I have nothing to require, and as little to communicate in this Epistle, as it cannot be News to inform you, that the Peace of the Frontier Inhabitants seems to have met with almost as rude a shock from the late Indian Insults, as it did from any of their Barbarities in the...
It is an easier matter to conceive, than to describe, the distress of this Family; especially that of the unhappy Parent of our Dear Patcy Custis, when I inform you that yesterday removd the Sweet Innocent Girl into a more happy, & peaceful abode than any she has met with, in the afflicted Path she hitherto has trod. She rose from Dinner about four Oclock, in better health and spirits than she...
Mr Dandridge for reasons which he can better explain to you than I, have requested that the enclosed Bonds may be put in Suit. I beg it may be done accordingly. Upon so great a change as has lately taken place in your career of life I ought, possibly to have begun this letter with compliments of congratulation but as they are not less sincere on account of there being made the second Paragraph...
Your letter of the 17th inst: was received yesterday. With you, I sincerely regret the death of your amiable Sister; but as it is one of those events which is dispensed by an allwise and uncontroulable Providence; and as I believe no person could be better prepared to meet it, it is the duty of her relatives to submit, with as little repining as the Sensibility of our natures is capable of. Mr...
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, Jr., 13 Dec. 1797. On 22 Dec. Bassett wrote GW : “Yours of the 13th reached me to day.”
(Copy) Dear Sir, Philadelphia March 4th 1793. Your letter of the 18th Ulto, & its enclosure, came duly to hand. Expected as the death of my departed relation and friend was, I could not but feel sensibly when the news of it arrived. And I take the present occasion to offer you my condolence on the death of your father & my friend, Colo. Bassett, for whom, when alive, I had the sincerest...