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Results 16101-16130 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I find there will go some matters from this country, which will make my attendance at the Assembly necessary; this I cannot possibly do and go over the Mountains this Spring. I have therefore determined, much against my Inclination & Interest, to postpone my Trip to the Ohio till after Harvest (as I cannot well be absent from home at that Season.) As March therefore (at least the first of it)...
Your favour of the 5th came to my hands in course of Post, last Thursday, and fill’d us with no small concern at the Indisposition of yourself and Family —equally concernd am I to hear of the unhappy state of our Paper Currency, and that the Interposition of the Assembly is thought necessary—should this measure be resolvd on, be so good as to advise Me, whether it be intended that the Country...
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, 26 Dec. 1775. On 27 Jan. 1776 Bassett wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 26 of Decr is just come to hand.”
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, 15 Dec. 1771. On 21 Dec. Bassett wrote to GW : “Your favour of the 15 Inst. I receive in Wmsburg yesterday.”
So good an oppertunity as Turner Crump on a visit to his Father (affords) I coud not omit of asking how you do; for I have nothing to require, and as little to communicate in this Epistle, as it cannot be News to inform you, that the Peace of the Frontier Inhabitants seems to have met with almost as rude a shock from the late Indian Insults, as it did from any of their Barbarities in the...
It is an easier matter to conceive, than to describe, the distress of this Family; especially that of the unhappy Parent of our Dear Patcy Custis, when I inform you that yesterday removd the Sweet Innocent Girl into a more happy, & peaceful abode than any she has met with, in the afflicted Path she hitherto has trod. She rose from Dinner about four Oclock, in better health and spirits than she...
Mr Dandridge for reasons which he can better explain to you than I, have requested that the enclosed Bonds may be put in Suit. I beg it may be done accordingly. Upon so great a change as has lately taken place in your career of life I ought, possibly to have begun this letter with compliments of congratulation but as they are not less sincere on account of there being made the second Paragraph...
Your letter of the 17th inst: was received yesterday. With you, I sincerely regret the death of your amiable Sister; but as it is one of those events which is dispensed by an allwise and uncontroulable Providence; and as I believe no person could be better prepared to meet it, it is the duty of her relatives to submit, with as little repining as the Sensibility of our natures is capable of. Mr...
Letter not found: to Burwell Bassett, Jr., 13 Dec. 1797. On 22 Dec. Bassett wrote GW : “Yours of the 13th reached me to day.”
(Copy) Dear Sir, Philadelphia March 4th 1793. Your letter of the 18th Ulto, & its enclosure, came duly to hand. Expected as the death of my departed relation and friend was, I could not but feel sensibly when the news of it arrived. And I take the present occasion to offer you my condolence on the death of your father & my friend, Colo. Bassett, for whom, when alive, I had the sincerest...
Sometime ⟨between illegible ⟩ment to the walks of ⟨private illegible ⟩ girl*, the body servant of Mrs Washington⟨,⟩ absconded without the least pr⟨ovocation⟩ and without our having ⟨ illegible sus⟩picion of such, her intention ⟨ illegible ⟩ whither she had gone. At length, we learnt ⟨ illegible ⟩ got to Portsmouth in New H⟨ampshire; in⟩ consequence of this information ⟨ illegible ⟩ authentic)...
If my last letter to you, containing the Bond of the deceased Mr Dandridge on which you were requested to bring suit, was not sufficiently explanatory of the intention, I now beg leave to inform you that my meaning is after Judgement shall have been obtained and execution levied on the Slaves belonging to the estate of the decd Gentn that you, or Mr John Dandridge, in behalf of his Mother, wd...
Your favour of the 22d Ulto came duly to hand. As Mr Burwell is disinclined to part with his Cook, & Colo. Finnie’s is too much incumbered with a family, I must make the best shift I can with those I have; and indeed, with a housekeeper that understands that business, I believe it is best that I should do so. As you kindly offered to become the purchaser of Corn for me, in case I should need...
Letter not found: GW to Burwell Bassett, Jr., 10 July 1798. Sold by Sotheby, Parke-Bernet, catalog no. 4481M, item 282, 24 Nov. 1980. According to the catalog entry, the letter was an order for samples of bran and pollard.
Letter not found. Ca. 20 July 1810. Mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 24 July 1810 . Replies to Bassette’s inquiry about Dutch accounts of early Virginia history.
I have recd. your letter of the 25th. inst: which requests my Company at the laying of the Corner Stone of the proposed monument to the memory of the Mother of Washington I feel much regret that my very advanced age, to which is added a continued indisposition, will not permit me to be present; on an occasion commemorative of the mother of him who was the father of his own Country, and has...
To Mr T. Basset—Engineer. Sir Fort L[oudou]n May 4th 1758. Your letter of the 27th ultimo came to my hands only last night. I have received no Orders yet for marching 2,00 men to Enoch’s; when I do, you shall be informed thereof. I am Sir, Your most obedient, humble Servant, LB , DLC:GW .
16118[Account with Joseph Bass.] (Adams Papers)
£ s d May 31. 1775 pd. Jos. Bass a Dollar 0: 6: 0 pd. him before 2 Dollars 0: 12: 0 pd. him before at Braintree a Guinea 1: 8: 0 Aug. 14. 1775. To ballance of your Acct. left at Philadelphia, as you recollect it if wrong to be rectified 2: 8:
AD 1775 Sepr. 11 For bording at Mr. Dibleys 0: 8: 5 Oct. For one pr. of Quality binding 0 4 0 Paid to the Sadler 0 2: 3 Paid for triming of the horses 0 5: 0 For one Quir of paper
I have now the honor to inclose to you a letter of introduction to Mr. Dumas, who is charged with the affairs of the United states at the Hague. I have therein desired him to present yourself and the two Mr. Morrises to the French ambassador, which, on reflection I thought was a more proper step for me, than that thro’ the channel of M. de Vergennes. I inclined to it too the more readily,...
§ To Frederick Bates. 15 April 1806, Department of State. “I have recd. your letter of the 26th. January [not found], advising me of a draft you have drawn in part of your Salary as Judge of the Michegan Territory. It is necessary, therefore, to observe, that the Department of State has no agency in the payment of Salary, which is a subject belonging to the Treasury Department: it is however...
Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States of America, To all who shall see these presents, Greeting: Know Ye, That reposing special Trust and Confidence in the Integrity, Diligence and Abilities of Frederick Bates, of the Michigan Territory, I have nominated, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate do appoint him Secretary in and for the Territory of Louisiana; and do...
21 April 1804, Department of State. “Mr. Williams placed in my hands your statement respecting the Ship President, carried into Aligesiras and condemned under a pretence of the Blockade of Gibraltar. This will be cognizable under the late Convention with Spain as soon as the Board of Commissioners for which it provides is organized, of which due notice will be given.” Letterbook copy ( DNA :...
I received long ago your interesting favor on the 31st of Oct with a pamphlet referred to, and I owe an apology for not sooner acknowledging it. I hope it will be a satisfactory one that the state of my health crippled by a severe Rheumatism, restricted my attention to what seemed to have immediate claims upon it, and in that light I did not view the Subject of your communication, ignorant as...
Not knowing where the persons to whom the [enclosed are?] directed, may be at this time, and believing that this knoledge may [be] acquired at Pittsburg, I have taken the liberty of putting them under cover to you, and of adding a sollicitation that you would be so good as to address and forward them by any conveyance which may occur to the persons for whom they are, wheresoever they may...
AL : Dartmouth College Library Dr. Franklin presents his respectful Compliments to Lord Bathurst, with some American Nuts; and to Lady Bathurst, with some American Apples; which he prays they would accept, as a Tribute from that Country, small indeed, but voluntary . An elderly and distinguished pair. Allen Bathurst, first Earl Bathurst (1684–1775), had been one of the twelve men raised to the...
I thank you for this generous Address presented to me by your Representative in Congress Mr Bayard. The cordial approbation to you assert of the Administration of this Government, from the beginning of it, is highly satisfactory. Where is the Man of Honor or Virtue or public Spirit, who can hesitate, between dishonourable Peace and necessary War? between a moment of false security, purchased...
I have heretofore transmitted ⟨to⟩ you the arrangement of the second Regiment of ⟨Artillerists⟩ shewing the batalion which you are to command and its destination generally. Measures are taking to bring the companies not already there within the sphere of that destination. But you will immediately assume the command of all the fortified posts in the vicinity of the sea board within the States...
Your letter of the 4th. of November has been recieved and duly considered; and after sufficient enquiry into the practice, I am bound to inform you, that the contract with your husband having been made under the immediate authority of the state of Georgia, it remained with that state to pay it’s own contracts in the first instance, & then, if the debt were of a nature to claim paiment of the...
I have duly received the letter of Aug. 31. which you did me the honour to write me. The power of appointing Consuls for the United states of America rests with Congress alone. As yet they have made but one appointment in France, which was that of Mr. Barclay. Perhaps it may yet be some time before any such appointments are made, as the convention for defining the Consular powers is not yet...