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Results 16101-16150 of 184,431 sorted by author
Having an opportunity to write you by Mr Lewis of Philadelphia who leaves this place for England...
I enclose you a Letter from one of your young correspondents which was received a few days after...
Having received a very elegant Lace Cap from the Ladies of the Lace school at Newport I write to...
I have just received your little and your big Letter, and return you many thanks for both, which...
Mrs. Adams requests the favour of Mr. Mrs. & Miss Greenleafs company at Tea on Wednesday Eveng....
Your Grandfather has expressed so much satisfaction at your conduct during your visit to him this...
July 31 Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Fisher, and Mr Saul from New Orleans, called on us, and I returned all...
On the Portrait of My Husband. The painters Art would vainly seize That harmony of Nature; Where...
August 2 We last night paid our intended visit to the Masonic Hall and were received by the Grand...
We return’d to Town yesterday morning which was one of the most bitter Cold I ever experienced...
Your Letter distressed both your father and myself on account of the painful news it...
Your charming letter only reached me last night the roads being very bad but it came time enough...
8th: March—Was very unwell all the morning and the weather was extremely disagreeable—In the...
11 July. This day we celebrated and drank the health of my best friend accompanied by every good...
I arrived here yesterday after a very fatiguing journey but find my health tolerably good Your...
Your Letter and the pleasing information it contains has greatly delighted your father and I...
During my long absence from home my Dear Charles I could not write to you as it was difficult to...
As I know how much your time must be engrossed by your studies my Dear John altho’ the temporary...
You have at last much to my satisfaction, renewed a correspondence which ought never to have been...
I am sure you must have thought me mad from the date of my last letter I was so teazed with...
I will thank you to tell Mrs. Cranch to give George a couple of teaspoonfuls of Castor oil and to...
We had concluded from appearances here that you would be detained some days at Revel, but I did...
I am much pleased my Dear John by your Letters and hasten to answer the last which was received...
August 30 It is worth while to be absent a short time from home for the sake of receiving such...
I was much pleased to observe that you had taken more pains with the writing of your last Letter...
Altho’ I write with difficulty I cannot resist the temptation and must gratify myself by writing...
I have impatiently waited for letters, my best friend, having recieved none, since last Thursday...
We yesterday went fishing for the first time and to my great astonishment on looking up our...
It is so long since I heard from you I begin to find it difficult to account for your...
I received your kind letter of the 30 of September in due time and although it confirmed the bad...
Your last Letter my Dear John was indeed filled with grievous news and I sincerely pity the...
Your sudden silence after the affectionate and unremitted attention you shewed during your dear...
December 11th. Went into Georgetown to see Mrs Otis, was not admitted Called on Mrs Smith and Mrs...
14th December. We were all so exhausted that we determined to keep quiet all day at home....
Your Letter which I received yesterday gave mutual delight to all of us—It was exactly the style...
I intended writing to you yesterday but was prevented by a feverish indisposition which I believe...
Still no Letter from you mon Ami! I can scarcely account for this, as Mr Hall wrote me, that you...
Mrs. Adams requests the Honor of Mrs Gardner’s Company at Tea on Tuesday the 23 of December and...
Feby. 27 Remained at home all the morning—Mr. Adams dined with Mr. Lowndes—In the evening went to...
I was seriously concerned to hear of your illness and am still considerably uneasy of lest you...
August 3 After despatching my Letters we received Georges N. 10 with one from Mrs. Porter in...
Having arrived thus far safely my best friend I write you a few lines merely to inform you that I...
From your last Letter of the 19 I am led to believe that you are not likely to return home so...
How it happened that I omitted to say I had received N. 1 I do not know—It was so kind a letter...
The easy manner in which you appear to take your College studies is diverting to me I confess but...
I am very uneasy my dear John at your indisposition more especially as you do not mention its...
I am much disappointed at your Sisters not having accompanied you to Boston, having flatter’d...
The confusion around me and the perpetual interruptions render it almost impossible for me to...
We have arrived safe after a very tedious and on the whole disagreeable journey as the state of...
How I wish I could divide myself and fly to nurse you my poor Boy—If your Uncle had not still to...