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Results 16101-16150 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
16101 Adams, John Jefferson, Thomas John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 4 November 1816 1816-11-04 Your Letter of Oct. 14 has greatly obliged me. Tracy s A a n alysis, I have read once; and wish...
16102 Astor, John Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from John Jacob Astor, 3 November 1816 1816-11-03 I had the Honnor to Rive your letter of the 29 ulto in which you are pleased To express a wish...
16103 Penoyer, Robert M. Madison, James To James Madison from Robert M. Penoyer, 2 November … 1816-11-02 I have the honour to inform you, that Mr. Graham has made known to me that he has laid before you...
16104 Antrobus, Gibbs Crawfurd Madison, James To James Madison from Gibbs Crawfurd Antrobus, 1 … 1816-11-01 Mr Antrobus presents his respects to The President and Mrs Madison and will have the honor of...
16105 Logan, George Jefferson, Thomas George Logan to Thomas Jefferson, 1 November 1816 1816-11-01 Knowing your anxiety to promote the agriculture of your country, as the most stable support of...
16106 Ticknor, Elisha Jefferson, Thomas Elisha Ticknor to Thomas Jefferson, 1 November 1816 1816-11-01 I inclose you a letter and an Invoice of a parcel of Books, received yesterday from my son, in...
16107 Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian Jefferson, Thomas Francis Adrian Van der Kemp to Thomas Jefferson, 1 … 1816-11-01 Reperusing your interesting Syllabus I have recalled in my mind a train of thoughts—which I...
16108 Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian Enclosure: Francis Adrian Van der Kemp’s Synopsis of a … 1816-11-01 Memoirs respecting the person and doctrine of J.C. compiled from S.S. Outlines Part. i...
16109 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, Mary Catherine Hellen From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to Mary Catherine … 1816-10-01 On the Portrait of My Husband. The painters Art would vainly seize That harmony of Nature; Where...
16110 Shaw, William Smith Adams, John Quincy From William Smith Shaw to John Quincy Adams, October … 1816-10-01 Your letter of the 7 April last, I never had the pleasure to receive untill the 30 June. At that...
16111 Ripley, Eleazer Wheelock Madison, James To James Madison from Eleazer W. Ripley, October 1816 1816-10-01 May it please your Excellency Capn. Dinsmore late of the Army distinguished himself at...
16112 Rush, Richard Adams, John To John Adams from Richard Rush, 31 October 1816 1816-10-31 In further answer to your favor of the 20th of last month, I beg leave to say, that I have just...
16113 Worcester, Noah Jefferson, Thomas Noah Worcester to Thomas Jefferson, 31 October 1816 1816-10-31 As, in pursuing the cause of peace, I make a free use of your name And your writings, it is but...
16114 Ray, Moses Madison, James To James Madison from Moses Ray, 30 October 1816 1816-10-30 You may deem it the height of presumption in me as a private and I may say an obscure individual...
16115 Thlucco (Big Warrior) (Creek chief) Madison, James To James Madison from Thlucco and Hopoie, 30 October … 1816-10-30 We have put some of our men on the road to See you, Colo, Hawkins now being dead, we have no...
16116 DeForest, David Curtis Monroe, James David Curtis DeForest to James Monroe, 30 October 1816 1816-10-30 Although I am very sensible that any request of mine will have but little weight with the...
16117 Jefferson, Thomas Meriwether, William D. Thomas Jefferson to William D. Meriwether, 30 October … 1816-10-30 I recieve this instant, and at this place your letter of the 17 th     the property of the three...
16118 Stark, Edwin Jefferson, Thomas Edwin Stark to Thomas Jefferson, 30 October 1816 1816-10-30 On my return last evening to this place I found your letter of the 10 th Inst I have the pleasure...
16119 Adams, John Quincy Adams, John To John Adams from John Quincy Adams, 29 October 1816 1816-10-29 I have acknowledged the receipt of your seven Letters, dated in July, and August, received by Mr...
16120 Clark, Christopher Henderson Jefferson, Thomas Christopher Clark to Thomas Jefferson, 29 October 1816 1816-10-29 mr Jeffersons Reasoning in the case of the wittnessth against Robertson for perjury is strong and...
16121 Adams, John Colman, Henry From John Adams to Henry Colman, 28 October 1816 1816-10-28 Basanists might have gone farther. he might upon the same principles & with the same arguments...
16122 Adams, Abigail Smith Rush, Richard From Abigail Smith Adams to Richard Rush, 28 October … 1816-10-28 Your former kindness, and your known benevolence encourages me to again solicit your aid Mr...
16123 Jay, John Morris, Gouverneur From John Jay to Gouverneur Morris, 28 October 1816 1816-10-28 Having heard much of your Discourse before the New York Historical Society, it gave me pleasure...
16124 Crawford, William Harris Jefferson, Thomas William H. Crawford to Thomas Jefferson, 28 October … 1816-10-28 Your letter recommending M r Armistead for an appointment in the war department has been duly Rec...
16125 Delaplaine, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Delaplaine to Thomas Jefferson, 28 October 1816 1816-10-28 I have already written to you by this mail , & at the same time sent you a pamphlet. I now send...
16126 Delaplaine, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Delaplaine, 27 October … 1816-10-27 I have the honour of acknowledging the receipt of your obliging favour of the 22d instt. As you...
16127 Lang, John S. B. Madison, James To James Madison from John S. B. Lang, 27 October 1816 1816-10-27 It is with Regret I must address you But with the hope that you will Be So Kind as to Take into...
16128 Derieux, Peter (Justin Pierre Plumard) Jefferson, Thomas Peter Derieux to Thomas Jefferson, 27 October 1816 1816-10-27 Depuis la Lettre dont vous avés eu la bonté de m’honorer le 31. Juillet , J’en ai recu de mes...
16129 Porter, Moses Madison, James To James Madison from Moses Porter, 26 October 1816 1816-10-26 I beg leave to reccommed to your notice for the appointment of Surgeon in the army, Doctor John...
16130 Onís, Luis de Monroe, James Luis de Onís to James Monroe, 26 October 1816 1816-10-26 His excellency the viceroy of the kingdom of New Granada communicates to me, under date of the 2d...
16131 Smith, Samuel Harrison Crawford, William Harris Samuel Harrison Smith to William Harris Crawford, 26 … 1816-10-26 § Samuel Harrison Smith to William Harris Crawford. 26 October 1816, Treasury Department, Revenue...
16132 Delaplaine, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas Joseph Delaplaine to Thomas Jefferson, 26 October 1816 1816-10-26 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your most obliging & kind letter of July 26:...
16133 Steele, John Jefferson, Thomas John Steele to Thomas Jefferson, 26 October 1816 1816-10-26 I have recieved, consigned to me by Stephen Cathalan Esq r at Marseilles , a small Box by the...
16134 Adams, John Crowninshield, Benjamin W. From John Adams to Benjamin W. Crowninshield, 25 … 1816-10-25 A Lieutenant of the Navy under Commodore Bainbridge on board the Independence, is in a tender...
16135 Rhea, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Rhea, 25 October 1816 1816-10-25 I have the pleasure to inform You that Yesterday a treaty was made and concluded with the Choctaw...
16136 Lee, William Jefferson, Thomas William Lee to Thomas Jefferson, 25 October 1816 1816-10-25 The letter you did me the favor to write me under date of the 24th of August after having...
16137 Randolph, Cornelia Jefferson Trist, Virginia Jefferson Randolph Extract of Cornelia J. Randolph to Virginia J. Randolph … 1816-10-25 As sister Ellen is writing to mama my Dear Virginia , I will write also by this opportunity, to...
16138 Adams, Abigail Smith Madison, Dolley Payne Todd From Abigail Smith Adams to Dolley Payne Todd Madison … 1816-10-24 Your Letter of October 12th was an unexpected pleasure, and I cannot regret the occasion which...
16139 Adams, Abigail Smith Adams, John From Abigail Smith Adams to John Adams, 24 October 1816 1816-10-24 I am not conscious that I have been deficient in a return to all the Letters you have written to...
16140 Adams, Abigail Smith Welsh, Harriet From Abigail Smith Adams to Harriet Welsh, 24 October … 1816-10-24 I have not had any opportunity of returning the Letter and paper you Sent me on Saturday. mr C....
16141 Madison, James Merry, Prettyman From James Madison to Prettyman Merry, 24 October 1816 1816-10-24 I have recd. your letter of the 17th. instant. The public Vessels which are or may be employed in...
16142 Dawson, Joshua Madison, James To James Madison from Joshua Dawson and Others, 24 … 1816-10-24 The subscribers, take the liberty, respectfully to represent to the president of the United...
16143 Madison, James Wingate, Joshua Jr. From James Madison to Joshua Wingate, Jr., 24 October … 1816-10-24 § To Joshua Wingate Jr. 24 October 1816. “J. Madison requests the favor of Mr. Wingate to dine...
16144 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 23 … 1816-10-23 Your Letter of the 16th. would occupy me for 12 months, when I know not that I have 12 days to...
16145 Palmer, Thomas H. Jefferson, Thomas Thomas H. Palmer to Thomas Jefferson, 23 October 1816 1816-10-23 I hope you will pardon the liberty I am taking of enclosing a letter to my brother, who is at...
16146 Wirt, William Jefferson, Thomas William Wirt to Thomas Jefferson, 23 October 1816 1816-10-23 I now submit to you the last sheets of my sketches of M r H. which I am sorry to find more...
16147 Adams, John Madison, James From John Adams to James Madison, 22 October 1816 1816-10-22 Thank you for your favour of the 12th. The Anecdote mentioned in my Letter of the 4th of...
16148 Delaplaine, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Delaplaine, [ante–22 … 1816-10-22 I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of the sketch of your life. I feel obliged by your...
16149 Madison, James Delaplaine, Joseph From James Madison to Joseph Delaplaine, 22 October … 1816-10-22 I have recd. your letter of the   instant. I had previously recd. a copy of the first half volume...
16150 Madison, James Nicholas, Wilson Cary From James Madison to Wilson Cary Nicholas, 22 October … 1816-10-22 I have duly recd. your letter of the 18th. inclosing a commission for me, as one of the Visitors...