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Results 16101-16110 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
16101[Diary entry: 3 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Wilper went away. Mr. Magowan & self walkd into the Neck.
16102[Diary entry: 3 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
3. Wind at No. Wt.—fresh & Cool all the forepart of the day—latter part moderate—Wind Southerly.
Letter not found: to Thomas Newton, Jr., 3 April 1775. Newton wrote GW on 12 April : “I Received your favor of 3d instant.”
At second hand, I learnt from Captain Floyd, that the Surveys made by Mr Crawford under the Proclamation of 1754 (expressly agreeable to an order of Council of the 15th of Decembr 1769) and for which your Lordships Patents under the Seal of the Colony, hath actually been obtained, are now declared null & void. The information appearing altogether incredible, I gave little attention to it,...
I Reced your letter by Mr William Stephens dated in March in Which I find you are verey Much disturved at the Cost of your Mill and I find that after all My Care and troble To Serve you in a thing of this kind to the great disadvantage of my plantation as Well as the discruttion of my Bedind and houshold furneture—And that all for Notting Except that of incuring your ill Will and being Censurd...
I have had the mortification of Seing a letter from under your hand directed to Mr Gilbert Simpson dated march, the purport of which demonstrates, to me that I have incur’d Your displeasure greatly by Amiting my duty with Respect to your mill, What you perticularly seem to alledge is my Extravigance in drinking and also that She never will be finis’d which allegations I humbly acknowledg were...
The interesting Advices we rec’d here on Sunday, and which the Papers will acquaint You, have had almost as great an Effect on People in this Town, as the Arrival of the Port Bill produc’d. The Women are terrify’d by the Fears of Blood and Carnage. The Merchants are dispirited, by the Expectation of Lord North’s Bill for the Prevention of the Newfoundland Fishery; and the Trading to any Parts...
At the same time that I make my Gratful Acknowledgment, for the instructive sentiments and Friendly hint, Contained in yours of the 15th March I must ask your indulgence so far as to Favour me with your opinion (by my son who will Call on you on Monday Next) of the present dark and Gloomy aspect of public affairs. Is there no hope that the Dread Calamity of Civil Convulsions may yet be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your very agreable favour of the 4th. of Janry. I rec’d by the last Packet informing of your having drawn on me for the Ballance of our Acct. as it Stands in your Books a Copy of which I rec’d by a Ship Via Philada. Mr. Bache will inform you that at his desire the Bill was paid in Philadelphia when due. The Acct. as you say may be easyly rectify’d when we...
16110[Diary entry: 4 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
4. Mr. Tilghman Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Danl. Carroll & Mr. Fitzgerald came down to Dinner & the two last returnd in the Aftern.