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Results 16101-16150 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
16101[Diary entry: 3 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
3. Mr. Wilper went away. Mr. Magowan & self walkd into the Neck.
16102[Diary entry: 3 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
3. Wind at No. Wt.—fresh & Cool all the forepart of the day—latter part moderate—Wind Southerly.
Letter not found: to Thomas Newton, Jr., 3 April 1775. Newton wrote GW on 12 April : “I Received your favor of 3d instant.”
At second hand, I learnt from Captain Floyd, that the Surveys made by Mr Crawford under the Proclamation of 1754 (expressly agreeable to an order of Council of the 15th of Decembr 1769) and for which your Lordships Patents under the Seal of the Colony, hath actually been obtained, are now declared null & void. The information appearing altogether incredible, I gave little attention to it,...
I Reced your letter by Mr William Stephens dated in March in Which I find you are verey Much disturved at the Cost of your Mill and I find that after all My Care and troble To Serve you in a thing of this kind to the great disadvantage of my plantation as Well as the discruttion of my Bedind and houshold furneture—And that all for Notting Except that of incuring your ill Will and being Censurd...
I have had the mortification of Seing a letter from under your hand directed to Mr Gilbert Simpson dated march, the purport of which demonstrates, to me that I have incur’d Your displeasure greatly by Amiting my duty with Respect to your mill, What you perticularly seem to alledge is my Extravigance in drinking and also that She never will be finis’d which allegations I humbly acknowledg were...
The interesting Advices we rec’d here on Sunday, and which the Papers will acquaint You, have had almost as great an Effect on People in this Town, as the Arrival of the Port Bill produc’d. The Women are terrify’d by the Fears of Blood and Carnage. The Merchants are dispirited, by the Expectation of Lord North’s Bill for the Prevention of the Newfoundland Fishery; and the Trading to any Parts...
At the same time that I make my Gratful Acknowledgment, for the instructive sentiments and Friendly hint, Contained in yours of the 15th March I must ask your indulgence so far as to Favour me with your opinion (by my son who will Call on you on Monday Next) of the present dark and Gloomy aspect of public affairs. Is there no hope that the Dread Calamity of Civil Convulsions may yet be...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your very agreable favour of the 4th. of Janry. I rec’d by the last Packet informing of your having drawn on me for the Ballance of our Acct. as it Stands in your Books a Copy of which I rec’d by a Ship Via Philada. Mr. Bache will inform you that at his desire the Bill was paid in Philadelphia when due. The Acct. as you say may be easyly rectify’d when we...
16110[Diary entry: 4 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
4. Mr. Tilghman Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Danl. Carroll & Mr. Fitzgerald came down to Dinner & the two last returnd in the Aftern.
16111[Diary entry: 4 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
4. Misting, & Raining more or less all day with but little Wind and that Southerly.
Letter not found: from John Dickinson, 4 April 1775. On 13 April GW wrote Dickinson that he had received “your favour of the 4th Instt.”
Though the business that at present surrounds me on every side, makes writing inconvenient, yet I cannot let Mr. Hoops return without a few Lines to one I value so much. [Mr Dunlap’s paper &c] I send with this Furguson which I could not get for less than 12/ tho’ you will perceive it is somewhat soil’d. I also send the friendly address &c. & The other side of the Question. I dare not add more...
MS : Library of Congress During his homeward voyage Franklin took time off from writing his journal of the peace negotiations in London to return to a question that had intrigued him for years: why do westbound ships have a longer crossing of the Atlantic than eastbound? Almost three decades earlier he had advanced a tentative answer in terms of the earth’s rotation; he now sketched a new one...
16115[Diary entry: 5 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
5. At home all day with the above Gentleman.
16116[Diary entry: 5 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day.
The writing of this Letter, has been delayed longer than I expected, for the following reasons—want of opportunities of Collectg the inclosed papers—want of a conveyance to forward them afterwards—the necessity of comparing, & examining the Sales, and making some alterations with respect to the purchasers—executing Deeds for the Land &c. This delay, I conceived, could be attended with no great...
My Letter of the 4th of December to Colo. Mercer (dispatched by the first opportunity that offered after the close of his Sales) would inform you of the total amount thereof; & that the contest between Miss Wroughton and Messrs Dick & Hunter, respecting a preference of Mortgages, would, more than probable, be avoided. I have now to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 29th of August,...
I have the honor of your favor of the 2nd of Aprill; in answer to which, it is the desire of our Officers, that if they can’t be furnished with such sashes, as are proper; they would not incline to have any; but this matter is altogether left to yourself, as the person most capable of determining; with respect to the mode of conveying the arms from Philada to this place; I cannot at this time...
I do not know that the terms on which the crown engaged to grant the lands in Virginia are contained in any other charter than that by Car. ii. the 10. of Oct. 28 of his reign. The original, I believe although the seal is not now to it, I found in my office; and I understand it is recorded in the Secretary’s office. A copy of it I now inclose to be sent by the first opportunity. In the mean...
16121[Diary entry: 6 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
6. All the above Gentlemen except Mr. Magowan went away after Breakfast. Mr. R. Adam came in the Evening & stayd all Night.
16122[Diary entry: 6 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
6. A hard frost—day colder & wind harder from the same Quarter than yesterday.
Letter not found: to George William Fairfax, 6 April 1775. On 30 June 1786 GW wrote Fairfax : “The letters of ... 6th of Apl and 31st of May 1775 ... contain a full, & accurate acct of every thing that had occurred relative to your business.”
I Receved a letter from youre miller in Regard to the whet I Sent Last to youre mill whare in he is under Sum mistake to think the whet Belonged to Mr Wormley for the whet wase my propertey but it Came from one of Mr Wormley quorters as he wase in Due me for whet I Sent him Last fall from my plantashon in Loudon to Soe and youre miller wase much in the Right to waye it and Give a Resait for...
Since my letter of yesterday, I have looked cursorily over all the charters in my office. Of those sent by Mr. Montagu the three which seem to concern the matter you are considering are the same that are in the appendix to Mr. Stith’s history and the other which is all that I have of them besides is an ordinance relating to the appointment of a council in England for the affairs of the colony....
16126[Diary entry: 7 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
7. Mr. Adam went away after Breakfast. I continued at home all day.
16127[Diary entry: 7 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
7. Pleasant forenoon, but rather cool & Raw afterwards notwithstandg. the Wind was Southerly.
My Father & Mr Hawkins will take four hundred Bushel of your Salt, & I will copy a few Advertisements to be put up in this Neighbourhood—your Vessel may come along side of our Warf, which I apprehend wou’d be more Convenent for the people that may want to purchase. The family Join in Comptts to all at Mt Vernon, with Dear Sir Your Mos. Od. Sert ALS , DLC:GW . GW’s brigantine Farmer arrived at...
16129[Diary entry: 8 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
8. Mr. Magowan went away after Breakfast. Mrs. Washington & self rid to the Mill.
16130[Diary entry: 8 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
8. Rather Cool, Wind, what there was of it at No. East.
16131[Diary entry: 9 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
9. Went to Pohick Church & returnd to Dinner. Doctr. Craik and Mr. Danl. Jenifer came in the Afternoon and stayed all Night.
16132[Diary entry: 9 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
9. Again Cool, & Wind still at No. East.
Yours of the 27th Ult. came to hand yesterday with my Fee & that to Mr Floyd with which we are Sattisfied. Henderson I hear has made the Purchase & got a Conveyance of the great and Valluable Country below the Kentucky from the Cherokees. He and about 300 adventurers are gone out to take Possession, who it is said intends to set up an independant Government & form a Code of Laws for...
Printed in Transactions of the American Philosophical Society . . ., II (1786), 325. On his voyage to America Franklin was wondering about the sea around him. Soon after setting down his speculation on the speed of ships (the preceding document) he, or perhaps his grandson under his direction, began to record the temperature of the water. For the first four days it varied little, and perhaps...
The cases of Wales and Ireland are not yet exhausted. They afford such irrefragable proofs, that there is a distinction between the crown and realm, and that a country may be annexed and subject to the former, and not the latter, that they ought to be thoroughly studied and understood. The more these cases, as well as those of Chester, Durham, Jersey, Guernsey, Calais, Gascoine, Guienne, &c....
16136[Diary entry: 10 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
10. At home all day alone.
16137[Diary entry: 10 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
10. Lowering all day with the wind at No. Et.
With much Difictualy I got out the fifth Day of April to Gilbert Simpsons; Wheare I found all the Hands but under Stood that ther Was but two Cannues—Next Day I Went to Magr Crawfords to see Stephenes & And Crawford Stephenes told me that he had been there Tenn Dayes, getting the tules I asket him how did you Expect to git Down he said he had made the hands Digg one ⟨Weich⟩, he said made...
DS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The promoters of the Walpole grant in London were becoming more and more unsure of obtaining it. Franklin’s ostensible withdrawal from their group in January, 1774, had had no perceptible effect in forwarding their cause, and their chance of success diminished as war drew nearer. They waited for over a year. Then in the spring of 1775 they apparently...
16140[Diary entry: 11 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
11. At home. Captn. Saunders came and lodged here. captn. saunders : probably either Joseph Saunders (died c.1792), a merchant of Philadelphia, or his son John Saunders, who was settling in Alexandria in this year (Fairfax County Wills, Book F–1, 251–55, Vi Microfilm; Fairfax County Deeds, Book M, 41–46, Vi Microfilm).
16141[Diary entry: 11 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
11. Misting all day and a good deal of Rain in the Night—with the Wind at No. Et.
I have Just received your Terms for the Brigantine Farmer and her Apparel, the New Boat Excepted, I agree to your proposal and Capt. Bradstreet will take her in Charge when or as Soon as you please. The Eighty pounds Bills will be paid you on receipt of the Vessel and the Cash you may rely on by or before the first day of May next. I am Sir your very humble Servant ALS , DLC:GW . The letter is...
16143[Diary entry: 12 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
12. Captn. Saunders went away after Dinner. A Lloyd from Pen[n]s[ylvani]a Came to Dinner & stayd all Night. Mr. Andw. Stewart also came to Dinr. & returnd. This Lloyd may be John Lloyd (1751–1811), who was traveling through Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia at this time as a partner of his brother-in-law, Osgood Hanbury (1731–1804), of London ( SAYERS R. S. Sayers. Lloyds Bank in the...
16144[Diary entry: 12 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
12. Raining in the forenoon but clear afterwards.
I Received your favor of 3d instant, I also have received the herrings 60 Bars. of which I have sold at 15/ & am in hopes of getting clear of the remainder at the same price payable next October. the ship stuff is still on hand tho. I hope to get ten shillings for it soon. I will endeavor to get a vessell to bring up the sand tho. I am afraid I shall not procure it to be done under 5d. or 6d....
16146[Diary entry: 13 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
13. Mr. & Mrs. Custis, & Mrs. Newman came to Dinner. Mrs. Slaughter also.
16147[Diary entry: 13 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
13. Clear but Windy from the No. West & Cool.
Mr Lloyd did me the honour to call at this place with your favour of the 4th Instt. If the Letters I have given him to the Governor, and others, will, in the smallest degree contribute to his success, I shall think myself happy; but I dispair of it at this time, as his Lordship is, I know, under a prohibition, by a late Instruction, to grant no more Lands to the Westward of us (but on certain...
This covers a Letter, and accompanies a Budle, to our mutual Friend John Adams Esqr, which I received by Capt Lawrence from London, to be forwarded to him, by a safe Conveyance. I must therefore beg your particular care in Conveying them to him. All the Letters by the late Vessels, which arrived here agree, that the sanguinary measures expressed in the address, of Both Houses to the king were...
16150[Diary entry: 14 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
14. Doctr. Rumney Mr. Adam & Captn. Broadstreet came to Dinner. The two first stayd all Night—the other went away. captain broadstreet : was probably Capt. Lyonel Bradstreet, who apparently brought GW the acceptance by Thomas Contee of GW’s offer to sell his brig Farmer . Contee assured GW that “Capt. Bradstreet will take her in Charge when or as Soon as you please” ( Contee to GW, 11 April...