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Results 161-170 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Transcript: Historical Society of Haddonfield (N.J.) I send you the Ladies Library and the other two Vols. of Don Quixote. The Homers I have are done by Pope. The Iliads are in 6 Vols. 12mo price 45 s. The Odysseys 5 Vols. 12mo price 37 s. 6 d. I will not part with them till I hear from you. I am Sir Your most humble Servant John Ladd (d. 1770), of Gloucester Co., N.J.; surveyor; justice of...
MS Minute Book: Library Company of Philadelphia The Library Company of Philadelphia beg leave to return their most hearty Thanks for your noble Benefaction of an Air Pump with its costly and curious Apparatus. Useful and necessary as that excellent Invention must be to a Society whose View is the Improvement of Knowledge, we might have been long without this Advantage if your judicious...
ALS : The Royal Society If my Manuscripts be not gone before this comes to you; I have one Small Amendment (which happened thro’ too much hast). It is not far from the beginning, where I compare the Heat on Jupiter and the Earth. In Stead of Jupiter near 100 times as large in its Face to the Sun; it should be above 100 times &c. This yet makes my Argument the better. However it matters not...
ALS : The Royal Society Please to fasten this to the Manuscript of Philosophy. And if it be gone, be so kind as to inclose it to the Royal Society by another Ship. You will oblige Your Friend and Servant Addressed: Mr Benjamin Franklin  Post Master in  Philadelphia  A Second The additions referred to, written on the back of the letter, were to be attached to the MS mentioned in Morgan’s letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Please to let the Bearer Stephen Potts have a pair of Leather Breeches, and charge them to the Account of your Friend Isaac Corin’s account with BF appears in Ledger D (see below, p. 232). He inserted an advertisement for a runaway servant in Pa. Gaz. , Sept. 23, 1731. Stephen Potts (d. 1758) was a member of the Junto, a book-binder, bookseller, and in his...
166Poor Richard, 1739 (Franklin Papers)
Poor Richard, 1739. An Almanack For the Year of Christ 1739 ,... By Richard Saunders, Philom. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, at the New Printing-Office near the Market. (Yale University Library) Encouraged by thy former Generosity, I once more present thee with an Almanack, which is the 7th of my Publication. While thou art putting Pence in my Pocket, and furnishing my Cottage...
167Extracts from the Gazette, 1739 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 4 to December 27, 1739. [ Advertisement ] Benjamin Franklin, Printer, is removed from the House he lately dwelt in, four Doors nearer the River, on the same side of the Street. [January 11] We hear from the Head of Timber-Creek in the Jerseys, That a Woman there has lately had Five Children, all born alive, within the space of 11 Months, by two...
MS not found; reprinted from Benjamin Dorr, A Historical Account of Christ Church, Philadelphia (New York and Philadelphia, 1841), pp. 71–2. Whereas, the Episcopal church of Philadelphia, having been long built, and much out of repair, as well as too small for the convenient seating of the congregation, it was therefore resolved, by two several vestries, in the year seventeen hundred...
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , I , 4–5. As to the original of our name there is various opinions; some say that it came from a sort of title of which a book, that you bought when here, gives a lively account. Some think we are of a French extract, which was formerly called Franks; some of a free line; a line free from that vassalage which was common to subjects in days of old:...
170Ledger D, 1739–47 (Franklin Papers)
MS Account Book: American Philosophical Society Ledger D, like Ledger A & B (see above, I , 172), throws a fitful light on Franklin’s income, especially from his printing business, and contains incidental information, usually trivial but sometimes significant, on the purchases of some 900 of his customers. A tall, narrow book of 400 pages, bound in parchment, Ledger D contains accounts of...