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From time to time I lately have had the honor of transmitting you the orders in Council relative to Neutrals. In this you have a price Current with the remark that the apprehension of a rupture with the U: S: A: appears rather increasing and has occasioned some advances in several articles of American produce, tho’ none in Cotton. I have the honor to be with perfect respect your Most Servant...
Wanted in a few days a Complete Estimate of all the Cloathing and Military Stores which are to be imported for this State against next Fall. An Estimate of what articles must actually be had this Spring by importation or purchase in the Country. The Thetis will be wanted immediately. Must I purchase the articles wanted for her? Or is there funds already Provided for that Purpose. Can I depend...
LS : American Philosophical Society Though I have not the honour of an intimate acquaintance with you, yet your character of humanity and benevolence, and the intimacy that subsisted between you and my Father, and especially the desire of contributing to the Peace and Happiness of an old Neighbour whom for several Years I have found an honest worthy industrious Man, imboldens me to give you...
Je n’ai qu’un instant avant le depart de la poste, pour vous faire parvenir le Poscrit ci joint pour le Congrès. Mr. Deane a repassé ici hier au Soir revenant d’Amsterdam; et il est reparti ce matin pour Paris. Je suis surpris de n’avoir pas vu revenir encore Mr. Gillon de Rotterdam. Avez-vous de ses nouvelles? Ou est-il de retour à Amsterdam? Je suis toujours avec les sentimens de respect et...
The alarm Guns or other Signals for calling in the Militia suddenly, are to be fired, or given the instant the enemys designs are discoverd. The Garrison is to attend principally to the defence of the Post—at the same time they are to spare all the Men they can with safety to that object to harrass & dispute with the enemy; every inch of ground leading to the Works; or to the heights above...
The recent complaints made to this Board by Prisoners from New york on Parole of neglect in the Commissary Generals department we flatter ourselves will apologize for our requesting your Excellencys interference. We have this day wrote Colo. Beatty fully on the Subject directing him to furnish this Board monthly with an Accurate return of all Marine Prisoners within his Department, and as we...
Copy: Archives of the Moravian Church, Bethlehem When I think of the Multitude of Things, which now surrounds you; I wish that God may be with you; and then surely all will go well and prosper in your Hands. As you like to keep Mr. Edmonds a little longer, he being a good Hand to you; and as he himself is very willing to assist you in what he can; it would be ungenerous of us to take him from...
I received your favour of the 17th August and thank you for your prompt compliance with my wishes in the article of books. I have not been in Boston since the receipt of it and cannot therefore acknowledge the receipt of the missing Volumes at Messrs: Cummings & Co—The same reason has prevented my depositing there the two or three books with the name of Mr Shaw in them. One of these was a file...
Since I had the honor of addressing you upon the 29th ulto I have not been able to learn, with any precision, whether the transports that arrived brought any considerable number of Troops. A Hessian Deserter says there were only a few German convalescents on board. If so, the Fleet, with 2500 mentioned in my last, is not arrived; supposing they were bound to Philada. General Sinclair arrived...
Letter not found: from Anthony Whitting, 25 Jan. 1793. GW wrote Whitting on 3 Feb. , acknowledging that “Your letter of the 25th of Jany came duly to hand.”
I received your 2 letters and the direction they contained are duly attended to. I got a box for you in stage office at george Town about 12 I. square. it feels light as if it contained books. I will wait your directions what to do with it Mr. Duane is not arived here nor no account of your boxes with the strawberry plants. I thought the box I received might contain the strawberrys but did not...
New York, April 21, 1803. States: “Your letter of the 2d instant found me in the midst of a Circuit Court.” Discusses a case concerning Jeremiah Wadsworth, one of the executors of Nathanael Greene’s estate. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Letter not found. The Circuit Court of the City and County of New York met from March 29 to April 21, 1803. For Greene’s estate, see “Report on...
I have this moment (by Express) received the enclosed letters from Generals Schuyler and Sullivan which I think of such great Importance I shall immediately forward you, together with my answer to General Schuyler, I wrote you yesterday but was too late for the post, shall forward it on wt. this—since which five Ships arrived Att the Hook three of which I suppose to be Men of War, I am truly...
I received your letter of the 26th Ultmo, yesterday, with the inclosures—I assure you, that I am sensible of the indulgence you have continually afforded to my Father’s Estate and of your present offer to extend it: But so sensible, also, am I, of the great difficulty in raising cash at present, and so anxious am I to adjust the claims against the Estate, that I shall take the price fixed on...
The peregrination of the day in which I parted with you, ended at Marlbro’: the next day, bad as it was, I got home before dinner. In the moment of our separation upon the road as I travelled, & every hour since—I felt all that love, respect & attachment for you, with which length of years, close connexion & your merits, have inspired me. I often asked myself, as our Carriages distended,...
I sent you last week some of Fenno’s papers in which you will have seen it asserted impudently & boldly that the suggestions against members of Congress were mere falshoods. I now inclose his Wednesday’s paper. I send you also a copy of Hamilton’s notes. Finding that the letter would not be ready to be delivered before the Pr’s return, I made notes corresponding with his, shewing where I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I humble hope your Goodness will excuse the freedom of one who is intirely a Stranger to you, of troubling you with a few lines, tho I have great reasons to believe by my Parents letter to me was inclos’d under Cover of a letter thay sent to your Excellency, that you was no stranger to them I have made bold to write to your Excellency by their desciption of...
My friends M r Abbot & M r Myers , gentlemen of the Richmond -bar, being about to take a ride into the upper country which will probably lead them through your neighbourhood, I take the liberty of offering them an introduction to you. Your reception of them will be a favour to me which will be gratefully remembered. I have been much concerned to hear of your bad health since the period of my...
§ To Albert Gallatin. 25 June 1806, Department of State. “Be pleased to issue your warrant on the appropriation for the Contingent expences of the Department of State for one thousand Dollars in favor of Roger C. Weightman, Agent of William Duane: said Duane to be held accountable for the same.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 15). 1 p. The warrant was issued the same day, as noted in...
The Secretary of War has directed me to enquire whether Lieut. Patrick McCarty of the third Regt. of infantry obeyed the order of the War department of the 2nd. of Sepr. 1799, directing all absent Officers of the 1st. Regt. of Artillerists & Engineers and of the first, second, third & fourth Regiments of Infantry to Report themselves to you within four months, and if so, whether any particular...
Mrs Adams requests the favor of an order from Mr Hamilton to receive from the Custom House a small Packet containing Childrens caps brought by Mr Oswald from Paris. UK-KeNA : Foreign Office.
ALS : Harvard University Library <Versailles, July 5, 1778, in French: As I need Captain Jones for a certain expedition, I would like him to remain here. If this does not prove inconvenient, please leave him at my disposal, and give the command of his vessel to his second.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 265.
1831779. July 20. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
I was struck with these Words in a Letter from the President Jeannin to M. Bellegarde of 28 Jany. 1609 Si le Roy “est content de ma Conduite, et de la Diligence et Fidelitè, dont j’use pour executer ponctuellement ce qu’il m’a commandé c’est deja une Espece de recompense qui donne grande Satisfaction à un homme de bien; et quand il ne m’en aviendra rien de mieux, j’en accuserai plutot mon...
Dr. Wistar offers respectful compliments to Mr. Jefferson. He thinks the Statement perfectly proper and hopes it will excite attention to a Circumstance that promises to be of use in every kind of distillation where boiling is necessary. He has intended for some time to make an experiment with a vessel which should unite Fitch and Voights and Poissonnieres idea of a fire place in the water,...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Clinton , and his thanks for the copy he has been so kind as to send him of his Introductory discourse to the Literary and Philosophical society of New York . the field which he has therein spread before the lovers of science offers ample room for their cultivation. and he is happy to observe that New York is so fast advancing to the work. she is...
18 August 1801, Boston. At William Lee’s request, encloses bond for $2,000 executed by Lee, Elbridge Gerry, and himself as security for Lee’s performance of his duties as commercial agent at Bordeaux. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Bordeaux, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner: “William Lee’s official bond. / For the Secretary’s approbation.” Enclosure not found. A full transcription of this document...
[ Boston, August 22, 1793. On November 5, 1793, Hamilton wrote to Benjamin Lincoln : “I had prepared an answer to a letter from your Deputy of the 22d of August last.” Letter not found. ]
New Windsor [ New York ] February 26, 1781 . Denies any intention of wishing to endanger French fleet. Hopes for success of expedition sent to Virginia. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
189[Diary entry: 18 October 1788] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 18th. Thermometer at 60 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at Night. Cloudy morning with great appearances of Rain all the forenoon and a little sprinkle of it—but clear warm and pleasant in the Afternoon. Went up to Alexandria agreeably to a summons to give evide. in the Suit between the Estate of Mr. Custis & Robt. Alexander, but the latter not appearing nothing was done & I returned...
Letter not found : from Peter Muhlenberg, 6 Oct. 1779. On 12 Oct., GW wrote Muhlenberg: “I have received your Letter of the 6th Instant.”
Jno. Adams Esqr. To Daniel Smith Dr. 1775 £  s d May 13th. To Bottle Brandy 2 6 26. To Bottle do. 2 6 July 10. To Quart Spirits 2
It gives me Pleasure to observe that this anniversary, like the preceding, brings with it Tidings which give us occasion for mutual Gratulations, and for united Thanksgivings to Him whose Blessings continue to prosper our Proceedings— These annual meetings naturally remind us of the Purposes for which we have associated; and lead us to Reflections highly interesting to those who consider what...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The natural tendency of philosophical minds to promote useful knowledge, seems to render an apology to you quite needless for the favour I’m going to request. I’m inform’d Sir, that the truely eminent Artist Mr. West is one of that Class of men who cultivates the Science he professes for the Sake of the Art only. A most laudable example indeed. A Young...
New York, 23 Oct. 1787. Introduces Mr. Jarvis, a “Gentleman of New England” who brings this letter and a copy of the proposed plan of government; refers TJ to Jarvis for news on that subject. Is sending a full account of the convention in another letter of this day which is being carried by “the Chevalier Jones” who intended sailing on the packet but changed his passage to another ship because...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This letter speaks of preparations for a major American naval move, Wickes’s cruise in the Irish Sea. The commissioners had summoned him to Paris in mid-March, and out of their consultations had come the plan for the cruise. The tiny squadron was to consist of the Reprisal and a cutter, renamed the Dolphin , which had been intended for a packet and was now...
By the last Post I informed you of my intended meeting with Sir Guy Carleton for settling, among other things, a plan for restoring the Negros and other property belonging to the Citizens of the United States. This meeting I have held; & tho it has been interrupted by the indisposition of Sir Guy, which has, this morning, carried him back to New York; yet, I have collected enough to convince...
On the 3d Instant I was favored with Your Excellency’s letter of the 30th ult. I have for ten days Successively deferred writing In hopes that I should have been able At last to have advised you that public business was closely attended to In this quarter, and that we had adopted Measures to disencumber us from that Variety of embarrasment we experience, but alas! we have made little or no...
198[Diary entry: 25 December 1773] (Washington Papers)
25. Raining more or less all day with the Wind fresh from the Southward. Snow intirely dissolv’d.
[ White Plains, New York ] September 1, 1778 . Requests Hamilton’s intercession to prevent Copp’s discharge from service. ALS , RG 93, Miscellaneous Records, National Archives. Copp was a captain of the First New York Regiment.
200General Orders, 28 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
The extreme importance of having the works and defences at and about West-Point on both sides the river completed with all possible dispatch is so obvious that the General conceives it totally unnecessary to use arguments in proof of it—In the present unfinished state of them they are a restraint upon every operation and movement of an Army and must continue to be so until they are put in such...
I had the honor on the 20th. April to transmit to you a letter of communication from H. R. H. the Prince Regent of Portugal addressed to the United States of America on the happy occasion of the birth of a Royal Princess, but I have not yet been honoured with an answer. I now beg leave to inform You that H. R. H. having taken into consideration the many dangers which vessels are liable to when...
I do myself the honour to transmit you the inclosed most interesting and agreeable intelligence which I have this moment recd from Genl Putnam. I can scarce doubt but Genl Gates has sent you an Express, but lest he, from the important Business in which he was engaged, should not have done it, I have immediately forwarded it, that you might not be debarred from so great a pleasure an instant...
On yesterday I recievd your letter of the 15. & on the day before wrote to you. The opposition made to the resolutions which you presented to the house can only arise from the two causes which you mention, & from the spirit of that party, which I am persuaded is ever ready to sacrifice the interest of the country, for the advancement of individuals. I trust it will prove abortive. If it does...
Whilst the revolution which has recently occurred in Europe astonishes and confounds by its unexpectedness and importance, its possible consequences to us are calculated to produce, a painful solicitude among all descriptions of our citizens, with those to whom a share of the public confidence is dispensed, that solicitude is necessarily increased. This will account for the trouble I give you...
My friend Dr. Muhlenberg of this place, whose reputation as a botanist you are not unacquainted with, is very desirous of possessing the seed of any rare plants that Captain Lewis may have brought with him. As you will be in possession of them, I have taken the liberty of requesting a specimen of any that you may have to spare, for my friend the Doctor. As you have always evinced the strongest...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Immediately preceding the entry for the present date, JM wrote, “Wednesday Novr. 6th. no congress.” On the reconsideration the Resol: for exchanging the 2 for: officers Its repeal was unanimously agreed to. A motion was made by Mr Osgood to assign an early day for filling up the vacancy in the Court of appeals. It was...
The Bearer, Mr. Isaac Mc.Pherson, a Merchant of Alexandria, has inform’d me, that he has something of Moment to communicate to You (with the Particulars whereof I am unacquainted) and being a Stranger to You, has requested, from me, a Letter of Introduction. Mr. Mc.Pherson has resided some Years in Alexandria, has carryed on extensive Business there; and as far as I have heard or understood,...
I arrived here two days ago, and have brought with me instruments for our project at the peaks. as I presume you would like to see something of the proceedings, you must be so good as to say when your business will permit you to be at home for three or four days; for I think it will take that time. to me, after tomorrow, all days will be equal; and the sooner the better while we have such fair...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Books which your Excellency will receve from the bearer were deliver’d to me by My Uncle Sr Edward Newenham. I have also a letter from that Gentleman to your Excellency which (as it contains little more than an introduction) I mean to deliver in person to your Excellcy: when I do myself the honour of waiting on you. I am Sir with the greatest Respect...
I have been Dear Sir long oppressed under duty, respect and friendship, in having omited to write to you about the Plow which you so obligingly sent me.   The principle on which the form is given is undoubtably excellent, as the action is by strait lines, yet without a proper length is given to the mould board, all its advantages are lost. I made repeated tryals of this Plow by an expert...