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Results 161-210 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
161 Madison, James Quarrier, William B. James Madison to William B. Quarrier, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 I have recd. Sir, your letter of the 13th. I was acquainted with your father when a resident in...
162 Madison, James Whittle, Conway [JM] to Conway Whittle, 19 May 1835 1835-05-19 Having lately received the box forwarded by you to Major Gibbon I no longer delay my thanks for...
163 Madison, James Brown, John James Madison to John Brown, 16 May 1835 1835-05-16 I have just received the enclosed letter returned to me from Richd. to which I had directed it,...
164 Madison, James Colman, Henry [James Madison] to Henry Colman, 14 May 1835 1835-05-14 Among the omissions occasioned by my continued indisposition was I believe that of acknowledging...
165 Duer, William A. Madison, James William A. Duer to James Madison, 13 May 1835 1835-05-13 I have had the honour of receiving your favour of the 5th Inst. and beg leave to tender my...
166 Quarrier, William B. Madison, James William B. Quarrier to James Madison, 13 May 1835 1835-05-13 The name of the Writer of this Letter will perhaps recur to your Memory. Tho many many Years have...
167 Madison, James Addison, Thomas Grafton James Madison to Thomas G. Addison, 11 May 1835 1835-05-11 I have recd. your letter of April 29th. In my present condition crippled as it is by a chronic...
168 Madison, James Southard, Samuel L. James Madison to Samuel L. Southard, 11 May 1835 1835-05-11 I have received the copy of your speech on the motion "to expunge from the Journal the Resolution...
169 Madison, James Peyton, Bernard James Madison to Colonel Peyton, 6 May 1835 1835-05-06 My wagon is about setting off to Richmond with two Hogsheads of Tobacco. Be pleased to make the...
170 Madison, James Duer, William A. James Madison to William A. Duer, 5 May 1835 1835-05-05 (Confidential) I have received your letter of April 25th., and with the aid of a friend and...
171 Madison, James Atkins, L. Y. James Madison to L. Y. Atkins, April 1835 1835-04-01 I have recd. yrs. to [ ] of 26 Ult. enclosing the Rept. of Col. Long on the contemplated subject...
172 Madison, James Taylor, William [James Madison] to William Taylor, April 1835 1835-04-01 I received some time ago your letter of December 24th. informing me that the negroes under the...
173 Addison, Thomas Grafton Madison, James Thomas Grafton Addison to James Madison, 29 April 1835 1835-04-29 I trust you will not consider it arrogant in me to address you a few lines; and to make certain...
174 Madison, James Kerr, Joseph James Madison to Joseph Kerr and Others, 27 April 1835 1835-04-27 I have received young friends, your letter of the 18. communicating my appointment as an honorary...
175 Madison, James White, Thomas W. James Madison to Thomas W. White, 26 April 1835 1835-04-26 J. Madison returns his thanks to Mr. White for the Copies of Mr. Brown ’s speech in the House of...
176 Duer, William A. Madison, James William A. Duer to James Madison, 25 April 1835 1835-04-25 Your polite and favorable reception of my little work upon our Constitutional Jurisprudence,...
177 Madison, James Sparks, Jared James Madison to Jared Sparks, 24 April 1835 1835-04-24 I have just received your favor of April 16th. There is on my files no letter from me to General...
178 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 20 April 1835 1835-04-20 I enclose a check for fifty dollars which you will place to my credit on your books. After this...
179 Kerr, Joseph Madison, James Joseph Kerr and Others to James Madison, 18 April 1835 1835-04-18 The undersigned a Com of the "Washington Literary Society" of Washington College, have been duly...
180 Sparks, Jared Madison, James Jared Sparks to James Madison, 16 April 1835 1835-04-16 Will you allow me to ask a favor, which I cannot doubt you will very readily grant? By some...
181 Madison, James James Madison: Original Will, and Codicil of April 19 … 1835-04-15 I James Madison of Orange county do make this my last Will and testament, hereby revoking all...
182 Madison, James James Madison to Unknown, 6 April 1835 1835-04-06 Being disappointed in the rect. of a debt, which I had the best reasons to expect wd. be...
183 Madison, James Parks, Andrew James Madison to Andrew Parks, 4 April 1835 1835-04-04 On looking into some bundles of old papers, were found the two of which the enclosed are exact...
184 Rives, William Cabell Madison, James William C. Rives to James Madison, 4 April 1835 1835-04-04 I beg leave to present to you my friend Mr. Niles, who was associated with me as Secretary of...
185 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 31 March 1835 1835-03-31 In my Letter of the 4th Inst. there is an Error in transcribing from the shorthand draft: for...
186 Madison, James Gano, A. G. James Madison to A. G. Gano and others, 25 March 1835 1835-03-25 I have recd. fellow Citizens your letter of the 13th. inst: inviting me "to a Celebration by the...
187 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 16 March 1835 1835-03-16 I observe that the price of flour has risen a little. As the advance of the season will soon...
188 Gano, A. G. Madison, James A. G. Gano and Others to James Madison, 13 March 1835 1835-03-13 On the seventh proximo the native Citizens of Ohio celebrate the Anniversary of her first...
189 Madison, James Dunbar, John R. W. James Madison to John R. W. Dunbar, 10 March 1835 1835-03-10 Your letter of Decr. 29, with its enclosures came safe to hand. The paper containing the Galvanic...
190 Vail, Aaron Madison, James Aaron Vail to James Madison, 10 March 1835 1835-03-10 It is only within a few days that, having received the last of the collection of American...
191 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 4 March 1835 1835-03-04 The above is copied from the Times 1 and more in detail than the announcement in the Sunday Times...
192 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 2 March 1835 1835-03-02 I should have had this pleasure sooner, but for a severe cold, which confined me to the house for...
193 Madison, James Trumbull, John James Madison to [John] Trumbull, 1 March 1835 1835-03-01 Your late letter in the New York Commercial Advertiser having referred to my recollection of what...
194 White, Thomas W. Madison, James Thomas W. White to James Madison, 27 February 1835 1835-02-27 I have thought it possible that you might have by you some manuscripts which you would have no...
195 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 19 February 1835 1835-02-19 I find there is an oppy for Letters to reach the Packet of the 16th at Portsmouth. I have...
196 Madison, James Van Buren, Martin James Madison to Martin Van Buren, 18 February 1835 1835-02-18 J. Madison with his respectful compliments to Mr. Van Buren, returns his thanks for the Copy of...
197 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 16 February 1835 1835-02-16 As the most secure mode of paying the inclosed account I trouble you with a request that you will...
198 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 16 February 1835 1835-02-16 "There is no knowing who will be Governor till after Election," as they say in New England; and...
199 Miller, George A. Madison, James George A. Miller to James Madison, 16 February 1835 1835-02-16 I assure you sir that it is with feelings of reserve that I now intrude myself upon your notice,...
200 Madison, James Ingersoll, Charles Jared James Madison to Charles J. Ingersoll, 12 February 1835 1835-02-12 I have recd your favour inclosing a copy of your "View of the Committee powers of Congress."...
201 Madison, James Robbins, Asher James Madison to Asher Robbins, 12 February 1835 1835-02-12 I have long been in debt for the Copy of your "Discourse before the P. B. K. Society of Brown....
202 Madison, James Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph James Madison to Ferdinand R. Hassler, 11 February 1835 1835-02-11 I have received your communication relating to the survey of the coast and thank you for it....
203 Madison, James Duponceau, Peter Stephen James Madison to Peter S. Duponceau, 7 February 1835 1835-02-07 I have received the Copy of Mr. Tyson’s "Discourse before the Young Men’s Colonization Society in...
204 Madison, James Coles, Isaac A. James Madison to Isaac A. Coles, 5 February 1835 1835-02-05 I am just favoured with yours of the 2d. inst. I owe an apology for not informing you that the...
205 Madison, James Adams, John Quincy James Madison to [John Quincy] Adams, 4 February 1835 1835-02-04 J. Madison with his best respects to Mr. Adams returns him many thanks for his "Oration on the...
206 Madison, James Newell, Daniel James Madison to Daniel Newell, 2 February 1835 1835-02-02 private I have received your two letters of the 28 & 30 Ulto. and return the paper inclosed in...
207 Coles, Isaac A. Madison, James Isaac A. Coles to James Madison, 2 February 1835 1835-02-02 On my return from Baltimore last fall, Comdore Elliot committed to my care a cane and Vase made...
208 Madison, James Clay, Henry James Madison to Henry Clay, 31 January 1835 1835-01-31 Perceiving that I am indebted to you for a copy of your Report on our Relations with France, I...
209 Newell, Daniel Madison, James Daniel Newell to James Madison, 30 January 1835 1835-01-30 In the circular I sent you of the 29th I announced my intentions of visiting you soon but find I...
210 Rainey, Dabney Madison, James Dabney Rainey to James Madison, 28 January 1835 1835-01-28 Altho’ personally unacquainted with you, I hope, my revered Sir, you will not consider it...