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Results 16091-16100 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Inclosed is an answer to the address from the Military and other Citizens of Burlington, forwarded to me by the Secretary of State, since my arrival at this place.— I am / Gentlemen— / yr. obt. huml. Servt.— MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
Inclosed I return you the address from the Military and other Citizens of Burlington, with my answer a copy of which I have sent to Martin Chittenden and Ebenr Torney Englesby Their Committee. I am / Sir Your Obt. Servt MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I received your friendly letter of the 30 July a few days ago. The People of America in general have been attached to the French, much more warmly than they deserved. They have been deceived. And when Mankind once open their Eyes upon an Error they have been in, they commonly are astonished that they did not see it, sooner. I am glad to hear of the Company of Lunnenburg Musketeers.—Please to...
Your address has been forwarded by Colonel Spencer as you requested, and demands a respectfull return. The approbation of any of the Inhabitants beyond the Mountains, is very acceptable to me for reasons which cannot be mistaken. You must share the Fortunes of your Bretheren in the Atlantic States, whether prosperous or adverse. Seperated from them you would soon be the Prey of one or another...
Your candid address of the 17th July which I received on the 16 of August, deserves my Thanks. The repeated attempts to accomodate differences with the French Republic have been dictated by a Love of Peace and a respect to the French Nation as well as to the sense of the American People. They have answered no other End than to unfold designs, the most pernicious and demands which can never be...
Inclos’d is an answer to the address from the Inhabitants of Hamilton County, which you will forward if you please.— I am Sir— / Your obt. huml. Servt MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I received yesterday your favour of July 31.—Inclosed are a few words in answer.—The Reason given by the Town of Kittery, for their address is the best that could be.—I wish I had time to have given them a more particular answer. But I receive daily addresses in such numbers, that in addition to the other indispensable Duties and Business of my station make it difficult for me to get along,...
I have just received the enclosed letter and address. General Badgley of Hampton, lives near Baltimore, is one of the wealthiest men in the state of Maryland, and at the same time, influential and respectable. With the sincerest attachment / and respect, I am Sir / your faithful & / obt. st. Perhaps you may remember my putting an address into your hands the day before you left Philada to which...
Permettez moi de Vous adresser, par triplicata , une Copie de ma Dépeche du 24 mars 1798, que Mr. Caro, mon compatriote a eu l’honneur d’envoyer à Votre Excellence de falmouth le 10 may suivant.—L’objet etant de la plus haute Importance, et les Accidens de la guerre ayant pu contrarier l’arrivée des deux premiéres, il m’a paru prudent de Vous l’adresser de nouveau. Depuis le Départ de ma...
Since I have been here, his Excellency the Governor of this State has enquired of me with some Anxiety to know whether the Cession of Castle Island is accepted. I referred that Act of the Legislature of this State to you or the Secretary of State to prepare an Answer of Acceptance. Will you be so good as to attend to this subject as soon as possible and forward the Acceptance to me for my...