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Results 16091-16120 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
16091 Tayloe, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Tayloe, 22 February 1775 1775-02-22 Your favor of Novr 30th reached me only the 8th instant, when I found it on my way to...
16092 Washington, George [Diary entry: 31 July 1798] 1798-07-31 31. Morng. clear—afternoon appearance of Rain but none fell. Mer. 68 in the Morng. 76 at Night....
16093 Adams, John II. Report of the Braintree Committee respecting Minute … 1775-03-15 The Committee appointed to consider relating to Minute Men offerd their report as follows. The...
16094 Jefferson, Thomas Hancock, John From Thomas Jefferson to John Hancock, 28 June 1793 1793-06-28 Mr. Duplaine, Consul of France for Boston, will of course have presented you his Exequatur and...
16095 Claiborne, William C. C. Madison, James To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 7 … 1803-12-07 7 December 1803, Fort Adams. “Yesterday evening and until about noon this day we had so heavy a...
16096 Shuttleworth, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Shuttleworth, [14 August … 1782-08-14 ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor of conversing with you, it has...
16097 Adams, John Rush, Richard From John Adams to Richard Rush, 26 August 1815 1815-08-26 I thank you for your favour of the 20th and the Extracts which are very consolatory. I have...
16098 Adams, John Adams, John Quincy John Adams to John Quincy Adams, 19 September 1795 1795-09-19 I, Yesterday rec d your favour of June 27. N o. 10. It is in common with all the Numbers which...
16099 Jefferson, Thomas Gilmer, George From Thomas Jefferson to George Gilmer, 27 June 1790 1790-06-27 I have duly recieved your favor of May 21. and thank you for the details it contains....
16100 Sartine, Antoine-Raymond-Gualbert-Gabriel de American Commissioners Sartine to the American Commissioners, 1 October 1778 … 1778-10-01 Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society; Library of Congress (two) <Versailles, October 1, 1778,...
16101 “Zed” Jefferson, Thomas “Zed” (“Franklin”) to Thomas Jefferson, 3 February 1819 1819-02-03 As the publck has gave you the credit of Drafting the Declaration of Independance, and as you...
16102 Madison, James Homans, Isaac Smith James Madison to Thompson & Homans, [10] April 1833 1833-04-10 I have duly recd. the 3 last Vols: of the Encyclopaedia Americana transmitted by you, and inclose...
16103 Adams, John 29 Sunday. 1756-08-29 29 Sunday.
16104 Jefferson, Thomas Short, William [From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 19 December … 1783-12-19 [ Annapolis, 19 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “W. Short. 1st. hope desperate—2d doubtful—to...
16105 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to William Heath, 26 May 1782 1782-05-26 I have received your Letter of the 25th containing the Dispatches from Sir Guy Carleton; and the...
16106 Washington, George [Diary entry: 21 March 1774] 1774-03-21 21. Misting with Rain in the forenoon. Clouds dispersg. afterwards—Wind west[erl]y.
16107 Morellet, Abbé Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Abbé Morellet, 3 March 1788 1788-03-03 Le commissionnaire qui m’apporte la planche s’en va sur le champ sans que je lui parle et sans...
16108 Washington, George Pickering, Timothy From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 6 August … 1783-08-06 I wrote to you from Saratoga on the 26th Ulto to have all the Boats fit to be used in the western...
16109 Crawford, William Harris Jefferson, Thomas William H. Crawford to Thomas Jefferson, 28 October … 1816-10-28 Your letter recommending M r Armistead for an appointment in the war department has been duly Rec...
16110 Adams, John Van der Kemp, François Adriaan From John Adams to François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 31 … 1805-01-31 I have, after so long a time, been favored with a loan of four Volumes of Captain Joseph...
16111 Washington, George Morgan, Daniel From George Washington to Colonel Daniel Morgan, 28 … 1778-06-28 I have just received your Letter by the Dragoon —as your Corps is out of supporting Distance I...
16112 Boudinot, Elias Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elias Boudinot, 17 April 1802 1802-04-17 The Director of the Mint, being informed by the public News Papers, that a Bill has been brought...
16113 Willard, Joseph Adams, John Notice of Honorary Degree from Harvard College, 1 April … 1783-04-01 At a meeting of the President & Fellows of Harvard College April 1, 1783. Voted, that the Diploma...
16114 Tilghman, Tench Washington, George To George Washington from Tench Tilghman, 30 December … 1785-12-30 Since I last had the honor of writing to you, I have had several interviews with Mr Gough, who...
16115 Lee, Thomas Sim Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Sim Lee, 3 October … 1781-10-03 In Consequence of your Excellency’s Requisition of the 15th of September, the Executive of this...
16116 Hodgson, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Hodgson, 12 December … 1782-12-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the pleasure to acquaint you that we arrived safe...
16117 Washington, George [January 1762] 1762-01-27 Note. Killed this 27th. of Jany. —18 hogs of abt. 15 Months old—and for an experiment weighed...
16118 Adams, John Mason, Jonathan Jr. From John Adams to Jonathan Mason Jr., 21 August 1776 1776-08-21 I had by Yesterdays Post, the Pleasure of your Letter of the 12. instant. The Account you give me...
16119 Lawrence, John L. Madison, James To James Madison from John L. Lawrence, 6 July 1816 1816-07-06 In the interval that has elapsed since the death of my late father in law Genl. John Smith decd.,...
16120 Soller, —— Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Soller, 12 January 1779 1779-01-12 ALS : American Philosophical Society Quoique je n’aÿe pas L’honneur de vous étre Connû, je me...