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Results 16091-16100 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Though your Son is engaged in an honourable and a laudable pursuit, I apprehend he is not quite aware of all the embarrassments in his way. his objects are the literature and the history of his country. I will pass by the first for the present and confine myself to the second There were two pivots upon which the American revolution turned, These were The controversy between Governor Hutchinson...
while your Father is deeply engaged, in reading, Dupuis “orgine de Tous Les Cultes ou Religion universelle” which he Says is the most Learned work he ever read. all is Silent around me, and I embrace this Season of quiet and tranquility to write to you, and to acknowledge your Letter of August 12th No 92.—your hand writing, always gives me a Spring to my Spirits, and is like a cordial, altho...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 1 Inst. and am indeed sorry to learn from it that M r . G. Morris was then thought to be at the point of Death— it would be an Event which I should for many Reasons greatly regret— not having as yet heard of his Decease, there seems to be some little Probability of his being still alive, and perhaps of his being convalescent.— the next mail I presume will...
We whose signatures are hereunto affixed, Citizens of the City and County of Philadelphia, beg leave respectfully to recommend John Conard Esqr, for the Office of Accountant of the War Department, become vacant by the death of Colo Lear. Mr Conard possesses in a high degree the Confidence and respect of the Democratic Party in this District; and in our Opinion is a man of the first...
When your letter of the 27 t of Aug t arrived, I was confined to my bed by a bilious fever. After my recovery two long absences from the city, and as much occupation as filled all my time, prevented my acknowledging the favor you have done me in communicating to me the very simple, & valuable invention it discribes . But what renders your letter more valuable, is the assurance it gives me of...
Your Letter of Oct. 14 has greatly obliged me. Tracys Analysis, I have read once; and wish to read it a Second time. It shall be returned to you. But I wish to be informed whether this Gentleman is of that Family of Tracys with which the Marquis La Fayette is connected by intermarriages? I have read not only the Analysis, but Eight Volumes out of 12 of The Origine de tous les Cultes, and if...
Since I last wrote to you, I have received your kind Letters of 27. August, and of 10. June, which I mention in the order, not of their dates, but of their reception. That of June enclosed a printed Copy of Judge Story’s biographical eulogium of our late excellent friend Dexter, whose loss is a calamity to our Country, and especially to our Native State, which with all her errors and follies I...
I have been honored with your favor of the 28th of last month, which got to hand this morning. The wishes of which it makes mention on behalf of Mr. Clarke, to be the bearer of the dispatches by the Chippewa to Spain, I will, with the greatest pleasure, lay before the secretary of state: the testimonials to his merit, and fitness for such a trust are so perfectly ample, that I flatter myself,...
I have the honor to state that Thomas M Linnard, Factor to the US. Trading house at Natchitoches has asked permission to resign that office; I respectfu⟨lly⟩ recommend that his resignation be accepted, a⟨nd⟩ that Capt. John Fowler of Virginia, formerly and for nearly five years book Keeper in the office, be appointed to succeed Mr. Linnard. I have the honour to state, in addition, tha⟨t⟩ your...
§ From the General Assembly of Indiana. Post-4 November 1816. “ The undersigned, Govenor, Lieutenant Govenor and members of the General Assembly, of the State of Indiana, beg leave to recommend, The Honble. Benjamin Parke, late a judge of the General Court of the late Territory of Indiana, as a fit and proper person to fill the office of Federal District judge for sd. state, when such office...