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Results 16081-16090 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I was in hopes you would have just called as you went out of Town, more especially as I Asked the favor I wanted to have troubled you with the inclosed —but you forgot me. I Sent and got the Group it is Admirally well done as far as it go’s, but, pauca desunt , vizt. Act. II. Scene I. The persons are, Hateall, Hazlerod, Monsieur, Beau-Trumps, Simple, Humbug, Sr. Sparrow, yet the first part...
16082[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Set of from thence. Dined at Dumfries & reachd home about Sun Set.
16083[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Cool with the Wind at No. West but not very hard.
Having Purchac’d a Farm Adjoining the Town of Leesburg, am in want of Some money to Assist in Purchaceing Horses, Implements of Husbandry &c. if you can Supply me with one hundred & fifty pounds, I will give you Security on the land; or on the Stone house in that Town; Or if you would rather Choose to be secured in this County will give you A Mortgage on my Houses in this place. Your Answer to...
I some Time Past Purchased of the Reverend Mr Walter Magowan, a Parcell of Ticketts in Earl Stirlings Land and Cash Lottery, in the Provinces of New York and New Jersey. I am since Informed that the Lottery is drawn and that you have an Acct of the Prizes in this Lottery—I have therefore taken the Liberty to write to you upon this Subject, and shall be Extreemly obliged to you to Favour me...
£ s d To the Hire of two Horses at £10 each 20: 0: 0 To the Hire of a Sulky £8:0s:0d 8: 0: 0 To the Wages of a servant from the 26 of April to the 14th. of August at £3 per Month 10:16:0 10: 16: 0 To Cash paid Mrs. Yard in Philadelphia for Board and Lodging for myself and Servant &c. Pensylvania Currency £38:13s:6d 30: 18: 10 To Cash paid Hannah Hiltzheimer for keeping my Horses
Another Clause in the Charter, quoted by this Writer, contains the Power “to make Laws and ordinancies, for the good and Welfare of the said Company, and for the Government and ordering of the Said Lands and Plantations and the People inhabiting the Same; So as such Laws and Ordinances be not contrary or repugnant to the Laws and Statutes of this our Realm of England.” This is the usual Clause...
16088[April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Aprl. 1. At home all day, Mr. Magowan came here. 2. At home all day. Mr. Magowan went to church & returnd to Dinner. Mr. Wilper came in the Afternoon—as did Captn. Curtis also. Philip Curtis was the captain of GW’s brig Farmer , just arrived at Mount Vernon from a voyage that had carried 4,000 bushels of “Indian Corn” to Lisbon and returned with 3,000 bushels of salt from the Turks Islands in...
16089Acct. of the Weather in April [1775] (Washington Papers)
Apl. 1. Cool, with the Wind at No. Wt. 2. Wind in the same place, and weather Cool. 3. Wind at No. Wt.—fresh & Cool all the forepart of the day—latter part moderate—Wind Southerly. 4. Misting, & Raining more or less all day with but little Wind and that Southerly. 5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day. 6. A hard frost—day colder & wind harder from the same Quarter than...
16090Cash Accounts, April 1775 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl  1— To Messrs Robt Adam & Coy 1200 Pern [£] 75. 0. 0 3— To Merchds. 0. 2. 6 17— To Fairfax County Recd of Colo. Mason 31.17. 0 To my own Tythes Vizt 137 @ 3/ each 20.11. 0 To Colo. Mason, Ball. of his Acct this day Settled 0. 2. 6 To Mr Gibson Recd from him on his own & Mr Ross’s Accot 32. 0. 8 To Major Broadwater recd from him on Acct of the Money Pd him 25th March 3. 0. 0 To Cash...