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Results 16051-16100 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Your favor of the 6th. came to hand last night. mr Erving had left town two days before: however...
Dr Horwitz & myself will do ourselves the pleasure to wait on you tomorrow.— I send you by Lewis...
16053General Orders, 5 November 1782 (Washington Papers)
A Sub., serjeant, corporal, drumer & fifer and twenty four privates from the 1st Jersey regiment...
§ From Anthony Merry. 24 February 1806, Washington. “I have the Honor to acquaint you that I have...
Enclosed you have an a/c from Mr. E D Withers with an order for the amount ($10) in my...
I have Ordered Ensign Fleming to Repair to Captain Hoggs Company with eight good men; which I...
I have been honoured with your letter dated the 29th of March ulto. which was received on the 6th...
I have been laying under contribution my memory, my private papers, the printed records, gazettes...
A person of the name of Thompson, of Amherst county in Virginia has asked my interference for the...
I have just received from our Consul at Cadiz, a Circular letter of which the enclosed is a Copy;...
His Excellency wishes the distribution of the State Cloathing of Massachusetts may not be made,...
I reached Richmond last even g , & this morn g rec d yours, advising of having drawn for $200,...
Dans la léttre que j’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire Vers la fin de Maÿ, je vous ai entretenu de...
Whereas it is represented by many of the Inhabitants of this Country who dissent from the Church...
Be pleased to march early tomorrow morning to the Ground where you were before incamped, near...
I enclose the proposals made for building the marine hospital ; and also some objections made by...
In consequence of a resolution which passed at the last meeting of the Potomk company, and in...
I have received my dear Generals two letters dated the first instant, last night. You will have...
Letter not found. 21 September 1813. Acknowledged in JM to Mason, 23 Sept. 1813 , which suggests...
In the first moments of my ability to sit in an easy chair (and that not entirely without pain) I...
The return of Mr. Randolph’s servant affords me the first opportunity of informing you that I...
I must be brief, and yet the strangeness of my applications, and the number of those applications...
Letter not found. ca. 20 November 1786. Mentioned in JM’s letter of 7 December 1786 to his father...
By your letter of the 26th inst. just received, I am first informed of the appointment of Peter A...
After various Reports of the Capture of the Boston by a British Cruizer, and of her being struck...
I wrote you two or three times last week. But since my last I have received another letter from...
I will not add to my offence by troubling you with a long apology for this intrusion on your...
Your favors of the 13th. and 20th. were put into my hands today. This will be delivered you by...
I am here, my dear friend, waiting the arrival of a ship to take my flight from this side of the...
Congress having appropriated Money for payment of the Invalid pensioners commencing with the 4th...
I have the honor to enclose triplicate of my respects to you of the 4th. of January, and...
I am honor’d with a resolution of Council of 4th Inst. and your previous Letter directing the...
16083[Diary entry: 9 May 1768] (Washington Papers)
9. Very warm & Sultry. Wind Southwardly.
On receipt of this letter you will proceed with the Brigade under your Command to middle Brook,...
being arrived at newport, I find myself very happy; not because my health is rather improved than...
On my arrival in this place from Washington, I thought proper, in consequence of the favour which...
I wrote you about 3 Weeks since by Col. Norton & inclos’d you some of our last papers. since...
16088General Orders, 20 February 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I cannot prevail on myself to omit the present Occasion of offering my Respects, altho I have...
By my freind Mr Myers, at the request of Mr. Campo, a spanish Gentn I send you two boxes of best...
Your favor of Novr 30th reached me only the 8th instant, when I found it on my way to...
16092[Diary entry: 31 July 1798] (Washington Papers)
31. Morng. clear—afternoon appearance of Rain but none fell. Mer. 68 in the Morng. 76 at Night....
The Committee appointed to consider relating to Minute Men offerd their report as follows. The...
Mr. Duplaine, Consul of France for Boston, will of course have presented you his Exequatur and...
7 December 1803, Fort Adams. “Yesterday evening and until about noon this day we had so heavy a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I had the honor of conversing with you, it has...
I thank you for your favour of the 20th and the Extracts which are very consolatory. I have...
I, Yesterday rec d your favour of June 27. N o. 10. It is in common with all the Numbers which...
I have duly recieved your favor of May 21. and thank you for the details it contains....
Copies: Massachusetts Historical Society; Library of Congress (two) <Versailles, October 1, 1778,...