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Results 16051-16100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
16051[Diary entry: 22 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
22. Dined at Galts Tavern & lodgd at a House of his providing. The convention concluded the day’s deliberations by voting unanimous approval to “the proceedings and Resolutions of the American Continental Congress” and unanimous thanks to their seven delegates ( VAN SCHREEVEN William J. Van Schreeven et al., eds. Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. A Documentary Record . 7 vols....
16052[Diary entry: 22 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
22. Cold all day with the Wind fresh from the No. Wt.
16053[Diary entry: 23 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined at Mr. Patrick Cootes & lodgd where I had done the Night before. At this day’s session Patrick Henry proposed resolutions “that this Colony be immediately put into a posture of Defence.” After much debate, in the course of which Henry gave his “liberty or death” speech, the resolutions passed by a close vote. GW was appointed to a committee to “prepare a Plan for embodying, arming...
16054[Diary entry: 23 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Cloudy & Chilly—with appearances of Snow—wind being Easterly but none fell. Afternn. clear.
I Came to this place on fryday Evening and I Should have Com down Sooner But I Never Recved your Drafts till a fews days before I Came down and thinking you Might be gon to the Con grass I thought it advisable to Send them to you by Capt. Rutherford as you Might Meet with Mr Lewis there and have the plats Examenid by Lewis your Selfe. I hope you will Excuse My Not breng down all My acounts and...
16056[Diary entry: 24 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
24. Dined at Galts & spent the Evening & lodgd at Mr. Saml. Duvals. The convention decided on this day to send seven delegates to the Second Continental Congress ( VAN SCHREEVEN William J. Van Schreeven et al., eds. Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. A Documentary Record . 7 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1973–83. , 2:371). Samuel Du Val (1714–1784) lived near Shockoe Creek at...
16057[Diary entry: 24 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear & warm in the forenoon—Wind very fresh from the So. West. In the afternoon Wind shifting to the No. West & Cooler.
Ordered that certain paragraphs in the public papers, said to have been the votes of the house of representatives of New York be read. The house of Convention taking into their consideration that the said province of New York did by their delegates in General Congress solemnly accede to the compact of Association there formed for the preservation of American rights, that a defection from such...
My Partner Mr Barraud writes me that he has procur’d ev’ry thing in your Order that cou’d be got—I have been confin’d to my Bed for near Six Weeks occasion’d as the Old Women say by a Stone Bruise on my Heel be what bruise it may it had liked to have carry’d me to my long Home thank God I am now out of all danger tho’ still confin’d to my Bed—this has retarded sometime sending for the Flour....
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society My dear Son has repeatedly acknowledged your friendly Reception and Patronage of him, since his Arrival in London: Be pleased, therefore, to accept of my gratefull Sense of your Goodness to him; with my ardent Wishes, that your united Endeavors to preserve your native Country from impending Ruin may be attended with Success. You would hardly be perswaded...
16061[Diary entry: 25 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Returnd to the Convention in Richmond. Dined at Galts & went to Mrs. Randolphs of Wilton. Today the convention accepted an amended report of the defense committee, which recommended that each county “form one or more voluntier Companies of Infantry and Troops of Horse,” that every infantryman have a rifle or firelock and a tomahawk and “be cloathed in a hunting Shirt by Way of Uniform,”...
16062[Diary entry: 25 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Wind Northerly & somewhat Cool but not unpleasant.
Mr Smith deliverd me your Letter of the 16th; but as one is generally in a hurry & bustle in such places, & at such times as these I have only time to acknowledge it, & add that it would have given me pleasure to have met you here —I shall refer you to Mr Smith for an Acct of our proceedings up to this day, & you cannot fail of learning the rest from the Squire, who delights in the Minutiæ of...
The Committee appointed to prepare a plan for embodying arming and disciplining a militia for the purpose of putting this colony into an immediate posture of defence have had the same under their consideration and agreed to a report as follows. The Committee propose that it be strongly recommended to the colony diligently to put in execution the Militia law passed in the year 1738 entitled ‘An...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the favor of Mr. Wister I transmitt the Votes and Laws of the last Session of Assembly, Which I hope will be delivered safely to you together with this inclosing a Duplicate of the petition to the King. In my last I Stated Mr. Wilmotts Affair fully, hope he will see by it that the Colony has not been to blame and that he will speedily receive his Money....
16066[Diary entry: 26 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Stay’d at Wilton all day.
16067[Diary entry: 26 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Wind Easterly with Misting Rain all day.
Massachusettensis, in some of his writings has advanced, that our allegiance is due to the political capacity of the King, and therefore involves in it obedience to the British parliament. Governor Hutchinson in his memorable speech laid down the same position. I have already shewn from the case of Wales, that this position is groundless—and that allegiance was due from the Welch to the King,...
16069[Diary entry: 27 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
27. Returnd to Richmond. Dined at Mr. Richd. Adam’s. Today, in its final session the Second Virginia Convention made Thomas Jefferson, delegate from Albemarle County, Peyton Randolph’s alternate delegate to the Second Continental Congress ( VAN SCHREEVEN William J. Van Schreeven et al., eds. Revolutionary Virginia: The Road to Independence. A Documentary Record . 7 vols. Charlottesville, Va.,...
16070[Diary entry: 27 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
27. Raining in the Afternoon with the wind fresh at No. Et. In the Evening it got to No. Wt.
In looking over my memorandums, I find that my own warrant for 5,000 acres of Land, was directed to the Surveyor of Botetourt, and executed in part by Mr Lewis your Son, for 2,950 acres. Recollecting at the same time to have heard the little Kanhawa spoken of as a temporary boundary between your county and Augusta, and having a survey on the lower side of that river as inclosed, for 1800...
Your favours of the 27th and 31st of Jany were both deliverd to me at this place—the first Inclosing a Copy of the Survey at the Mouth of Coal River, and the Second an acct of the Expence of doing it. By Colo. Christian I send £3.6.8 for your Fee, & £2.10.0 for Capt. Floyd. It was impossible for me, with any sort of propriety to judge the value of Captn Floyds extra:Services; & being told that...
His Excellency the Governor having by proclamation bearing date the 21st. day of March in the present year declared that his majesty hath given orders that all vacant lands within this colony shall be put up in lots to public sale and that the highest bidder for such lot shall be the purchaser thereof, and shall hold the same subject to a reservation of one half-penny sterling per acre by way...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I did my self the honor to write you, 13 Septr last, by Mr. Quincy, acknowleging the receit of several curious Pamphlets, for which am much obliged to you, and beg the favor of you to present my respectful Compliments to Sir John Pringle, and Mr. Henley, for the particular honor they have done me, in sending me their curious Productions. Since that, I...
16075[Diary entry: 28 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
28. Left Richmond. Dined at Hanover C[our]t Ho[use] & Lodged at Roys at the Bolling Green.
16076[Diary entry: 28 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
28. Very Cold with a Frost—Wind fresh from the No. West.
16077[Diary entry: 29 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Got to Fredericksburg abt. 11 Oclock. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s & spent the Evening at Weedons. George Weedon was described by an English traveler who stopped at his tavern about this time as “very active and zealous in blowing the flames of sedition” ( SMYTH J. F. D. Smyth. A Tour in the United States of America: containing An Account of the Present Situation of that Country; The Population,...
16078[Diary entry: 29 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Severe Frost. White & Black. Fruit distroyd.
16079[Diary entry: 30 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
30. At Fredericksburg all day. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s.
16080[Diary entry: 30 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
30. A tolerable pleasant day with but little Wind.
I was in hopes you would have just called as you went out of Town, more especially as I Asked the favor I wanted to have troubled you with the inclosed —but you forgot me. I Sent and got the Group it is Admirally well done as far as it go’s, but, pauca desunt , vizt. Act. II. Scene I. The persons are, Hateall, Hazlerod, Monsieur, Beau-Trumps, Simple, Humbug, Sr. Sparrow, yet the first part...
16082[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Set of from thence. Dined at Dumfries & reachd home about Sun Set.
16083[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Cool with the Wind at No. West but not very hard.
Having Purchac’d a Farm Adjoining the Town of Leesburg, am in want of Some money to Assist in Purchaceing Horses, Implements of Husbandry &c. if you can Supply me with one hundred & fifty pounds, I will give you Security on the land; or on the Stone house in that Town; Or if you would rather Choose to be secured in this County will give you A Mortgage on my Houses in this place. Your Answer to...
I some Time Past Purchased of the Reverend Mr Walter Magowan, a Parcell of Ticketts in Earl Stirlings Land and Cash Lottery, in the Provinces of New York and New Jersey. I am since Informed that the Lottery is drawn and that you have an Acct of the Prizes in this Lottery—I have therefore taken the Liberty to write to you upon this Subject, and shall be Extreemly obliged to you to Favour me...
£ s d To the Hire of two Horses at £10 each 20: 0: 0 To the Hire of a Sulky £8:0s:0d 8: 0: 0 To the Wages of a servant from the 26 of April to the 14th. of August at £3 per Month 10:16:0 10: 16: 0 To Cash paid Mrs. Yard in Philadelphia for Board and Lodging for myself and Servant &c. Pensylvania Currency £38:13s:6d 30: 18: 10 To Cash paid Hannah Hiltzheimer for keeping my Horses
Another Clause in the Charter, quoted by this Writer, contains the Power “to make Laws and ordinancies, for the good and Welfare of the said Company, and for the Government and ordering of the Said Lands and Plantations and the People inhabiting the Same; So as such Laws and Ordinances be not contrary or repugnant to the Laws and Statutes of this our Realm of England.” This is the usual Clause...
16088[April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Aprl. 1. At home all day, Mr. Magowan came here. 2. At home all day. Mr. Magowan went to church & returnd to Dinner. Mr. Wilper came in the Afternoon—as did Captn. Curtis also. Philip Curtis was the captain of GW’s brig Farmer , just arrived at Mount Vernon from a voyage that had carried 4,000 bushels of “Indian Corn” to Lisbon and returned with 3,000 bushels of salt from the Turks Islands in...
16089Acct. of the Weather in April [1775] (Washington Papers)
Apl. 1. Cool, with the Wind at No. Wt. 2. Wind in the same place, and weather Cool. 3. Wind at No. Wt.—fresh & Cool all the forepart of the day—latter part moderate—Wind Southerly. 4. Misting, & Raining more or less all day with but little Wind and that Southerly. 5. Wind very fresh and Cold from the No. West all day. 6. A hard frost—day colder & wind harder from the same Quarter than...
16090Cash Accounts, April 1775 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl  1— To Messrs Robt Adam & Coy 1200 Pern [£] 75. 0. 0 3— To Merchds. 0. 2. 6 17— To Fairfax County Recd of Colo. Mason 31.17. 0 To my own Tythes Vizt 137 @ 3/ each 20.11. 0 To Colo. Mason, Ball. of his Acct this day Settled 0. 2. 6 To Mr Gibson Recd from him on his own & Mr Ross’s Accot 32. 0. 8 To Major Broadwater recd from him on Acct of the Money Pd him 25th March 3. 0. 0 To Cash...
It is not easy for me to determine whether it be best, to carry the Cause before the Governor and Council as a Court of Chancery or before the King and Council—because, I dont know enough of the Character and Sentiments of the Governor and Council. They may be all Episcopalians, and so much prejudiced, as to render an Application to them, fruitless. Nor am I able to say, whether, the Cause can...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; draft: British Museum I wrote you in Septr and Aug: last, and it is a great While indeed since I have had the Pleasure of a Line from you. The Anxiety and Distress bro’t upon us by the Port Bill and other Acts, and the Troops and Ships of War station’d here have been great; and much Art and Pains have been employ’d to dismay us, or provoke us to some...
16093[Diary entry: 1 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Aprl. 1. At home all day, Mr. Magowan came here.
16094[Diary entry: 1 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Apl. 1. Cool, with the Wind at No. Wt.
16095[Diary entry: 2 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
2. At home all day. Mr. Magowan went to church & returnd to Dinner. Mr. Wilper came in the Afternoon—as did Captn. Curtis also. Philip Curtis was the captain of GW’s brig Farmer , just arrived at Mount Vernon from a voyage that had carried 4,000 bushels of “Indian Corn” to Lisbon and returned with 3,000 bushels of salt from the Turks Islands in the Caribbean ( P.R.O. , T.1/512, ff. 196, 197).
16096[Diary entry: 2 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
2. Wind in the same place, and weather Cool.
Letter not found: to William Grayson, 2 April 1775. On 5 April Grayson wrote GW that he had “the honor of your favor of the 2nd of Aprill.”
Give me leave now to descend from these general matters, to Massachusettensis. He says “Ireland who has perhaps the greatest possible subordinate legislature, and send no members to the British parliament, is bound by its acts, when expressly named.” But if we are to consider what ought to be, as well as what is, why should Ireland have the greatest possible subordinate legislature? Is Ireland...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you the other day about an hundred pounds which the Constitutional Society here had orderd to be given for releif of the poor sufferers in Boston and now inclose you Mr. Olivers letter respecting that business. I presume you are fully informed from other hands of all the public transactions here since you left us. Therefore shall only beg you to...
ALS (facsimile): Massachusetts Historical Society Altho’ I have not the pleasure either of a personal or epistolary acquaintance with you, I have taken the liberty of sending you by Mr. Dana a pamphlet which I wish was more deserving of your notice. The ability and firmness with which you have defended the Rights of Mankind and the Liberties of this Country in particular have rendered you dear...