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Results 16051-16100 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
16051[Diary entry: 22 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
22. Dined at Galts Tavern & lodgd at a House of his providing. The convention concluded the day’s...
16052[Diary entry: 22 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
22. Cold all day with the Wind fresh from the No. Wt.
16053[Diary entry: 23 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Dined at Mr. Patrick Cootes & lodgd where I had done the Night before. At this day’s session...
16054[Diary entry: 23 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Cloudy & Chilly—with appearances of Snow—wind being Easterly but none fell. Afternn. clear.
I Came to this place on fryday Evening and I Should have Com down Sooner But I Never Recved your...
16056[Diary entry: 24 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
24. Dined at Galts & spent the Evening & lodgd at Mr. Saml. Duvals. The convention decided on...
16057[Diary entry: 24 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
24. Clear & warm in the forenoon—Wind very fresh from the So. West. In the afternoon Wind...
Ordered that certain paragraphs in the public papers, said to have been the votes of the house of...
My Partner Mr Barraud writes me that he has procur’d ev’ry thing in your Order that cou’d be...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society My dear Son has repeatedly acknowledged your friendly...
16061[Diary entry: 25 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Returnd to the Convention in Richmond. Dined at Galts & went to Mrs. Randolphs of Wilton....
16062[Diary entry: 25 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
25. Wind Northerly & somewhat Cool but not unpleasant.
Mr Smith deliverd me your Letter of the 16th; but as one is generally in a hurry & bustle in such...
The Committee appointed to prepare a plan for embodying arming and disciplining a militia for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By the favor of Mr. Wister I transmitt the Votes and Laws of...
16066[Diary entry: 26 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Stay’d at Wilton all day.
16067[Diary entry: 26 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
26. Wind Easterly with Misting Rain all day.
Massachusettensis, in some of his writings has advanced, that our allegiance is due to the...
16069[Diary entry: 27 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
27. Returnd to Richmond. Dined at Mr. Richd. Adam’s. Today, in its final session the Second...
16070[Diary entry: 27 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
27. Raining in the Afternoon with the wind fresh at No. Et. In the Evening it got to No. Wt.
In looking over my memorandums, I find that my own warrant for 5,000 acres of Land, was directed...
Your favours of the 27th and 31st of Jany were both deliverd to me at this place—the first...
His Excellency the Governor having by proclamation bearing date the 21st. day of March in the...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society I did my self the honor to write you, 13 Septr last, by...
16075[Diary entry: 28 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
28. Left Richmond. Dined at Hanover C[our]t Ho[use] & Lodged at Roys at the Bolling Green.
16076[Diary entry: 28 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
28. Very Cold with a Frost—Wind fresh from the No. West.
16077[Diary entry: 29 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Got to Fredericksburg abt. 11 Oclock. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s & spent the Evening at Weedons....
16078[Diary entry: 29 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
29. Severe Frost. White & Black. Fruit distroyd.
16079[Diary entry: 30 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
30. At Fredericksburg all day. Dined at Colo. Lewis’s.
16080[Diary entry: 30 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
30. A tolerable pleasant day with but little Wind.
I was in hopes you would have just called as you went out of Town, more especially as I Asked the...
16082[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Set of from thence. Dined at Dumfries & reachd home about Sun Set.
16083[Diary entry: 31 March 1775] (Washington Papers)
31. Cool with the Wind at No. West but not very hard.
Having Purchac’d a Farm Adjoining the Town of Leesburg, am in want of Some money to Assist in...
I some Time Past Purchased of the Reverend Mr Walter Magowan, a Parcell of Ticketts in Earl...
£ s d To the Hire of two Horses at £10 each 20: 0: 0 To the Hire of a Sulky £8:0s:0d 8: 0: 0 To...
Another Clause in the Charter, quoted by this Writer, contains the Power “to make Laws and...
16088[April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Aprl. 1. At home all day, Mr. Magowan came here. 2. At home all day. Mr. Magowan went to church &...
16089Acct. of the Weather in April [1775] (Washington Papers)
Apl. 1. Cool, with the Wind at No. Wt. 2. Wind in the same place, and weather Cool. 3. Wind at...
16090Cash Accounts, April 1775 (Washington Papers)
Cash Apl  1— To Messrs Robt Adam & Coy 1200 Pern [£] 75. 0. 0 3— To Merchds. 0. 2. 6 17— To...
It is not easy for me to determine whether it be best, to carry the Cause before the Governor and...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society; draft: British Museum I wrote you in Septr and Aug: last,...
16093[Diary entry: 1 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Aprl. 1. At home all day, Mr. Magowan came here.
16094[Diary entry: 1 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
Apl. 1. Cool, with the Wind at No. Wt.
16095[Diary entry: 2 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
2. At home all day. Mr. Magowan went to church & returnd to Dinner. Mr. Wilper came in the...
16096[Diary entry: 2 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
2. Wind in the same place, and weather Cool.
Letter not found: to William Grayson, 2 April 1775. On 5 April Grayson wrote GW that he had “the...
Give me leave now to descend from these general matters, to Massachusettensis. He says “Ireland...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you the other day about an hundred pounds which the...
ALS (facsimile): Massachusetts Historical Society Altho’ I have not the pleasure either of a...