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Results 1601-1650 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
1601 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 13 February 1829 1829-02-13 Since mine of Jany. 29, I have recd. one of the papers of Hampden. But it is No. 2. the Enquirer...
1602 Madison, James Dunglison, Robley James Madison to Robley Dunglison, 13 February 1829 1829-02-13 I have recd. yours of the 9th. inst. and even not under the distressing circumstances it presents...
1603 Madison, James Barbour, James James Madison to James Barbour, 7 February 1829 1829-02-07 With your favr. of Novr. 13. acknd. yesterday, I recd that of the same date, in which you...
1604 Madison, James Percival, John James Madison to John Percival, 7 February 1829 1829-02-07 I have recd. your letter of Jany. 31. and feel a proper respect for the solicitude which prompted...
1605 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 7 February 1829 1829-02-07 Do me the favor to hand the inclosed letters to Mr. Brent, with a request that he will be so good...
1606 Madison, James Barbour, James James Madison to James Barbour, 6 February 1829 1829-02-06 I have recd. your favour of Novr 13. covering the Seals, for your attention to which I return you...
1607 Madison, James Maury, James James Madison to James Maury, 6 February 1829 1829-02-06 On the rect. of your letter inclosing a letter to Mr. Walker, I put the latter into the hands of...
1608 Madison, James Raymond, Daniel James Madison to Daniel Raymond, 4 February 1829 1829-02-04 I have recd. your letter of the 26th. Ult. & return my acknowledgments for the pamphlet I owe to...
1609 Madison, James List, Frederick James Madison to Frederick List, 3 February 1829 1829-02-03 I have recd. Sir your letter of Jany. 21. with the printed accompaniments; of which none can say...
1610 Lewis, Samuel S. Madison, James Samuel S. Lewis to James Madison, 3 February 1829 1829-02-03 We have the honor to inform you that by an unanimous vote of the "Washington College Parthenon...
1611 Rives, William Cabell Madison, James William C. Rives to James Madison, 3 February 1829 1829-02-03 The heavy pressure of some public duties here recently, & the occupation of my mind, at the same...
1612 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 2 February 1829 1829-02-02 I recd. last evening yours of the 29th. Ult: It confirms I observe my fears that nothing could...
1613 Dunglison, Robley Madison, James Robley Dunglison to James Madison, 1 February 1829 1829-02-01 It* will keep the University of Virginia perpetually before the public, and it will diminish the...
1614 Madison, James Coolidge, Joseph Jr. James Madison to Joseph Coolidge, Jr., 31 January 1829 1829-01-31 I have duly received the copy of the Annual Report on the Harvard University: and I make my...
1615 Brockenbrough, Arthur S. Madison, James Arthur S. Brockenbrough to James Madison, 31 January … 1829-01-31 After the resignation of Major Spottswood I appointed Mr John N Rose Hotel Keeper. But as Mr Rose...
1616 Percival, John Madison, James John Percival to James Madison, 31 January 1829 1829-01-31 I very respectfully beg leave to submit to you an inquiry on a subject of great interest to...
1617 Madison, James Jones, Walter James Madison to Walter Jones, 30 January 1829 1829-01-30 I have duly recd. your favor of the 26th. and by the same mail, the prepared Answer to Mr....
1618 Madison, James Martin, Samuel James Madison to Samuel Martin, 30 January 1829 1829-01-30 I have recd. Sir your letter of jany. 7. in which you suggest the idea of opening the Mail free...
1619 Cabell, Joseph C. Madison, James Joseph C. Cabell to James Madison, 29 January 1829 1829-01-29 I have deferred answering your favor of the 5th inst. much longer than I intended because my time...
1620 Lafayette Madison, James Lafayette to James Madison, 28 January 1829 1829-01-28 The last I Heard from You Was By a few introductory lines which Were presented By Mr. Borrowski...
1621 Raymond, Daniel Madison, James Daniel Raymond to James Madison, 26 January 1829 1829-01-26 You will receive with this letter a pamphlet entitled "the American System" of which I am the...
1622 Madison, James Rives, William Cabell James Madison to William C. Rives, 23 January 1829 1829-01-23 I have recd. under your cover, the newspaper containing the explanatory remarks on the two...
1623 List, Frederick Madison, James Frederick List to James Madison, 21 January 1829 1829-01-21 I long ago felt the desire to submit to your examination, some of my essays on american political...
1624 Madison, James Sessford, John James Madison to John Sessford, 20 January 1829 1829-01-20 J. M. returns his thanks to Mr. Sessford for the copy of his Statistical view of the City of...
1625 Madison, James Grimké, Thomas S. James Madison to Thomas S. Grimke, 17 January 1829 1829-01-17 J. Madison acknowledges with many thanks the rect. of the Copy with which he has been favord by...
1626 Madison, James Rush, Richard James Madison to Richard Rush, 17 January 1829 1829-01-17 I have recd. your very kind letter of the 12th. The commendations you bestow on those relating to...
1627 Madison, James Trist, Nicholas P. James Madison to Nicholas P. Trist, 17 January 1829 1829-01-17 I have recd. with yours of the 12th. the 1st. vol: of Lyman’s Diplomacy. The mail charged with...
1628 Madison, James Verplanck, Gulian C. James Madison to Gulian C. Verplanck, 17 January 1829 1829-01-17 I return herewith the Second Statement by the Council of the London University. If the...
1629 Sessford, John Madison, James John Sessford to James Madison, 13 January 1829 1829-01-13 Understanding that you take an interest in the growth of this City, I have taken the liberty of...
1630 Martin, Samuel Madison, James Samuel Martin to James Madison, 12 January 1829 1829-01-12 Your letters on the Constitutionality of a protecting duty on imports is received here pity they...
1631 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 12 January 1829 1829-01-12 Thompson received four copies of Lyman’s work, on Saturday. Two were immediately taken—the one by...
1632 Madison, James Rives, William Cabell James Madison to William Cabell Rives, 10 January 1829 1829-01-10 Your favor of the 31st. Ult. was duly recd. You have not mistaken my idea of the Constl. power of...
1633 Rush, Richard Madison, James Richard Rush to James Madison, 10 January 1829 1829-01-10 I cannot longer abstain from expressing the deep interest with which I read your two letters on...
1634 Garrett, Alexander Madison, James Alexander Garrett to James Madison, 10 January 1829 1829-01-10 Annexed I send for your approval, my check on the P. & Directors of the Literary Fund, for Five...
1635 Madison, James Randolph, Thomas Jefferson James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 9 January … 1829-01-09 Will Mr. R. oblige J.M. by turning to the correspondence of Mr. Jefferson with Mr. Pendleton &...
1636 Madison, James Cabell, Joseph C. James Madison to Joseph C. Cabell, 5 January 1829 1829-01-05 I have recd. yours of Decr. 28 in which you wish me to say something on the agitated subject of...
1637 Madison, James Levy, Adam J. James Madison to Adam J. Levy, 5 January 1829 1829-01-05 I recd. some days ago yours of Decr. 22. Altho’ I calculated on being left entirely to my own...
1638 Madison, James Cutts, Richard James Madison to Richard D. Cutts, 4 January 1829 1829-01-04 Your letter, my dear Richard, gave me much pleasure, as it shews that you love your studies,...
1639 Grimké, Thomas S. Madison, James Thomas S. Grimke to James Madison, 3 January 1829 1829-01-03 Thos. S. Grimke requests Mr Madison’s acceptance of the within Resolutions, in testimony of...
1640 Schultz, C. Madison, James C. Schultz to James Madison, 1 January 1829 1829-01-01 As candor in Religion , is now vanished from the face of the earth: and hypocrisy under the mask...
1641 Verplanck, Gulian C. Madison, James Gulian C. Verplanck to James Madison, 1 January 1829 1829-01-01 Gulian C. Verplanck presents his respects to Mr Madison and, with his best wishes for many happy...
1642 Calhoun, John C. Adams, John Quincy From John C. Calhoun to John Quincy Adams, 1825 to 1828 1825-01-01 9th Decr. Mr Calhoun accepts with pleasure the invitation of Mr. & Mrs Adams for thursday next...
1643 Madison, James James Madison: Notes on foreign commerce and … 1828-12-01 (Those who deny that the power of Congs to regulate foreign commerce includes a protective power,...
1644 James Madison’s List of Autographs, beginning 1828 1828-12-01 List of autographs [by James Madison:] Autographs sent [by Dolley Payne Madison:] G. Washington...
1645 Rives, William Cabell Madison, James William Cabell Rives to James Madison, 31 December 1828 1828-12-31 Major Hamilton arrived here yesterday, & I had the pleasure, to-day, of placing in his hands the...
1646 Madison, James Cooper, Thomas James Madison to [Thomas Cooper], 31 December 1828 1828-12-31 This statement shews that the loan of 60000 with 3 years of the pub: any. wd. compleat ye....
1647 Madison, James James Madison: Answer to Bill of Complaint of Charles … 1828-12-31 The Answer of James Madison of Orange County Virginia, to the Bill of Complaint of Charles...
1648 Madison, James Authorization to Rector [James Madison] to appoint … 1828-12-31 Resolved that the Rector be authorized to appoint to the Chair of Antient Languages, for the term...
1649 Madison, James Allen, William James Madison to William Allen, 31 December 1828 1828-12-31 On the rect. of your last letter I directed my overseer to communicate with the Miller on the...
1650 Madison, James James Madison: Memorandum on the Tariff, 31 December … 1828-12-31 To the effect of <the> changes intellectual, moral and social, the institutions laws of the...