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Results 16001-16050 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
An antient colleague and fellow student of mine has, in sending me as an authors gift several...
I have received your favour of the 18th: and thank you has your “Idea”; Your reasoning upon it is...
We need not fear that Mr Hutchinsons Character will be injured with Posterity—His every Virtue,...
I recieve here, dear Sir, your favor of the 4th. just as I am preparing my return to Monticello...
Permit me to congratulate you on the success of the republicans in this State in the choice of...
I recieve here, dear Sir, your favor of the 4 th just as I am preparing my return to Monticello...
While in Washington you received excellent cider from virginia —from Whom—or, from what part of...
Permit me to congratulate you on the success of the Republicans in this State in the choice of...
[The following are remarks from Rush to JM touching on modification of the judiciary, the U.S....
I thank you for the copy of your discourse which you have been so kind as to send me, and have...
I recieve your favor of Nov. 1. here, as I am about setting out on my return to Monticello for...
I recieve your favor of Nov. 1. at this place at which I make occasionally a temporary residence;...
I have always conceived it my duty when in the legislature , to give You all the information I...
While I acknowledge the receipt of your favour of Nov’br 11th, accept my thanks for the kind...
Mr. Conard, of this neighbourhood, having, as I understand, been recommended to you for the place...
I feel the utmost reluctance to address you upon a subject of a personal nature or about one with...
My Son will wait on you for your Patronage to a usefull and necessary Establishment in this City....
I take the liberty of recommending to your notice the Reverend Mr. Gallaudet, principal, and Mr....
I have already had the honour of answering Your obliging favour dated at Poplar Forrest Forest ....
I have the pleasure of presenting You with a Copy of my new map and Description of the United...
After a long delay, occasioned by adverse events, I Send thee, by this day’s mail , another No....
Your favor of Oct. 10. travelled to Monticello , thence to Richmond , thence to Lynchburg , and...
In thanking you for your last ing interesting Letter, I have been particularly gratified, in...
Your favor of Oct. 19. is just now recieved, and at this place. I have always had a standing...
I received last night only, and at this place, where I have been a month, your favor of Oct. 27....
I have been here about a month and shall now within a day or two set out on my return to...
I received yesterday, and at this place, a letter from mr Edwin Starke of Norfolk of Oct. 30....
I believe I must endorse you over, or rather bequeath you as a Legacy to The Philosopher of...
An oppressive attention to the business of the court has prevented my making the inclosed draft...
In consequence of your enquiries, relative to the claim of the Marquis de la Fayette, I have the...
Monseignieur Les bonte dont vous honnoret tous les malheureux Expatriés, mangage a prendre la...
Whereas it has been represented to me that   of the District of Maryland, have been adjudged...
I have this moment had the honour of receiving your obliging favour of the 11 instant dated at...
We recieved your letters last night only, and the necessary preparations for the boy’s Journey...
Last week I sent you with a Letter from my wife the Newspaper containing the Account of the Lord...
You have seen so much, read so much, and thought so much, of publick affairs under all aspects;...
Some circumstances having occurred, since I had the honor to write you on the subject of the...
Memoir. On a new invention for fertilizing the various products of the soil. Inscribed to the...
Your favour of the 11th. has conjured up, in my Imagination so many Ghosts that I am in danger of...
Your kind letter of Octob: 14. was recieved here the 19 th the very day you fixed as that of your...
A few days ago I forwarded to you a second letter from my Son , and now have the pleasure to...
Jean françois Etienne de Laroque a l’honner d’Apeler á vôtre Excellence, que N’Etant aux Etats...
The Sentiments you have uniformly expressed in your Messages to the house of Congress favorable...
Under the circumstances stated in Coll Aspinwalls certificate (which I return) and in your...
I have just received your favor of the 11t. inst. It has given me great pleasure; and in the...
The disposition evinced by Congress at the last session in relation to the defences of the United...
I have lately returned to Boston , where I had the pleasure of finding the note of October the...
I Shall certainly comply with your Wishes, expressed in your favour of 31st Octr. The...
I perceive you are growing Old, by the Curiosity you express to your Mother, to know Something of...
I am now two thirds of my journey homeward having left Philadelphia on the 8th: instant, and...