Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on Newspaper Subscriptions, [April 1805]

Notes on Newspaper Subscriptions

[April 1805]

Boston. Chronicle 3 .
Democrat 4 .
Aegis 3
Salem register 3
Hartford. Babcock 2 .50
N. York Hudson bee 1 .
Alby. Register 3 .
Cheetham 19 + 25.80½ } remitted by mr B.
Morng Chronicle 8 .
46 .50  

Phila. Poulson 8
Balt. Eveng. Post Cook.
Alexa Dinsmore 6
Fred. T. Colvin 5 .

MS (MHi); partially dated; addition to Cheetham entry after receipt of James Cheetham to TJ, 24 Apr.; entirely in TJ’s hand.

remitted by mr B.: TJ added this notation on or after 7 May, when he gave funds to John Barnes for payments including $33.805 to Cheetham for “newspapers & pamphlets” (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1153; Cheetham to TJ, 24 Apr.; Barnes to TJ, 3 June [first letter]; Vol. 43:147-8).

William M’Corkle (Mc.Korkle) was the editor of the Philadelphia Freeman’s Journal beginning on 12 June 1804 (Brigham, American Newspapers, 2:908).

John Cook & Co. established the Baltimore Evening Post on 25 Mch. 1805 (same, 1:230-1). On 14 May, the firm invoiced the president seven dollars for the paper for a one-year subscription ending 25 Mch. 1806 (MS in MHi; endorsed by Barnes for payment).

The Baltimore American was published by William Pechin and Leonard Frailey beginning 1 Jan. 1803 (Brigham, American Newspapers, 1:224). The firm submitted an invoice to TJ for five dollars on 16 May 1805 for a 12-month subscription through 16 Aug. 1805 (MS in MHi; endorsed by Barnes for payment).

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