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Results 159631-159660 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, October 31, 1794. Encloses “the contracts of Mess. Scott & Ernest for the supplies of Rations therein expressed for the year 1795.…” LC , RG 75, Letters of Tench Coxe, Commissioner of the Revenue, Relating to the Procurement of Military, Naval, and Indian Supplies, National Archives. Alexander Scott and Matthew Ernest. See Coxe to H, first and third letters...
We had the honor of receiving your letter of Janry. 24. covering a translation into French of the Draught of a treaty proposed between his majesty the King of Prussia and the United States of America, together with answers to the several articles. We have considered them with attention, and with all those dispositions to accomodate them to the wishes of his majesty which a respect for his...
Extract: printed in Joseph Priestley, “Observations on Different Kinds of Air,” the Royal Society, Philosophical Transactions , LXII (1772), 199–200. Priestley’s growing sprigs of mint in foul air might not seem like serious science, but it led to one of his major discoveries. A question had long plagued eighteenth-century scientists: how is the atmosphere repurified after being rendered...
I had the honour of addressing you on the 1st. instant through the post. I write the present, incertain whether Mr. Nesbitt, the bearer of your last, will be the bearer of this, or whether it may not have to wait some other private occasion. They have reestablished their packet-boats here indeed; but they are to go from Bordeaux, which being between four and five hundred miles from hence, is...
[ Philadelphia, January 22, 1791. The dealer’s catalogue description of this letter reads: “Authorizing a cutter to be built for the Delaware station under the supervision of Captain Montgomery.” Letter not found. ] LS , sold at Parke-Bernet Galleries, March 28, 1940, Lot 302. James Montgomery of Pennsylvania.
Thomas Jefferson Demandant }  against  upon a writ of Right John Hudson & Charles Hudson   Tenants On motion of the Demandant by his attorney it is ordered by the Court that the Surveyor of this County, do go upon the land in controversy , survey the same, and return five fair plats thereof to this Court— MS ( Albemarle Co. Law Order Book [1809–21], 306); in Alexander Garrett
By the time this arrives at the Head of Elk, I would willingly hope, that the Battallion which the Legislature determined to raise for the War, in lieu of the number of Militia required by the Honourable the Committee of Congress, acting with the Army, will have assembled and be in readiness to join me. If this is the case I am to request, that You will proceed with it and join the Army on the...
Pardon my dear Sir, my late acknowledgment of the receipt of your favor covering Mr. Robertson’s commission, which has corrected the error, in the first Commission sent him, as To his Christian name, but that respecting his Sur-name remains; and it had not your signature. I instantly delivered it to his Father, who said that he expected his Son the next day, and that he would advise him to...
The Washington, and Ship Peace and plenty left Algiers destined for Tunis on the 22d. Inst. There was no alternative for the detention of These Ships at Algiers as we have had severe weather in general to unload and Ballast the Wn. and the fitting out The 6 sail of Theire largest Corsairs occupied The marine department 19 days. I had agreed with The dey on the 14th. Inst. to accept of 25...
The warrant on the treasurer of Virga from the Pr. & Dir. of the Literary fund & the Auditor for the payment of 40,000 D. to the Rector & Visitors of the sd University of Va shall be validly discharged by delivery to Alexr Garrett bursar of the University of the Treasurers order on either of the banks in Richmond for the payment of that sum to the sd Rector & Visitors ViU .
Extract: Princeton University Library Extract of a Letter from one of the People called Dunkards, dated Ephrata June 16th. 1761, to Benjamin Franklin Philadelphia. The respect you was so kind as to send to the father and to the Societies, was received very well, as it came from an old Friend who was acquainted with the society from its Infancy. The father has now reached 70 years; according to...
In Consequence of William Godfrey, Henry Whiting, John Livingston, Richard Lee, and John Cook, falling into the hands of Comodore Symonds, of the Brittish fleet off Newport News I sent down Colo. Mathews with a flagg in order to get off the prisoners, or if that could not be obtain’d, to Supply them with some Specia. In Consequence the Comodore releas’d on parole Henry Whiting and wrote the...
I have no apology for the liberty I am about taking, except that it may enable you to render service to a Stranger. Some time since I received thro’ the legation at Paris a letter from a M r Jean Baptiste Lefevre , accompanied by a note from the Marquis de la Fayette . M r Lefevre states that he served during the war in Col. Armand’s regiment; that in 1783 you had the goodness to take charge...
As I am removing Head Quarters from this place, it may not be unnecessary to inform you, that the former directions given you respecting the objects of your division and the conduct you are to observe with regard to the Highland-posts still continue in force. The Quarter Master here has represented to me that the present position of your troops so near the road causes a consumption of the...
I thank you for your attention to my request in regard to Capt Elliot. I do not find among my papers any letter from you communicating the nomination of — Regimental staff. Your letter on that subject has mi scarried or has been mislaid. You will therefore communicate the nomination to the Secretary of War, informing him that it is done by my direction, and you will obtain from him a...
I have waited with much impatience to know the determinations of Congress on the propositions made sometime in October last, for augmenting our Corps of Artillery & establishing a Corps of Engineers. The time is now come, when the First cannot be delayed without the greatest injury to the safety of these States, and therefore, under the Resolution of Congress bearing date the 12th Instt, at...
Your favor of the 11th did not come to my hand till the 24th; and since then, till now, I have been too much indisposed to acknowledge the receipt of it. To what cause to ascribe the detention of the [letter] I know not, as I never omit sending once, and oftener twice a week to the Post Office—In Alexandria. It was the decided intention of the letter I had the honor of writing to your...
Private Dear Sir [Philadelphia] Decr 31st 1792 I do not recollect perfectly what your sentiments were respecting the application of Mr De la Forest—and being to give an answer to the Secretary of the Treasury on this occasion I should be glad to receive them previously thereto. The difficulty of the case you well know arises from the unauthorised request, and the hazard of advancing monies...
The bearer Colo. Alexander McNat Now on his Way to Richmond—and from thence to Novascotia—Wishes to Call on you. He has in earlier Life—Seen much better Times. His Object in returning to Novascotia is To regain Possession of Property He has been disposs[ess]ed of by the Refugees. Republicanism increases in this Quarter. A Piece Signd Lycurgus —(Of Which You are Suspected to be the Author)—Is...
I have received your Letter of the12th. instt. In the Letter to which it was the answer, it was not my intention either to grieve you, or to threaten you with the loss of your visit to Washington, during the next vacation—It was only to encourage you by the success of your former exertions and to exhort you, by my own anxious wish for your own credit and reputation, to persevering and...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter in answer to my communication by Mr le Tombe— In pursuance of my intention to deliver a course of lectures upon Æconomicks, I applied to the Trustees of our university to establish a professorship to countenance my exertions and to extend the utility of my labours, but owing to the opposition of the professor of Chemistry , I am...
15965214th. (Adams Papers)
After several attempts to see Mr. van Berkel, he was at length found at home, and declined taking back the horse, though he de­ clared he had never discovered any fault in him. The son said he was sorry his father persisted in refusing. At about 4 afternoon I again mounted the horse, and rode him ten miles as far as Mr. Hall’s tavern, which is a very elegant one; and where I found Mr. de...
159653[Diary entry: 17 January 1786] (Washington Papers)
January 17th. Thermometer at 27 in the Morning—30 at Noon and 28 at N. Wind at No. West all day, and Cold. Thawed but little, altho’ it was clear. Employed as yesterday, in collecting Ice, but under many disadvantages, being obliged to go over to the Maryland shore and pick up the floating Ice in the River—which I was disposed to do, rather than run the risk of not laying up a store. Cornelius...
With very great sensibility I have recd the honor of your letter dated the 10th instt and consider the kind & obliging invitation to your House until suitable accomodations can be provided for the President as a testimony of your friendship & politeness; for which I shall ever retain a grateful sense—But if it should be my lot (for heaven knows it is not my wish) to appear again in a public...
12 October 1810, Detroit. Reports that [territorial secretary] Reuben Attwater recently demanded $205 in rent for the year 1809 for the farm that supports the Indian school at Spring Hill. Attwater also stated his intention to collect a proportional amount for the first ten months of 1810. Complains that the charging of rent violates the oral agreement he made with the U.S. government when he...
I have duly received your favor of the [13th. inst. and am?] sorry I cannot furnish you from hence with [what?] you desire, as it is lodged at Monticello, [where no other?] person can turn to it but myself. I will [keep it?] in mind, and on my first return [there endeavor?] to send it to you. I am with great esteem Sir your most obedt. servt. PrC ( MHi ); badly faded in part; at foot of text:...
You undoubtedly recollect the case of Mr Thomas Eldred. A long time ago he applied to the department of State to aid him in reclaiming property to a large amount, depending in the Courts of Spain, upon the question whether, or no he is a citizen of the United States. He writes that he has recently been informed that you had come to entertain some doubts of his being a citizen, & had instructed...
Copy: Library of Congress I have just received your Letter dated the 26th. past at L’Orient, acquainting me that you were at Nantes on the Sunday following in your Way to Madrid, and that you would wait there my Orders; for which I am sorry, as I have none to give you; having imagin’d from your former Letters that you were gone long since for America. I think you cannot do amiss in following...
I have received your favor of yesterday’s date, announcing the time of your departure; and sincerely wish that your Excellency, with the Troops under your Orders may have a safe and pleasant passage—I have the honor to be &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
ALS : American Philosophical Society La crainte que Le Capitaine John Paul Jones n’aye pas le moment de vous ecrire par ce courier J’ay L’honneur de vous Doner avis de Son arrivée en ce Port ou Il a amené une fregatte du Roy D’angleterre armé de 20. Canons qu’il a pris a La Mer apres une heure et Demy de Combat sanglant. J’ay L’honneur D’etre avec un Profond Respect Monsieur Votre tres humble...